IGDA - Student Groups**
Policy IGDA
Organized student groups and activities are an integral part of school life and may be formed and may function in the school setting to serve this purpose. All students, regardless of their ability levels, should be encouraged to take part in student groups and activities. An administrative regulation shall specify the criteria and procedures for the formation and conduct of district-sponsored and non-district sponsored related student groups and their use of district facilities.
All district-sponsored student groups that are regulated by Oregon School Activities Association (OSAA) must follow OSAA rules and guidelines. Students involved in those OSAA-regulated activities are subject to the rules and regulations of that organization.
Students groups not regulated by OSAA must follow district policy, administrative regulations and the district’s code of conduct.
The federal Equal Access Act prohibits discrimination against secondary school student-initiated and controlled groups which are:
- Of a political, philosophical or religious nature;
- Not directly related to the school curriculum and which meet before or after school hours.
These student group, though not district sponsored, shall have the same opportunity to use district facilities as other non-curriculum-related student groups, subject to the right and obligation of the district to maintain order and discipline on district premises, to protect the well-being of students and faculty and to ensure that participation by students is voluntary.
Eligibility to participate in contests and performances of school-sponsored student groups may be tied to progress toward high academic standards including monitoring of the participant’s grades and credits as well as assistance when ineligibility occurs due to lack of progress. An administrative regulation shall specify the criteria for eligibility.
OAR 581-021-0050
OAR 581-021-0055
Equal Access Act, 20 U.S.C. §§ 4071-4074 (2012).
Lamb’s Chapel v. Center Moriches Unified Sch. Dist., 508 U.S. 384 (1993).
Westside Cmty. Bd. of Educ. v. Mergens, 496 U.S. 226 (1990).
IB - Freedom of Expression
The District believes that student groups are an integral part of the educational program of the Beaverton School District. All student groups must apply to the school for recognition and are subject to the rules set forth in this regulation.
- Curriculum-related Student Groups - A student group or activity which is approved by the principal, is a District-sponsored curriculum related student group if:
a. The subject matter of a student group is actually taught or will soon be
taught in a regularly offered class; or
b. The subject matter of the group concerns the body of courses as a whole;
c. Participation in the group is required for a particular course; or
d. Participation in the group results in academic credit.
These groups are an extension of and supplement to the regular school curriculum.
2. Extracurricular Student Groups – A student group or activity that is
school-based but is not directly related to the curriculum. Extracurricular
student groups may be identified as service, honorary, and interest.
a) Service Groups. Groups designed to provide a genuine function of service
to the school and/or community. Such service activities should be more
than just token undertakings or superficial justifications for the functioning
of the club for social purposes.
b) Honorary Groups. Groups designed to grant membership to students on
the basis of special achievement in attaining openly published standards
in defined areas of school life.
c) Special Interest Groups. Voluntary student- organized groups which do
not have a religious or political purpose that may offer valuable experiences
supplementary to educational programs.
3. Non-District Sponsored Student Groups – A student group or activity that is
voluntary, student-organized, and may meet on school premises during
non-instructional time. These groups are not sponsored or endorsed by the
District and will not be supervised by district staff.
4. Non-Instructional Time – Time during the school day not devoted to classroom
instruction such as before school, after school (until the end of the school day)
and lunch time.
5. Supervision of Student Groups – For the purposes of this regulation, supervision
of a student group means advising and taking an active role in planning and
implementing the activities of the student group. All district sponsored student
groups must have a faculty advisor who fulfills this role.
6. Monitoring of student groups – For the purposes of this regulation, monitoring a
student group means being present at meetings on school premises for the
purpose of observation. Non-district sponsored student groups must have a staff
monitor. Monitors may not participate in, plan, or implement the activities of the
group that occur during the school day.
