Code of Professional Conduct
For All Beaverton School District Employees and Substitutes
This constitutes official annual notice.
Revised July 2023
District Goal: WE empower all students to achieve post-high school success.
The Beaverton School District recognizes the diversity and worth of all individuals and groups. It is the policy of the Beaverton School District that there will be no discrimination or harassment
of individuals or groups based on race, color, religion, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, national origin, marital status, age, veteran status, genetic information or
disability in any educational programs, activities or employment
- I. Employee Conduct and Responsibility
- II. The Ethical Educator
- III. Human Relations
- IV. Employee Attendance
- V. Non-Discrimination
- VI. Employee Discrimination Complaints
- VII. Sexual Harassment
- VIII. Employee Relationships
- IX. Workplace Harassment
- X. Hazing/Harassment/Intimidation/Bullying/Menacing
- XI. Alcohol/Controlled Substance Use
- XII. Drug Free Workplace
- XIII. Child Abuse: Prevention
- XIV. Reporting of Sexual Conduct with Students
- XV. Beaverton Schools Reporting Procedues
- XVI. Child Abuse Prevention Training
- XVII. Smoking on School Premises
- XVIII. Equal Employment Opportunity
- XIX. Spills of Blood and Body Fluids (Mandatory Notice)
- XX. Workers’ Compensation
- XXI. Studying Controversial Issues
- XXII. Use of District Technology and Communication Services
- XXIII. Staff Ethics and Employee Conflicts of Interest
- XXIV. Staff Religious Dress
- XXV. Receipt of Gifts, Entertainment, Food, or Honorarium
- XXVI. Tutoring for Pay and Respite Care
- XXVII. Criminal History Records Check/Fingerprinting
- XXVIII. Americans with Disabilities Act
- XXIX. Reasonable Accommodations Related to Pregnancy
- XXX. Expression of Milk in the Workplace
- Appendix 1: Staff/Student Boundaries
I. Employee Conduct and Responsibility
I. Employee Conduct and Responsibility:
All employees shall also be expected to:
- Use time during working hours and during time on authorized leave for the intended purpose;
- Maintain appropriate relationships with students and staff and not use such relationships for private advantage;
- Distinguish between personal views and those of the District to avoid misrepresentation of the District;
- Influence professional colleagues without coercion;
- Represent their own professional qualifications in a true and accurate manner;
- Perform in accordance with the employee’s current position description, performance goals and authorized directives from supervisory authority;
- Perform all duties and responsibilities with reasonable care and at a level which is generally recognized in the profession as reasonably adequate and efficient under similar circumstances;
- With respect to probationary and temporary personnel, perform at a level which, in the judgment of the District, demonstrates that consideration of continued employment, renewal of contract or election to contracted status, as the case may be, is justified; and
- Use District vehicles/property for personal use only with expressed permission.
- Use appropriate volume, tone and emotional control during verbal communications. Employees shall refrain from using profane language, offensive gestures, racial slurs, threatening comments or actions. Written communication shall similarly be professional in tone and will not contain profanity or threats and will adhere to all district policies pertaining to discrimination, harassment and bullying.
- Properly care for and protect district property issued ro them (e.g. laptops, badges, keys, etc.). Employees will be responsible for the replacement of district property that is lost, stolen, or falls into disrepair because it has not been cared for properly.
II. The Ethical Educator
II. The Ethical Educator/Employee – See OAR 584-020-0035
The ethical educator/employee is a person who accepts the requirements of membership in the teaching profession or education industry and acts at all times in ethical ways. In so doing the ethical educator/employee considers the needs of the students, the District, and the profession.
- The ethical educator/employee, in fulfilling obligations to the student, will:
- Keep the confidence entrusted in the profession as it relates to confidential information concerning a student and family;
- Refrain from exploiting professional relationships with any student or staff member for personal gain, or in support of persons or issues;
- Maintain an appropriate professional student-teacher or coworker relationship by:
- Not demonstrating or expressing professionally inappropriate interest in a student’s personal life;
- Not accepting or giving or exchanging romantic or overly personal gifts or notes with a student or coworker;
- Reporting to the educator’s supervisor if the educator has reason to believe a student is or may be becoming romantically attached to the educator; and
- Honoring appropriate adult boundaries with students in conduct and conversations at all times.
- The ethical educator/employee, in fulfilling obligations to the District, will:
- Apply for, accept, offer, or assign a position of responsibility only on the basis of professional qualifications, and will adhere to the conditions of a contract or the terms of the appointment;
- Conduct professional business, including grievances, through established lawful and reasonable procedures;
- Strive for continued improvement and professional growth;
- Accept no gratuities or gifts of significance that could influence judgment in the exercise of professional duties; and
- Not use the District’s or school’s name, property, or resources for non-educational benefit without approval of the educator’s supervisor or the appointing authority.
