IIA - Instructional Resources/Instructional Materials**
Policy IIA
While the Board retains the authority to approve district instructional materials adoptions, it authorizes the superintendent to develop and implement administrative procedures governing how selections are determined. Such procedures will provide for administrator, staff, parent, student and community involvement and employ suitable selection criteria to ensure that the recommended instructional materials will meet the needs of the program, students, teachers and community.
The district shall require the adopted instructional materials to be used in its schools at the beginning of the next school year following the state adoption, except when, the Board is authorized by the Superintendent of Public Instruction to postpone such use for a reasonable period of time.
Instructional material for purposes of Oregon law is defined as any organized system which constitutes the major instructional vehicle for a given course of study, or any part thereof. A major instructional vehicle may encompass such instructional items as a hardbound or a softbound book or books, sets or kits of print and non-print materials, such as electronic and internet or web-based materials or media.
Upon prior notice to the State Board of Education, the Board may adopt and use instructional materials in place of or in addition to those adopted by the State provided they meet the established guidelines and criteria by the State.
The Board shall adopt instructional materials for free use by all students enrolled in kindergarten through grade 12.
Instructional materials implement, enrich and support the educational program of the district. A wide range of instructional materials with diversity of appeal, points of view and levels of reading ability will be provided.
The selection of instructional materials shall implement the following objectives:
- To provide a comprehensive collection of instructional materials which will implement, enrich, support and extend the curriculum and encompass the varied interests and socio-economic backgrounds of the students, while ensuring materials are appropriate based on their age, abilities and maturity levels;
- To provide instructional materials which will stimulate growth in the areas of factual knowledge, critical thinking, literary appreciation and aesthetic values;
- To provide instructional materials that are representative of the contributions of all people, regardless of race, color, religion, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, national origin, citizenship, marital status, age, disability, familial status, appearance or source of income, and to identify, mitigate and/or eliminate culturally biased materials;
- To provide for coordination of instructional materials between and within elementary, middle and high schools;
- To provide instructional materials on controversial issues which will enable students to develop under guidance, critical analysis of media;
- To involve teachers, administrators, students, parents and citizens of the community in the development of criteria for the selection of instructional materials. Criteria developed by the district must not be in conflict with criteria approved by the State Board of Education;
- To provide procedures whereby parents and citizens of the community may question the use of particular instructional materials in the school.
The district will establish a process and timeline for regularly determining and considering whether the textbooks and other instructional materials are available through online resources that enable students with print disabilities to receive the textbooks and instructional materials free of charge.
Library media will be selected by the district librarians with input from the teaching staff. Recommended supplementary materials and library media resources will also be free of racial, national origin, religious, disability, age, marital status, sexual orientation, gender expression, gender identity or sexual bias; contain appropriate readability levels; support the district’s adopted curriculum content; provide for ease of teacher use; be attractive and durable and be purchased at a reasonable cost.
The superintendent is instructed to develop procedures to implement this policy.
ORS 336.035
ORS 336.840
ORS 337.120
ORS 337.141
ORS 337.150
ORS 337.260
ORS 337.511
ORS 339.155
OAR 581-011-0050 to 0117
OAR 581-021-0045
OAR 581-021-0046
OAR 581-022-2310
OAR 581-022-2340
OAR 581-022-2350
OAR 581-022-2355
Every Student Succeeds Act, 20 U.S.C. §§ 6311-6322 (2012).
INB - Studying Controversial Issues
KH - Public Gifts to the District
KL - Public Complaints
The School Board delegates the responsibility for selecting instructional materials for Board approval to the superintendent. The superintendent, or designee, shall be responsible for establishing the selection procedures, appointing appropriate committees, accepting recommendations from committees assigned to the task, and approving the final recommendation when instruction materials are to be approved by the Board.
Policy also states that teachers, administrators and residents of the community shall be involved in a process designed to ensure that each student will be educated to the fullest by means of a wide variety of materials which will be provided to meet curricular needs and the greatest possible diversity of student interests. To the extent possible, all instructional materials used as part of the educational curriculum of a student shall be approved by the Board and available for inspection by the parents or guardians of the student prior to their use.