District Sponsored Student Groups shall include both curriculum related and extracurricular groups or activities. Curriculum related and extracurricular student groups will be organized, supervised activities conducted under the auspices or sponsorship of the District. The activities will take place on district property or a location approved by the District and will primarily involve students in other than classroom situations. Student Groups desiring status as a school-sponsored group must apply for this status and be approved by the building principal. Such groups must have a faculty advisor. School sponsored organizations may raise funds under the name of the school and must use student body accounts for group funds. Advisors of these groups may participate, direct, and organize the group.
All District-sponsored student groups shall be supervised by one or more faculty advisors who may take an active role in planning and implementing the activities of the group. At least one faculty advisor shall be present at all activities conducted by the student group. Such advisors may be paid or unpaid as required.
Volunteers who assist with group planning and activities shall be subject to successful completion of criminal record background checks according to Board policy.
a) Remain in attendance during the period of activity;
b) Maintain acceptable student behavior as described by the rules and
regulations of the building and the District;
c) Comply with all rules and regulations affecting a teacher in the District;
d) Exercise reasonable and prudent behavior;
e) Notify parent and/or student’s doctor in the event of an emergency. If the
parent and/or student’s doctor are unavailable, take the student to the
nearest emergency hospital and notify the parent as soon as possible.
If a district sponsored student group is unable to obtain a staff member to accompany the group, then the District will not be able to sponsor the event in question. Students may participate in the event as a non-district sponsored activity.
Non-District Sponsored Student Groups means voluntary student-organized groups that may meet on school premises during non-instructional time pursuant to the provisions of the Equal Access Act and to the terms of this regulation. Such groups are not endorsed by the District. The District merely provides the groups an opportunity to use district facilities to meet and organize activities. Examples of such groups include religious and political student groups, and those student groups who are not directly supervised by a faculty advisor. The fact that such groups are permitted to conduct meetings on district premises shall not constitute district endorsement of the purposes of such groups or the content of any of their meetings. Permission to use school facilities must be arranged through the building Principal.
The category of Non-District Sponsored Student Groups is not meant to include those groups referenced in Board Policy KG Community Use of District Facilities.
Financial, administrative, and insurance responsibilities for the non-district sponsored student group shall be the sole responsibility of the sponsoring organization and/or parent of the student participants.
Meetings of non-District sponsored student groups must be voluntary, student-initiated and directed. Non-district persons may not serve as advisors or monitors and may not direct, conduct, control or regularly attend the activities of such groups. A member of the District’s staff shall attend every meeting or activity of such group conducted on district premises to monitor activities. The group shall be responsible for obtaining a staff monitor for its meetings. If the group is unable to find a staff person to serve as a monitor, the District will make reasonable efforts to obtain a staff person for such purposes. Such monitors shall be unpaid. District employees present at religious group meetings shall attend such meetings only in a non-participatory capacity.
Students wishing to travel to competitions and/or other activities related to the purpose of the non-District sponsored group are permitted to do so. Because these activities are not school sponsored, District personnel shall not be involved in travel arrangements and/or supervision. Students and their families will also be responsible for excusing any absences from school in the manner prescribed by the school.
Use of the school or District name to identify non-District sponsored groups must include the following disclaimer: “The name of this group does not mean that the group represents the views of, or is sponsored by Beaverton School District or any of its individual schools.”
- Non Discrimination - Student groups may not discriminate on the basis of race, sex, religion, national origin or disability. The principal shall deny approval of any group whose purposes, qualifications for membership or proposed activities are unlawful.
- Lawful Purpose - Student groups and their members shall not engage in any activity which is contrary to law and shall comply with all policies, regulations and rules of the District. Student groups and their members shall not engage in any activity which causes or threatens danger to public order damage to school property or the health, safety or welfare of any students, staff or members of the public.
- Freedom of Assembly – Students may meet on school premises to express and espouse views in the exercise of their right of free expression under Board Policy IB - Freedom of Expression.