- The ethical educator/employee, in fulfilling obligations to the profession, will:
- Maintain the dignity of the profession by respecting and obeying the law, exemplifying personal integrity and honesty;
- Extend equal treatment to all members of the profession in the exercise of their professional rights and responsibilities; and
- Respond to requests for evaluation of colleagues and keep such information confidential as appropriate.
III. Human Relations
III. Human Relations – **See Employee Expectations and Responsibilities – Board Policy GABA
The District is deeply committed to the continuing development and maintenance of a community in which the individual dignity and potential of each of its students, staff and community members is given full respect, recognition, and encouragement. It is dedicated to creating an environment in which all may study and work securely and productively in an atmosphere characterized by civility and openness. The District shall provide an atmosphere in which students and staff develop attitudes that reflect:
- Respect for one’s self and others;
- Respect for all persons despite differences including race, color, religion, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, national origin, citizenship, marital status, age, disability, familial status, appearance or source of income;
- Respect for cultural differences;
- Respect for economic, political and social rights of others; and
- Respect for the rights of others to seek and maintain their own identities.
IV. Employee Attendance
IV. Employee Attendance
Reliable employee attendance is critical to operations. All personnel are expected to come to work regularly and as scheduled, missing no more than one day per month worked, on average, due to sickness, and if needed, using no more than the other leave days provided in the employee’s employment agreement, except in the case of days missed due to disabilities or other serious medical conditions documented by health care professionals. Deductible time may not be taken without management and Human Resources approval, suitable coverage and must not create operational impact.
All personnel are required to follow proper absence reporting procedures based on the position and work location. Excessive absences or unauthorized/improper use of leave, or failing to follow proper absence reporting procedures, will subject the employee to disciplinary action up to and including termination. This attendance policy will be strictly enforced.
V. Non-Discrimination
V. Non-Discrimination – *See Board Policy AC
The Beaverton School District recognizes the diversity and worth of all individuals and groups. It is the policy of the Beaverton School District that there will be no discrimination or harassment of individuals or groups based on an individual’s actual or perceived race, color, religion, sex , sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, national or ethnic origin, marital status, age, mental or physical disability, pregnancy, familial status, economic status or veteran status or because of the perceived or actual association with any other persons within these protected classes.
VI. Employee Discrimination Complaints
VI. Employee Discrimination Complaints - *See Board Policies GBN/JBA, GBNA and JFCF
For prompt and equitable resolution of student and employee complaints alleging discrimination, please refer to Administrative Regulations AC and KL. For information on harassment complaint procedures, please refer to Administrative Regulations GBN/JBA, GBNA or JFCF and KL.
VII. Sexual Harassment
VII. Sexual Harassment – *See Board Policy GBN/JBA and Appendix 1: Staff/Student Boundaries
The Board is committed to the elimination of sexual harassment in District schools and activities. Sexual harassment, sexual discrimination and sexual assault are strictly prohibited and will not be tolerated. This includes sexual harassment of students or staff by other students, staff, Board members or third parties.
You are strongly encouraged to refer to Board Policy GBN/JBA regarding sexual harassment. Generally, sexual harassment is defined as unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, or other visual, verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature when submission to such conduct is made either explicitly or implicitly a term of employment, submission to, or rejection of, the conduct affects employment opportunities, or the conduct interferes with an employee’s work or creates an intimidating, hostile or offensive work environment.
The District is committed to taking reasonable steps to prevent harassment from occurring and will take immediate and appropriate action when we know that unlawful harassment has occurred. To do this, however, we need the cooperation of all employees at all levels. All complaints about behavior that may violate Board policy and/or Title IX will be promptly investigated. Each employee must promptly report any offending behavior to the building principal, Title IX officer, or superintendent, who has overall responsibility for all investigations.
Employees in violation of this policy shall be subject to discipline, up to and including dismissal and/or additional sexual harassment awareness training, as appropriate. Licensed staff, staff registered with the Teacher Standards and Practices Commission (TSPC) and those participating in practicum programs, as specified by Oregon Administrative Rules, shall be reported to TSPC.
Neither the district or any person may retaliate against an individual for reporting, testifying, providing evidence, being compliant, otherwise participating or refusing to participate in any investigation or process in accordance with this procedure. When a person who may be affected by policy GBN/JBA files a complaint or otherwise reports behavior that may violate the policy, the district shall provide written notice to all parties involved.
