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Beaverton School District
Beaverton School District

Beaverton Schools

BEA-BSD Labor Negotiations

Beaverton School District (BSD) and Beaverton Education Association (BEA), the union which represents BSD’s teachers and other licensed staff, are currently negotiating an updated contract while staff continue to work under the terms of the existing 2021-2024 contract. 

The Oregon Employment Relations Board has assigned a state mediator to assist BSD and BEA in coming to an agreement. The teams met with the mediator on January 7. A sidebar session without a mediator is scheduled for January 23. The next mediation is scheduled for January 28.

We invite you to review a side-by-side comparison of the proposals put forth by BSD and BEA further down on this webpage. In addition, we encourage you to learn more about the key issues at the center of this negotiation: compensation, benefits and working conditions.

BSD is committed to achieving a resolution that supports educators, provides long-term sustainability for our schools and keeps our students at the forefront of every decision. We will continue to be transparent and provide regular updates on the progress of negotiations.

How do BSD and BEA Compensation Proposals Compare? 

Currently, the District is proposing a cost-of-living salary increase (COLA) of 13% over three years for an average of 4.3% per year. BEA is proposing a 13% COLA increase over two years, 6.5% per year. These salary increases are in addition to the raises for experience (called step increases) that teachers already receive each year until they reach the top of the salary scale. 

To understand more about how much teachers and other licensed staff are currently paid and how those salaries compare to other districts, please review our Compensation webpage.

BSD vs BEA COLA Proposal

  Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
BSD 4.25% 4.25% 4.5%
BEA 6.5% 6.5% -

What are the Key Issues?

Students with chromebooks




Kids in the hallway




Female students with Chromebooks




Compensation Proposals

Current as of January 7, 2024

Article 18: Salaries


BSD has proposed increasing teacher salaries by 13% over 3 years with cost-of-living increases (COLAs) of 4.25%, 4.25% and 4.5%.

The district’s proposed salary increases are comparable to raises being given by other metro area school districts and keep Beaverton teachers’ salaries among the highest in the state

These raises would apply to all licensed educators, in addition to the approximate 4% step increases educators receive each year until they reach the top of the salary scale. BSD administrators receive the same COLAs as teachers and do not have step increases.

Total cost increase over first 2 years: $39.9 million


BEA has proposed increasing teacher salaries by 13% over 2 years with cost-of-living increases (COLAs) of 6.5% and 6.5%.

BEA’s current proposal would cost half again as much as the district’s current proposal over the first two years. The $21.6 million cost difference is equivalent to the cost of 11 school days or employing 150 teachers for a year.  

Total cost increase over first 2 years: $61.4 million

Article 19: Health Insurance


BSD has proposed increasing the district’s monthly contribution toward each licensed employee’s health insurance by $75 in Year 1 (starting after the agreement is approved), $130 in Year 2 and $100 in Year 3. 

The district’s proposal would make 3 of the 8 available plan options free to employees this year at current monthly premium rates. 

The teams have agreed to clarify contract language that has created confusion regarding the process for selecting insurance plan options.

Total cost increase over first 2 years: $7.6 million


BEA has proposed increasing the district’s monthly contribution toward each licensed employee’s health insurance by $75 in Year 1 (retroactive to July 1), and $130 in Year 2. 

The union’s proposal also would make 3 of the 8 available plan options free to employees this year at current monthly premium rates. 

BEA’s current insurance proposal would cost $1.4 million more than the district’s current proposal over the first two years. The difference is equivalent to the cost of most of one school day or employing 10 teachers for a year.  

Total cost increase over first 2 years: $9 million 

Proposals on Other Topics

Current as of January 7, 2024

Article 1: Status of Agreement


Span of Contract: The district proposes a 3-year contract through June 2027. Bargaining for the next agreement would begin in early 2027.


Span of Contract: The union proposes a 2-year contract. Bargaining for the next agreement would begin in early 2026, just over a year from now.

Article 8: Employee Rights & Responsibilities


Property Damage: BSD has agreed to expand the conditions under which the district would pay for damage to employees’ personal property to include any intentional act of destruction but not accidental damage from students. 

Personal Life: BSD is willing to add a section stating an employee’s personal life is not a concern of the district, unless it interferes with or is related to their work. 

Following Policies and Standards: The teams have agreed to retain current contract language about academic freedom. In previous proposals, responding to the union’s proposal to eliminate the requirement that teachers adhere to state standards, district policies and learning targets, the district had proposed adding mention of some of the other policies that teachers are expected to follow. 