- Equal Access Act – The Equal Access Act, 20 USC 4071, requires that public secondary schools grant equal access to student groups wishing to meet for religious, political or philosophical purposes if the school allows other types of non-curriculum related student groups to meet on school premises during non-instructional times. The District shall comply with the Equal Access Act and all laws that impact student groups.
- Use of Facilities/Application for Recognition - Any student group seeking to meet on district premises as either a district sponsored or non-district sponsored student group shall submit a written request to the building principal on a form approved by the principal. Curriculum-related student groups may meet during instructional or non-instructional time as required. All other student groups, whether district sponsored or not, may meet on district premises during non-instructional times as long as designated by the principal. Applications shall include at least the following information:
- Name of the group;
- Name of the sponsoring adult club, or person, if any; for example: the Rotary or Kiwanis;
- The names of the student officers or organizing students and other members;
- Name of the faculty advisor or faculty/staff monitor;
- A general statement of the purposes of the group;
- A description of the qualifications for membership, if any;
- A statement that the organizing students have read, understood and agreed to comply with this regulation and all other applicable district policies, regulations and rules;
- copy of the group's constitution, if any;
- A proposed schedule of meetings and activities;
- Applications for curriculum related student groups must include a statement of the relation of the club to the regular school curriculum.
Review of Application – The principal shall review the application and such other information as the principal considers appropriate and shall approve or disapprove the group’s application for use of school facilities.
Appeal to Superintendent – The applicant may appeal the principal’s decision to the Superintendent or designee by written appeal submitted to the Superintendent within ten calendar days after receipt of the principal’s decision. The written appeal shall state the reasons for the appeal and shall include copies of the application and the principal’s decision. The Superintendent or designee shall issue a decision within 14 calendar days of receipt of an appropriate appeal application.
Appeal to Board of Education – The applicant may appeal the decision of the Superintendent or designee to the Board by written appeal submitted to the Board within ten calendar days after receipt of such decision. The written appeal shall state the reasons for the appeal and shall enclose a copy of the application, the appeal to the Superintendent and the decisions of the principal and the Superintendent. The Board shall notify the applicant of the date and time at which it will meet to render a decision. The Board may, at its discretion, permit the applicant to address the Board but is not required to do so. At the meeting the Board shall vote to affirm or reverse the decision of the Superintendent. The decision of the Board shall be final.
Revocation of Approval – the principal or Superintendent may revoke recognition of any student group and the student group’s approval to use school facilities at any time for good cause including, but not limited to, violation of this regulation or of any of the other policies, regulations or rules of the District and may subject the students involved to appropriate discipline. Such revocation may be appealed as provided above.
6. Disruption - Meetings and activities of student groups shall not be scheduled or
conducted so as to materially and substantially interfere with the orderly conduct
of educational activities within the District building. The building principal must
be assured that there will be no substantial disruption as a result of the activity.
7. Use of School Media and Distribution of Materials – Student groups may use
school media (e.g., bulletin boards, public address systems, student newspapers)
to announce their meetings and activities as determined by the principal. Any
materials prepared by or for a student group for distribution on district premises
shall comply with the policies and regulations of the District relating to the
dissemination of materials. Each school should have written procedures for
materials and poster review by the building administration. Posters that are
approved should be stamped “approved.” Advocacy posters may be displayed
in a curriculum forum (e.g. social studies). However, both sides of the issue must
be represented as per INB-AR. Materials or media announcements related to
non-sponsored student groups must include a disclaimer of school sponsorship or
The following applies to any student enrolled in a Beaverton School District options school/program, which does not offer an activity in which the student wishes to participate:
- The student may participate in the activity at his/her “home school”. The home school shall be determined by the location of the student’s legal residence within the attendance boundary of their neighborhood high school.
- If the activity in which the student wishes to participate is an OSAA activity, and the option school/program is a member of OSAA, a student may not participate in the activity at the home school.
- A transfer student residing outside of the Beaverton School District has the option of being assigned to a home school for the purpose of participating in activities. The District will assign a student requesting this option to a home high school.