"Instructional material for purpose of Oregon law is defined as any organized system which constitutes the major instructional vehicle for a given course of study, or any part thereof." OAR 581-011-0050. The district defines these materials as instructional content provided to the student through textbooks, supplemental texts and library books regardless of format, encompassing printed or representational, audiovisual, and electronic or digital materials. This includes books, periodicals, newspapers, pictures, videos, television recordings, internet sources, software, and audio recordings.
Instructional materials adopted and paid for by the District for use by all teachers with all students.
Instructional materials adopted and paid for by the district, in addition to the Core Adopted Instructional Materials. These may be adopted during the regular adoption window or adopted later in response to student performance data. These materials are selected by teachers for use based upon the needs of their students and their professional judgment.
Instructional materials selected by teachers for use in individual classrooms, in addition to the district-adopted instructional materials.
Materials selected will be carefully evaluated based on the following selection standards and guidelines. In most instances, the selected materials should meet a significant number of the criteria listed below, although a single resource need not meet all the criteria in order to be selected. Materials will be selected for their strengths rather than rejected for their weaknesses. These criteria apply to the selection of new materials for multiple school use, single school use and individual classroom and library use as well as materials donated to the district.
Standard 1: Materials shall be consistent with and provide both support and
enrichment for the district's general educational goals, its selected program
goals and the objectives of specific courses.
Standard 2: Materials shall meet high standards of quality in: factual content,
educational significance, readability, artistic quality and/or literary style
presentation, physical format and technical quality.
Standard 3: Materials shall be appropriate for the ability level, learning styles,
emotional and social development of the students for whom the materials
are selected.
Standard 4: Materials shall promote growth in factual knowledge and critical thinking.
Standard 5: Materials shall stimulate growth in the areas of literary appreciation, social
and aesthetic values and ethical standards.
Standard 6: Selected materials shall support a balanced approach to controversial
issues that will include representation of various points of view even when
those opinions represented are controversial. The inclusion of controversial
materials does not imply endorsement of the ideas by district personnel.
Standard 7: Materials shall represent the contribution of all people regardless of age;
gender; belief system (e.g., religious, spiritual, political, social); racial,
ethnic and cultural origin; socio-economic background, diverse ability or
Standard 8: Materials selected will be in compliance with all criteria and procedures as
outlined on OAR 581-011-0050 to -0119 and ORS Chapter 337.
As a part of the district's curriculum review process, a committee, hereby known as the project team, consisting of teachers, administrators, students, community members, and parents will be established. The Board shall affirm the list of members of the project team. The project team shall be given the charge to determine the necessary characteristics of instructional materials to be selected for a particular subject area of discipline. Such characteristics must be consistent with:
- Existing state and district board policies and administrative regulations
- State achievement standards for students
- The curricular and instructional philosophy of the district
- State and district selection criteria for instructional materials (see page 2)
- Any guidelines unique to the curricular area which are established through the review process by the project team
- The project team will oversee the review of available materials and recommend materials which meet the developed criteria;
- The materials under consideration shall be available for a period of time for interested residents to review, study and make suggestions if they wish. Comments and recommendations from community residents will be given thorough consideration by the project team. In addition, appropriate notices will be placed in district publications sent to area residents concerning the curriculum review process and timeline;
- The project team shall prepare a budget for purchase of the recommended materials. Costs shall reflect the per student expenditure needed to provide the materials that are essential, in line with the state recommendation. In the event that an independent adoption is recommended, the above detailed cost guidelines still apply.
- The deputy superintendent will review materials recommendations submitted by the above committee for recommendation to the Board.
- The Board will review, discuss and adopt the instructional materials to be used in schools during the ensuing adoption cycle for each curricular area;
- If applicable, the superintendent shall notify ODE within 30 days of the Board independently adopting instructional materials.