Physical Environment: The district has agreed to add a statement that the district follows state and federal regulations regarding workplace safety and environmental concerns, including heat and air quality, and add contract language about communication and resolution of any issues. The teams are approaching agreement but have not yet agreed on all of the language. 


Property Damage: BEA has proposed that the district pay for any damage to employees’ personal property, whether deliberate or not. Current contract language provides for reimbursement only when property is damaged by an assault on the employee’s person.  

Personal Life: BEA has proposed adding a section stating an employee’s personal life is not a concern of the district.

Following Policies and Standards: The teams have agreed to retain current contract language about academic freedom. BEA had previously proposed a language change to state that teachers may individually decide on instruction methods and materials except where they are controlled by state or federal mandate, eliminating the stipulation that teachers must follow Oregon state standards, district learning targets, and board policies and administrative rules. 

Physical Environment: BEA previously had proposed adding a section to the contract stipulating specific responses to building issues including specific temperatures and timelines, to which the district did not agree; significant issues are rare and each set of circumstances is unique.

Other Topics: The teams have reached agreement on some additional language changes in Article 8, including evaluation of students, delivering criticism of employees, non-discrimination grievances, reporting cases of harm to employees, physical intervention and job descriptions.

Article 10: Professional Working Conditions


Class Sizes and Caseloads: BSD and BEA agree that class sizes and caseloads are important, and have agreed on a process for the union to provide more input on decisions about staffing allocations for class sizes and caseloads. 

Specialist Caseload Caps: BSD has responded that class size and caseload caps are not affordable or sustainable, and the district does not agree to lock in caps in contract language. Keeping class sizes and caseloads as small as possible given available resources is a priority for the district. However, maintaining flexibility and the ability to make management decisions about staffing ratios and caseloads is essential, especially in more difficult economic times.  

Plan Time: BSD currently provides a far greater amount of contractually guaranteed planning time than other metro area school districts. Additional minutes or limits around the use of plan time restrict schools’ ability to meet the needs of students. The district does not agree to increase the amount of contractually guaranteed planning time. 

Flexible Schedules: The district has proposed to clarify in contract language that employees must have their supervisor’s approval to change their daily schedules on a regular or frequent basis. Supervisor approval is not required for licensed staff to make occasional reasonable adjustments to their schedule to meet professional obligations and personal needs. 

Committee and Staff Meetings: The teams are discussing adjustments to contract language about school committees and staff meetings, but have not yet agreed on specific language.  

Bell Schedule and Classload Restrictions: The district does not agree to change the contract to limit the bell schedule used and to reduce the number of class periods teachers may teach, which would require adding teachers or increasing class sizes. 


Class Sizes and Caseloads: BSD and BEA agree that class sizes and caseloads are important, and have agreed on a process for the union to provide more input on decisions about staffing allocations for class sizes and caseloads. 

Specialist Caseload Caps: BEA has proposed setting hard limits on caseloads for special education teachers and speech language pathologists. This would require the district to hire more staff in these hard-to-fill positions, and send students to different schools/programs if one too many students enroll. BEA previously also had proposed paying teachers extra for classes over a certain size and setting hard caps on caseloads in additional areas. 

Plan Time: BEA has proposed changing the guaranteed amount of planning time in teachers’ schedules from a weekly average to a weekly minimum. They also have proposed increasing the guaranteed amount of planning time for elementary single-subject specialists like PE teachers and counselors to the same amount provided for classroom teachers, who teach all subjects. Implementing this proposal would require hiring additional staff.  

Flexible Schedules: The teams are discussing clarifying that employees must check with their supervisor for approval to change their schedules on a frequent or recurring basis, but have not yet agreed on specific contract language. 

Committee and Staff Meetings: The teams are discussing adjustments to contract language about school committees and staff meetings, but have not yet agreed on specific language.  

Bell Schedule and Classload Restrictions: BEA has proposed adding language that teachers would not teach more than five instructional courses per A/B-day cycle. This would reduce the number of class periods some teachers teach, which would require adding teachers or increasing class sizes. It also would lock the current school schedule into contract language.

Article 11: Work Year


Schedule of Staff Development Days: BSD has proposed allowing staff development days to be scheduled differently, without any reduction in the current amount of teacher-directed planning time, if the district had a late-start or early-release school schedule. This is not a late-start/early-release plan but a provision that would enable one to be developed in the future in order to provide focused time for staff development and collaboration to support students. 

