Inclement Weather Information
The recommendation to delay or close school is based on the ability of:
- The district to operate school buses safely.
- Students and parents/guardians to drive safely.
- Students to walk to school or a bus stop safely.
- Employees to get to work safely.
Decisions about school closure or delayed start will typically be communicated to media outlets and posted on the district website, ParentSquare and social media by 5:30 a.m.
We encourage families to make transportation and attendance decisions for their children based on their own assessment of travel conditions at their locations.
When schools open on time, and buses are on snow routes:
Bus service will be provided to all in-district regular education and special education programs other than those listed below.
Bus service will not be provided to the following schools/programs:
- Arata Creek
- Bonny Slope Elementary
- Fanno Farmhouse THPRD
- Jenkins Estate THPRD
- McKinney-Vento and/or Newcomer students living outside BSD boundaries
- Nancy Ryles Elementary
- Oregon State School for the Deaf
- Parry Center at Edwards Elementary
- Portland Lifeworks
- Sato Elementary
- Serendipity
- Terra Nova Science & Sustainability program
- Tucker Maxon
- Wheatley
When schools open on a 2-hour delay, and buses are on snow routes:
All schools will open two hours later than regularly scheduled.
The following classes, programs and transportation are canceled:
- All Head Start classes
- Morning Little Warriors program
- All morning and afternoon pre-K classes, including Mustard Seed and THPRD
- All CTE Option Programs
- Terra Nova Science & Sustainability program
- All after-school programs
Bus service will not be provided to the following schools/programs:
- Arata Creek
- Beaverton Early Childhood Center (BECC); classes beginning prior to 1:00 p.m.
- Any student with a modified schedule; classes beginning prior to 12:00 p.m.
- Bonny Slope Elementary
- McKinney-Vento and/or Newcomer students living outside BSD boundaries
- Nancy Ryles Elementary
- Oregon State School for the Deaf
- Parry Center at Edwards Elementary
- Portland Lifeworks
- Sato Elementary
- Serendipity
- Tucker Maxon
- Wheatley
Bus service will be provided to the following schools/programs:
- All BSD in-district special education programs other than those listed above.
- Beaverton Early Childhood Center (BECC); classes beginning after 1:00 .pm.
- Full-day pre-K programs
- Full-day Preschool Promise at Elmonica Elementary School
- Special education students receiving services at Cascade Academy, Columbia Academy, Groner Elementary, Levi Anderson, Pacific Academy and Tigard Lifeworks
When weather conditions necessitate an early dismissal/closure of schools:
Families should refer to the district website, Parent Square, social media and local media for updates.
All daytime and evening activities/events will be canceled.
Buses will be on snow routes. Some regular stops may not be accessible because of snow and/or ice; in some cases, a stop may be moved from one route to another route for safety and efficiency. Stop information can be accessed at the Snow Routes webpage.
When all district schools and facilities are closed:
All daytime and evening activities/events will be canceled.
For schools/programs that do not receive bus service due to inclement weather, families have the following transportation options:
- They may elect to transport their child themselves and receive reimbursement from the BSD Transportation Department for mileage (at the district rate) to and from the program/school.
- They may contact Flat Cab (503-970-0033) or Broadway Cab (503-333-3333) and request a ride for their child. They need to ask for a district-approved driver. These cab companies are the only companies with arrangements to transport BSD students. The district will reimburse the cab fare when presented with a receipt. A receipt can be obtained from the driver.
Snow Routes
The BSD Transportation Department creates snow routes to facilitate student pickup/drop off on days when road conditions may be hazardous due to snow and/or ice. Some regular bus stops will not be available for students, and in some cases, entire routes may have to be canceled. We make every effort to provide transportation when possible and, in some instances, create new bus stops on main roads to pick up students residing in neighborhoods with difficult access for buses. Snow route information can be accessed on the Snow Routes webpage.