- Teachers will choose instructional materials for use from among the materials approved by the Board;
- Every student must have access to the adopted materials necessary for instruction and be able to access such materials at home as needed.
- Parents shall have access to all adopted instructional materials for review.
- The district may revise learning targets between state adoption years, prompted by changing state standards, emerging research, or program changes. Should the district find that adopted materials and staff development do not adequately facilitate student learning as evidenced by lack of achievement growth on state standards and district learning targets, the deputy superintendent for Teaching and Learning may:
- Authorize further data gathering and analysis.
- Authorize further targeted staff development.
- Form a committee to consider potential additional supplemental materials adoptions that address learning targets based upon data gathered and analyzed.
- Principals may delegate the responsibility of selecting library materials to district librarians who will accept input from faculty, students and parents. The district librarians shall select materials by examining literary reviews, lists of recommended books and standard bibliographic tools. The selection of library materials reflects the educational philosophy, instructional goals and the selection criteria for instructional materials. In addition, the district endorses the American Library Association Bill of Rights and the American Association of School Librarians statement of Access to Resource and Services.
- Principals are responsible to ensure that technological resources purchased are used in accordance with the "electronic Communications" guidelines provided in Board policy IIBGA and administrative regulation IIBGA-AR.
- Teachers may use their professional judgment to select additional learning materials in accordance with Selection Criteria for Instructional Materials contained within this document to supplement and enrich the instructional program.
- All Teacher-Selected Additional materials required by the teacher for student use shall be carefully previewed by the teacher to ensure the instructional value is appropriate to student age level and classroom subject matter. These materials must be used within legal copyright limits and publisher licensing agreements.
- Parents and guardians are to be informed of the use of supplementary materials, and to the extent possible, all supplementary instructional materials shall be available for inspection by the parents or guardians of the student prior to their use.
- When the proposed materials may conflict with district criteria, the teacher shall complete the following process:
- Submit a Teacher-Selected Additional Instructional Materials Approval Form to their principal or designee.
- If use of the additional materials is approved, the teacher will then inform parents/guardians regarding the intended use of these materials.
- If a parent/guardian opts their student out of the additional materials, the teacher shall provide alternative instructional materials for that student.
- The showing of movies and videos must be limited to specific educational purposes. A full-length or clip of a movie or video recording may only be shown in school if the content is relevant to the curriculum and specific educational objectives, is appropriate to the age and maturity of the students, is a productive use of class time and will not cause classroom disruption. For specific details, refer to the Guidelines for the Fair Use of Copyrighted Materials EGAAA AR.
- A movie or video recording with a G, TV-Y or TV-G rating may be shown to any grade (K-12) with teacher discretion. An alternative assignment must be provided for any student whose parent or guardian denies consent to view a film/video.
- Staff shall follow District Board Policy, INB - Studying Controversial Issues before requiring student use of controversial learning resources. PG, PG-13 and R rated films or film clips and TV-Y7, TV-PG, TV-14 and TV-MA television programs or program clips shall be considered controversial within the meaning of this policy and require prior approval of the principal and parent notification/permission according to the following guidelines:
- PG, PG-13 and R rated films/videos or TV-PG, TV-14 or TV-MA television programs shall be considered controversial at the elementary level
- PG-13 and R rated films/videos or TV-14 and TV-MA television programs shall be considered controversial at the middle level
- R rated films/videos or TV-MA television programs shall be considered controversial at the high school level
- X or NC-17 films/videos shall not be used in the Beaverton School District.
- Theatre Arts specialists will complete the Play Rationale/Comment Form and submit it and a copy of the script to the building principal prior to publicizing the production or casting.
- The building principal may review the rationale/comment form to identify evidence of educational value and any concerns about potential sensitivity of topics in the recommended piece in a timely manner determined by the building administrator and Theatre Arts specialist. If there is mutual agreement of support for the proposed play selection, the process should move ahead to step 4.