VIII. Employee Relationships
VIII. Employee Relationships
The District is committed to providing equal employment opportunities to its employees. Intimate relationships have the potential to interfere with the District’s ability to provide equal employment opportunities, and in some instances, may constitute sexual harassment or other unlawful discrimination.
The District strongly discourages an intimate relationship between a supervisor/manager or those in a professional supervisory relationship and an employee.
If an intimate relationship between a supervisor/manager and an employee should develop, it shall be the responsibility and mandatory obligation of the supervisor/manager to promptly disclose the existence of the relationship to the Chief Human Resource Officer. Such employees may not remain in a professional supervisory relationship or in positions where one individual may affect the terms or conditions of employment of other employees and may result in a
separation of employment if another available and suitable position cannot be found.
For the purposes of this policy, an individual has “professional supervisory responsibility” for another individual if he or she performs functions including, but not limited to, supervising, evaluating, hiring, coaching, counseling, recommending, advising, or involvement in decision-making that confers benefits such as compensation, promotions, or other remuneration or that may impact upon other employment opportunities.
If you have any question as to what is appropriate, contact the Chief Human Resource Officer.
IX. Workplace Harassment
IX. Workplace Harassment - *See Board Policy GBEA
All District work environments should be free from any form of harassment, including sexual harassment. Any district employee who believes they have been a victim of workplace harassment may file a report with the district employee designated in GBEA-AR (*not yet published as of June 2023), may file a report through the Bureau of Labor and Industries
(BOLI) complaint resolution process or under any other available law.
“Workplace harassment" means conduct that constitutes discrimination prohibited by ORS 659A.030 (discrimination in employment based on race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, marital status, age, or expunged juvenile record).
All incidents of behavior that may violate this policy shall be promptly investigated. Any person who reports workplace harassment has the right to be protected from retaliation.
It is the intent of the district that appropriate corrective action will be taken by the district to stop workplace harassment, prevent its recurrence and address negative consequences. Staff members in violation of the policy shall be subject to discipline, up to and including dismissal.
X. Hazing/Harassment/Intimidation/Bullying/Menacing
X. Hazing/Harassment/Intimidation/Bullying/Menacing – *See Board Policy GBNA and JFCF
The Board is committed to providing a safe, positive and productive learning and working environment. As provided in Board Policy GBNA and JFCF and the Oregon Safe Schools Act, hazing, harassment, intimidation, menacing or bullying by students, staff or third parties is strictly prohibited and shall not be tolerated in the District or while on District business or activities. All staff are obligated to report violations of these policies to their supervisor.
Staff whose behavior is found to be in violation of this policy will be subject to discipline, up to and including dismissal. Certified staff will be reported to Teacher Standards and Practices Commission, as provided by OAR 584-020-0041.
XI. Alcohol/Controlled Substance Use
XI. Alcohol/Controlled Substance Use – *See Board Policy GBCBA
The following conduct is strictly prohibited and will subject an employee to immediate discipline, up to and including termination:
- Being under the influence or using, possessing purchasing, distributing, dispensing or manufacturing alcohol and/ or drugs while on school premises, in District-owned or District-approved vehicles, at District-sponsored or District-approved activities or events or otherwise engaged in District business; and
- Reporting to work or attending school, school functions or other activities while under the influence of alcohol or drugs. An individual shall be considered to be “under the influence” when, in the District’s determination, the controlled substance impairs the individual’s ability to safely and efficiently function (i.e., perform assigned work, engage in learning and acceptable behavior, provide a positive role model) or brings discredit to the District.
- Possessing any drug paraphernalia on District property or in District vehicles or equipment. Drug paraphernalia includes, but is not limited to, electronic cigarettes, electronic hookahs and other vapor emitting devices.
For the purpose of this section, “District business” includes professional conferences and travel taken as a representative of the District.
If the District has reasonable grounds to believe that an employee is under the influence of intoxicants, including alcohol or any controlled substance, the District may require the employee submit to immediate testing by trained medical personnel. Refusal to submit immediately to such tests may result in disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal.
“Reasonable grounds” may include, but are not limited to, such things as slurred speech, dilated pupils, peculiar odors and unsteady balance.
The District reserves the right, with prior notice and reasonable suspicion, to conduct searches on district property of employees and/or their personal property which is on the District’s premises.
The District also reserves the right, with prior notice and reasonable suspicion, to conduct searches of District property, vehicles or equipment at any time. A refusal to submit to a search may result in disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal.
XII. Drug Free Workplace
XII. Drug-Free Workplace – *See Board Policy GBEC
No employee shall unlawfully manufacture, distribute, dispense, possess or use on or in the workplace any narcotic drug, hallucinogenic drug, amphetamine, barbiturate, marijuana or any
other controlled substance or alcohol.
