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Beaverton School District
Beaverton School District

Beaverton Schools

Technical Standards

The following documents are intended to introduce Architect/Engineering consultants to Beaverton School District's planning and construction philosophy and communicate fundamental policies, procedures, standards, and expectations for consultant services:

  1. BSD General Design Standards Introduction (May 2019)

  2. Beaverton School District Long Range Planning, much of the District's capital improvement program is tied to long range planning, demographic (student enrollment), and land acquisition functions.  For more information, go to the Long Range Planning webpage

  3. Educational Specifications, for the most current versions, contact your BSD Representative.

  4. Technical Standards Divisions 0-33, see below

The Technical Standards are intended to provide uniform and consistent quality standards for design and construction of all District facilities. They outline the minimum acceptable standards for products, materials, and systems used in all facility improvements, including new construction, renovation, remodeling, and maintenance.

The numbering for the Technical Stand​ards loosely follows current CSI Master Format. Under no circumstances are the Technical Standards to be used as unedited project specifications.

Beaverton School District seeks to procure products and materials through open, competitive bidding to the greatest degree possible. However, the District prefers known or proven products and materials to unknown or experimental ones. In December 2014, in accordance with ORS 279C.345, the School Board approved a list of brand name products that will be used throughout the District via School Board Resolution 14-494. Substitutions are not acceptable. However, if a product is specified with “or equal” then it is not a brand name product, and substitutes of equal quality may be acceptable pending pre-approval by the BSD. 

For an accessible format of these documents, please contact Facilities Development.

Phone: 503.356.4364  Email Facilities DEVELOPMENT Department