- The building principal and the Theatre Arts specialist may begin a dialogue regarding the educational value of the piece as well as discuss any concerns over its topic and/or content. If concerns exist, the building principal, in consultation with the Theatre Specialist, will invite others into the conversation to assist in the decision making process. Invitees could include representatives from Site Council, classroom teachers, the school neighborhood community, District Theatre Arts specialists, and others to be determined by the play selection team at the site. The outcome of the conversations would either be a recommendation to move forward with production, or a recommendation to make another choice of plays to perform. Ultimately, the principal will be responsible for the final decision.
- Theatre Arts specialists will publicly announce selected play titles two weeks prior to auditions and after step 2 or 3. In the absence of expressed concerns, play production will proceed. Should community members express concerns within that time frame, the site may decide to stop production planning and begin the collaboration process in step 3.
Although care is always exercised in selecting instructional materials, there will be occasions when a member of the community, staff or a district administrator may find certain classroom or library instructional materials inappropriate and wish to request a reconsideration of their use. In such an event, the concerned individual shall contact the teacher or librarian in an attempt to informally resolve the issue but should understand that under no circumstances should the materials in question be removed from circulation as a way to reach agreement.
If the concerned individual is not able to resolve the concerns informally with the teacher or librarian, they shall share their concerns with the building principal, but should understand that under no circumstances the materials should be removed from its intended use. The principal shall try to resolve the matter informally using the Instructional Materials Conversation Guide for Principals. The principal shall acknowledge receipt of all written or verbal requests for reconsideration of the use of instructional materials throughout the process.
If the concerned individual is not able to resolve the concerns with the principal, this formal process shall be followed:
- The concerned individual will complete the form for Request for Reconsideration of Library and/or Instructional Materials and submit it to the school principal. If the principal is raising the concern, he/she should also complete the form;
- The principal shall notify all staff members who are directly involved in the request
- The principal shall forward the “Request for Reconsideration of Library and/or Instructional Material” and other relevant documentation to the Administrator for Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment in Teaching & Learning;
- The principal and the Administrator for Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment shall ensure that the materials in question shall continue to be used for their designated purpose as originally intended until the formal procedure is complete.
- The Administrator for Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment shall notify the Deputy Superintendent of the request for reconsideration.
- The Deputy Superintendent will review the documentation to ensure that the steps have been followed. When this has been confirmed, the Deputy Superintendent will charge the Administrator for Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment to form and chair a committee to review the request for reconsideration. The Administrator for Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment will personally contact the individual requesting reconsideration to clarify the issue;
- Final action on a request shall be taken by the administration no later than 25 school days after the principal receives the completed "Request for Reconsideration of Library and/or Instructional Material";
- The individual making the request for reconsideration may withdraw the request at any time during the review process.
The Deputy Superintendent will charge the Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment Administrator to establish a review committee and serve as chair. The membership shall be representative of the school district by including teachers from the same grade level or subject at which the material(s) is being used, members of the community, parents, district librarians, and a principal(s). The committee may also include student(s). There will be an odd number of participants on the committee. The specific number of representatives from the various categories will be dependent upon the nature and use of the material in question.
- Committee members will receive copies of the completed Instructional Materials Conversation Guide for Principals and the Request for Reconsideration of Library and/or Instructional Material.
- The committee will meet in an open session.
- Opportunity shall be afforded the person(s) or group questioning the material to meet with the committee and to present their opinions. Committee members may ask the presenter(s) questions for the purpose of better understanding or clarifying their presentations.
- The committee will review the material in question and form opinions based on the material taken on a whole and not on passages taken out of context. The committee should take into account the applicable instructional objectives and materials selection criteria as well as the age and development of the students using the material.
- The committee will formulate their recommendations and prepare a written report for the Deputy Superintendent using the Instructional Materials Reconsideration Review Committee Report. This report will present both majority and minority opinions and include a recommendation to retain the material in its original location, to relocate the material to an advisory location, or to remove the material.
- If the majority report is supported by less than ⅔ of the committee, then the Deputy Superintendent shall convene a three person panel in Teaching & Learning of two executive administrators from the appropriate level and an Administrator for Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment.