Professional Development: The district has proposed allowing more professional learning on staff development days by specifying that the 4 hours of the day dedicated to administrator-directed professional development and collaboration may include a working lunch rather than limiting PD to 3-½ hours. 


Schedule for Professional Development Days: BEA proposes to allow the schedule of staff development days to shift only if at least half of any late-start or early-release periods were dedicated to additional individual teacher planning time. 

Professional Development: The union has not agreed to any changes in the balance of time on staff development days. 

Appendix C Extended Responsibilities


Appendix C outlines compensation for a variety of extended duty responsibilities, to be paid if and when these roles are assigned at a school. BSD does not agree to BEA’s proposal that the district fund every extended-duty assignment listed in Appendix C. 


BEA has proposed that the district compensate staff members for every extended-duty assignment listed in Appendix C. Currently, schools decide on activities and extended duty roles based on student and community needs, school and district priorities and available funding. 

Appendix G Student Conduct Plans


Appendix G is associated with Article 9. BSD presented proposed updates to Appendix G on May 16. 


Article 9 was tentatively agreed on November 22, but the associated Appendix G was not agreed to at the same time. 



BSD does not agree to add a section about a single school to the contract for all licensed staff nor to permanently provide for a single group of licensed employees to work from home.  


BEA has proposed adding an article to the contract that would permanently provide for a single group of licensed employees — teachers currently assigned to work at FLEX Online School — to work from home. 

Extra Duty Stipends


BSD and BEA are discussing establishing consistent stipends for certain extra-duty assignments — including special education facilitator, school testing coordinator, school TAG coordinator, high school activities director and others — but have not yet agreed on the detailed list.


BSD and BEA are discussing establishing consistent stipends for certain extra-duty assignments — including special education facilitator, school testing coordinator, school TAG coordinator, high school activities director and others — but have not yet agreed on the detailed list.

Tentative Agreements


The teams have tentatively agreed on changes to Article 2 Association Rights & Responsibilities; Article 4 Grievance Procedures; Article 5 Just Cause; Article 6 Employee Performance Complaints; Article 7 Temporary & Part-Time Employees; Article 9 Safe Learning Environment; Article 12 Transfers & Vacancies; Article 13 Layoff & Recall; Article 14 Job-Related Injury or Quarantine; Article 15 Paid Leaves of Absence; Article 16 Unpaid Leaves of Absence; Article 17 Tuition Reimbursement; Appendix B Grievance Record; Appendix F Contract Signoff; and Appendix J Transfers & Vacancies. 

Decorative line

2024 Bargaining Teams

BSD Team

  1. Susan Rodriguez, Chief Human Resource Officer
  2. Michael Schofield, Associate Superintendent of Business Services
  3. Janine Mobley, Executive Administrator for Human Resources
  4. Erica Marson, Executive Administrator for Human Resources
  5. Curtis Semana, Executive Administrator for Human Resources
  6. Matthew Casteel, Aloha High School Principal
  7. Johanna Castillo, Meadow Park Middle School Principal
  8. Laurie Huntwork, Jacob Wismer Elementary Principal
  9. Veronica Galvan, Administrator for Curriculum, Instruction & Assessment
  10. Shirley Valladares, Assistant Administrator for Special Education
  11. Karen Perez, School Board Chair
  12. Michelle Fowles, Human Resources Supervisor
  13. Brian Hungerford, Hungerford Law Firm Partner

BEA Team

  1. Lindsay Ray, BEA President
  2. Katie Lukins, BEA Vice President
  3. Emily McCann, BEA UniServe Consultant
  4. Robert Young, OEA
  5. Sara Whelan, OEA Statewide Organizing Coordinator
  6. Suzanne Albrich, Cooper Mountain Elementary Teacher
  7. Julia Barto, Fir Grove Elementary Teacher
  8. Amy Borlaug, Five Oaks Middle School Teacher
  9. Lora Dee, Sexton Mountain Elementary Teacher
  10. Alysoun Lowe, International School of Beaverton Teacher
  11. Elizabeth Lynch, Scholls Heights Elementary, Teacher
  12. Adam Oyster-Sands, Westview High School Teacher
  13. Janine Weir, Merlo Station Campus Teacher

Bargaining Sessions & Recaps