- All OSAA rules apply to transfer students.
Room parties during school time are not permitted in grades 9-12. A maximum of three parties is permitted in grades K-8. Parties shall be scheduled to have a minimum effect on the regular instructional program. Any food served at parties will need to meet the nutritional guidelines stated in Wellness Policy EFA and EFA-AR
It shall be the policy of the District to encourage opportunities for public performances of students in those areas where performances are an outgrowth of a classroom learning situation or an accepted district-sponsored activity program. To protect the students from excessive demands upon their time, which might affect their academic performance, schools should consider the number of performances and the time commitment required of the students.
Academic or activity contests sponsored by school-related organizations may be promoted within the District at the discretion of the Superintendent.
Academic or activity contests sponsored by non-school organizations may be called to the attention of students but the school itself will not promote student participation in them.
All contests, practices, rehearsals, and other events will be canceled when schools are closed due to transportation hazards caused by inclement weather. The Superintendent may permit exceptions in consultation with the Administrators of schools, transportation and facilities. These exceptions may be based on weather conditions, safe travel to and from school, and safe access to the school’s facilities. Exceptions will apply to all, rather than individual schools.
When there is inclement weather during weekends, holidays and non-school days, principals, in consultation with their Regional Administrator and the Deputy Superintendent for Operations and Support Services, shall decide if the facility will close. If district transportation is involved, the Administrator for Transportation must be included in the principal’s final decision. Exceptions occur based on changes in weather conditions and safe travel to and from school. When an exception is made, participation will be optional. The director, coach or advisor will not give participants sanctions if they are unable to attend these events.
Cancellation of these events may be on a school-by-school basis.
Each high school will establish grade checks during the school year according to the following schedule:
Grade checks will take place at the end of the first six weeks of the first quarter, at the first quarter grade check, at the end of the first semester, and at the end of the third quarter. Athletic participants need to be passing all classes and have a 2.00 or higher GPA on the six-week progress report and at the end of the quarter.
Those who have not met the above standard will have a seven school day grace period to meet the standards. If at the end of the seven school day grace period, a participant not meeting the standard will be placed on academic ineligibility until the standards are met. It will be the responsibility of the participant to produce evidence that he/she is meeting the standards. Once the participant produces evidence that the standards are being met, he/she will become eligible immediately.
If a student received an “F” grade and/or falls below 2.00 GPA at the end of a semester, he/she is placed on probation for 15 school days. During this time he/she is allowed to practice and compete. On the 15th school day or sooner the student must show evidence that he/she is meeting the standards of a 2.00 GPA and passing all classes. If he/she is not meeting the standards, he/she is placed on academic ineligibility beginning with the 16th school day after the completion of the semester.
Grade checks will take place at the end of the first six weeks of the first, second and third trimesters. Athletic and activity participants need to be passing all classes and have a 2.00 or higher GPA on the six week progress report. Those who have not met the above standards will have a seven school day grace period to meet the standards. If at the end of the seven school day grace period, a participant not meeting the standards will be placed on academic ineligibility until the standards are met. It will be the responsibility of the participant to produce evidence that he/she is meeting the standards. Once the participant produces evidence that the standards are being met, he/she will become eligible immediately.
If a student receives an “F” grade and/or falls below a 2.00 GPA at the end of a trimester, he/she is placed on probation for 15 school days. During this time he/she is allowed to practice and compete. On the 15th school day or sooner, the student must show evidence that he/she is meeting the standards of a 2.00 GPA and passing all classes. If he/she is not meeting the standards, he/she is placed on academic ineligibility beginning with the 16th school day after the completion of the trimester.
Each high school will keep records of all students who are ineligible during grade checks. Each school will send a report listing names of ineligible students by grade, gender, activity, and/or sport to the Regional Administrator. This report will be sent by the seventh school day after each grade check.