Associated Documents
- Instructional Materials Conversation Guide for Principals
- Sample Letter to Parents Regarding Use of Film/Video
- Request for Reconsideration of Library and/or Instructional Material
- Play Selection Rationale/Comment Form
- Instructional Materials Reconsideration Review Committee Report
- Teacher Selected Instructional Materials Approval Form
Instructional Materials Conversation Guide for Principals
Choice reading is endorsed by the Beaverton School District as a key component of literacy and reading instruction. Student choice in reading materials is honored, with the understanding that parents have the final decision in what their child is reading. When instructional materials are challenged, the principles of the freedom to read, listen, and view will also be considered for all students.
- The goal is to resolve complaints informally whenever possible.
- Greet the person with a smile. Listen more than talk.
- Communicate an openness to receive inquiries and take any concern seriously.
- Acknowledge the individual's concern.
- As the parent, you are the most important teacher for your child.
- You have options. We will work with you to find an alternative.
- Talk about freedom of choice, the school's role in serving all people, and the responsibility of parents to supervise their own child's book use.
- Avoid giving personal opinions.
- Be prepared to explain the BSD procedures for registering a request for reconsideration.
enrichment for the district's general educational goals, its selected
program goals and the objectives of specific courses.
educational significance, readability, artistic quality and/or literary style
Standard 3: Materials shall be appropriate for the ability level, learning styles, emotional
and social development of the students for whom the materials are selected.
Standard 4: Materials shall promote growth in factual knowledge and critical thinking.
Standard 5: Materials shall stimulate growth in the areas of literary appreciation,
social and aesthetic values and ethical standards.
Standard 6: Selected materials shall support a balanced approach to controversial issues
that will include representation of various points of view even when those
opinions represented are controversial. The inclusion of controversial
materials does not imply endorsement of the ideas by district personnel.
Standard 7: Materials shall represent the contribution of all people regardless of age;
gender; belief system (e.g., religious, spiritual, political, social); racial, ethnic
and cultural origin; socio-economic background, diverse ability or disability.
Standard 8: Materials selected will be in compliance with all criteria and procedures as
outlined on OAR 581-011-0050 to -0119 and ORS Chapter 337.
Instructional Materials Conversation Guide for Principals
Type of material:
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Publisher or Producer:
Request Initiated by:
Email: |
Street Address:
Zip: |
Question/Discussion Prompts:
1. How was the item acquired by your child? (required reading, free choice selection, etc.)
2. Have you taken these concerns to the teacher? If yes, what resulted from this conversation?
3. Was an alternate choice of instructional materials given to your child?
4. How can we make sure your family’s needs are met for your child regarding instructional materials?
5. Have you seen or read this material in its entirety?
6. To what do you object and why?
Completed by principal:
Date: |
______ I am satisfied with the results of this conversation and my concerns have been resolved. ______ I would like to complete the Request for Reconsideration form to continue the process. Parent signature: Date:
Sample Letter to Parents Regarding Use of Film/Video
Dear Parent/Guardian:
We are currently studying ___________________ in ________________class. To enhance your student’s learning experience and understanding, I am planning to show the film/film excerpts from _____________________________ on ______________ [list date/dates].
The film is rated _____ due to ___________ [mention how the film was reviewed]. I believe in its learning value and assure you the film will be shown in appropriate context including discussion and activities before and after viewing. [Explain the learning goals this film or the specific scenes you plan to show will help you achieve.] The use of this film/excerpt has been reviewed and approved by our principal.
Please complete the form below authorizing or exempting your student from viewing by _______ [date].
Please email me regarding any questions or concerns.
Please return the form below only if you wish your student to be excused from participating in this part of the lesson. An alternative assignment will be given.
If you do not wish to have your student view this film, I will gladly provide a relevant and appropriate alternative assignment. Please email me regarding any questions or concerns.
Teacher Name
Email address
Please return form to school by [insert date] only if you deny permission for your student to participate.
