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Beaverton School District
Beaverton School District

Beaverton Schools

JECC - Open Enrollment

Code:  JECC
Readopted:  1/14/13
Adopted:  5/23/94
Orig. Code(s):  5113

The district embraces a "success for all students" philosophy and is committed to a diversity of programs to meet the range of students' educational needs.  All schools are responsible for the Board-adopted educational outcomes, however, through site councils, variations in programs and instructional approaches are encouraged.  Given these differences, the Board supports the concept of open enrollment within the district and giving parents the opportunity to apply for admission to schools whose programs they feel will be best for their students.

In order for the district to maintain balanced enrollments and staffing among schools, commitments to attend any school should be for the entire academic year unless special circumstances are warranted.

While the Board and the community strongly support open enrollment within the district, they are equally supportive of the neighborhood school concept.

Approval of parent applications to openly enroll their child at a school outside the home attendance area is subject to:

A.   Sufficient space being available in the "receiving" school, as defined in the open
       enrollment Administrative Regulation JE-AR - Attendance;

B.    The terms and conditions defined in Administration Regulation JE-AR - Attendance;

C.    Entrance and space requirements for specialized programs;

D.   Absence of student recruitment or undue influence for athletic/activity purposes for
       students in grades 9-12 (OSAA Constitution and Rules).

The superintendent is responsible for the establishment of operational procedures (Administrative Regulation JE-AR - Attendance) to support the successful implementation of this policy.

A student who becomes a victim of a violent criminal offense, as determined by state law, while in or on the grounds of a school the student attends, or any student attending a district school that is identified by the Oregon Department of Education (ODE) as persistently dangerous, may transfer to a district school that has not been identified as persistently dangerous.

Additionally, as provided by ORS 329.485, the district may allow a student who has not met or has exceeded all of the state standards at grades 3, 5, 8 and 10 to attend another district school outside the student’s attendance area.

The district will provide transportation, as provided by Board policy EEA - Student Transportation Services.  That obligation will end at the completion of the school year for students transferring from a school identified as persistently dangerous, if the school from which the student has transferred is no longer identified as persistently dangerous.

Notice to parents of their right to request the transfer of their student as provided by this policy will be provided as required by law.

For parents whose applications for open enrollment or transfer have been approved, it shall be the district's intention to permit the student to remain through the remaining grade levels of that school without further application.


Legal References:

ORS 329.485
ORS 332.107
OAR 581-021-0045


No Child Left Behind Act of 2001, P.L. 107-110, Title I, Section 1116 and Title IX, Section 9532.

Elementary & Secondary Education Act (ESEA) Flexibility Waiver, July 18, 2012