Name of student: ______________________________
Film title: ______________________________________
Class: _________________________________________
I do not wish for my student to view the film/excerpts of the film and understand my student is responsible for completing an alternative assignment.
Signature of Parent or Guardian: ____________________________________ Date: _______________
Request for Reconsideration of Library and/or Instructional Material
Request for Reconsideration of Library and/or Instructional Material
Choice reading is endorsed by the Beaverton School District as a key component of literacy and reading instruction. Student choice in reading materials is honored, with the understanding that parents have the final decision in what their child is reading. When instructional materials are challenged, the principles of the freedom to read, listen, and view will also be considered for all students. |
School: |
Please check type of material:
Title: |
Author: |
Publisher or Producer: |
Request Initiated by: |
Phone: |
Email: |
Street Address:
Zip: |
Please respond to the following questions. |
1. How was the item acquired by the student? (required reading, free choice selection, etc.)
2. Did you take your concerns to the teacher? Yes / No
a. If so, on what date?
b. Summary of conversation:
3. Have you seen or read this material in its entirety? Yes / No If not, what sections did you review?
4. What do you believe is the main idea or purpose of this material?
5. Does the item include beneficial or informative sections? Yes / No If yes, please list:
6. To what do you object and why? Please cite evidence from the material:
7. What do you feel might be the result of a student using this material?
8. For what age group would you recommend this material?
9. What action are you requesting the committee consider?
10. What material do you recommend in its place that would provide information on the subject?
Date: |
Received by principal:
Date: |
Please return completed form to the school principal.
Play Selection Rationale/Comment Form
Play Selection Rationale/Comment Form
Theater Arts Specialist: |
Date: |
Title of selected work:
1. How does the selected play reflect your program's educational theatre philosophy?
2. How does the selected play meet the district adopted learning targets?
3. State the validity of the play as dramatic art.
4. Describe the theme(s) and the directorial concept of the production
5. Identify any props resembling weaponry and educational justification for the inclusion of item(s).
6. How is the material age appropriate for students?
7. Might the production be considered controversial? (Does it contain profanity, sexist, racist, liberal or conservative issues, infringe on the separation of church and state, or include controversial topics?)
Instructional Materials Reconsideration Review Committee Report
Instructional Materials Reconsideration Review Committee Report |
Committee Chair: |
Date: |
Committee Members:
Title of Material: |
Type of material: |
Title: |
Publisher or Producer: |
Has every member of the committee read the material in its entirety? If not, why?
Resources consulted (include policies, articles, reviews etc.):
Review Committee Recommendation |
Majority Report |
Number of committee members:
Justification and comments:
Minority Report |
Number of committee members: |
Justification and comments:
This report is forwarded to the Deputy Superintendent for Teaching & Learning.
Teacher Selected Instructional Materials Approval Form
This form must be completed and approved by your principal/designated school administrator prior to classroom use of supplemental materials conflicting with the II/IIA AR criteria for Instructional Materials.
The material will be used in this class: _____________________ Number of students: ______ Date material will be used in the class(es) _________________
Title: _________________________________________________________________
Author/Distributor/Publisher: ___________________________________________________ Copyright date: __________ |
Type of Material: ___Book ___Magazine/Newspaper ___Film/Video ___Audio ___Simulation ___Internet resource ___Television recording ___Other (describe)_______________________ Film/video/TV recording: _______Show in entirety _______# of minutes ______Rating _______ Excerpt shown _______# of minutes Book: _______Read entire book _______________ Reading selection(s) only, list page
Describe relationship to course objectives and curriculum and explain how you will incorporate this instructional material into your classroom activities:
Describe sensitive content:
I previewed the material completely and certify that this is a legally obtained copy that meets the Guidelines for the Fair Use of Copyrighted Materials EGAAA-AR. If available, reviews are attached. Teacher’s Signature: ____________________________ Date: __________
Approved for use on the dates above with the listed class(es).
Administrator’s Signature: ____________________________ Date: __________ |