“Workplace” is defined to mean the site for the performance of work done in connection with a federal grant or contract. That includes any school building or any school premises; any schoolowned vehicle or any other school-approved vehicle used to transport students to and from school or school activities; off school property during any school-sponsored or school-approved activity, event or function, such as a field trip or athletic event, where students are under the jurisdiction of the school District where work on a federal grant is performed.
Each employee shall notify their supervisor of their conviction of any criminal drug statute, as defined above, no later than 5 days after such conviction and shall abide by the terms of this school District policy establishing a drug-free workplace.
Reasonable suspicion by the District of employee use of a controlled substance or alcohol shall be based upon any of the following:
- Observed abnormal behavior or impairment in mental or physical performance (for example, slurred speech or difficulty walking);
- Direct observation of use in the workplace;
- The opinion of a medical professional;
- Reliable information concerning use in the workplace, the reliability of any such information shall be determined by the employer; and
- A work-related accident in conjunction with a basis for reasonable suspicion as listed above.
Rules related to a specific statute or rule may be applicable and shall supersede the above.
Sanctions against employees, including non-renewal, suspension and termination, shall be in accordance with prescribed school District administrative regulations and procedures.
XIII. Child Abuse: Prevention
XII. Child Abuse – Prevention – *See Appendix 1: Staff/Student Boundaries
All employees must report or cause a report to be made when there is reasonable cause to believe that a child has been abused (ORS 339.388 and 419B.010). Failure to report may be considered a Class A violation resulting in a fine of up to $2000.00 (ORS 153.018 and 419B.010). Records kept of observed indicators of abuse are considered part of the student records.
Child means an unmarried person who is under 18 years of age (ORS 419B.005(2)).
Abuse means:
- Any assault of a child and any physical injury to a child which has been caused by other than accidental means, including any injury which appears to be at variance with the explanation given of the injury;
- Any mental injury to a child, which shall include only observable and substantial impairment of the child’s mental or psychological ability to function caused by cruelty to the child, with due regard to the culture of the child;
- Rape of a child;
- Sexual abuse;
- Sexual exploitation, including but not limited to:
- Contributing to the sexual delinquency of a minor and any other conduct which allows, employs, authorizes, permits, induces or encourages a child to engage in the performing for people to observe or the photographing, filming, tape recording or other exhibition which, in whole or in part, depicts sexual conduct or contact, sexual abuse involving a child or rape of a child, but not including any conduct which is part of any investigation conducted pursuant to ORS 419B.020 or which is designed to serve educational or other legitimate purposes; and
- Allowing, permitting, encouraging or hiring a child to engage in prostitution.
- Negligent treatment or maltreatment of a child, including but not limited to the failure to provide adequate food, clothing, shelter or medical care that is likely to endanger the health or welfare of the child;
- Threatened harm to a child, which means subjecting a child to a substantial risk of harm to the child’s health or welfare;
- Buying or selling a person under 18 years of age as described in ORS 163.537;
- Permitting a person under 18 years of age to enter or remain in or upon premises where methamphetamines are being manufactured; and
- Unlawful exposure to a controlled substance that subjects a child to a substantial risk of harm to the child’s health or safety.
Employees should report the information to his/her supervisor, building principal, or superintendent, and shall immediately report the information to the Washington County Department of Human Services or local law enforcement agency.
XIV. Reporting of Sexual Conduct with Students
XIV. Reporting of Sexual Conduct with Students - *See Board Policy JHFF and appendix 1: Staff/Student Boundaries
Sexual conduct by district employees with students will not be tolerated.
“Sexual conduct” as defined by Oregon law is any verbal or physical or other conduct by a school employee that is sexual in nature; directed toward a kindergarten through grade 12 student; unreasonably interferes with a student’s educational performance; and creates an intimidating, hostile or offensive educational environment. The definition for sexual conduct does not include behavior that would be considered child abuse as outlined by Oregon law and District Board policy JHFE and JHFE-AR – Reporting of Suspected Child Abuse.
Any district employee who has reasonable cause to believe that another district employee has engaged in sexual conduct with a student must immediately notify their supervisor.
The district will post in each school building the name and contact information of the person designated to receive sexual conduct reports. The initiation of a report in good faith about suspected sexual conduct may not adversely affect any terms or conditions of employment of the complainant.
The district will provide annual training to district employees, parents and students regarding the prevention and identification of sexual conduct.
XV. Beaverton Schools Reporting Procedues
XIV. Beaverton Schools Reporting Procedures – *See Appendix 1: Staff/Student Boundaries
- Believe what the child tells you. Reassure the child that the abuse is not his/her fault and that you are concerned about the child’s safety.
- Report all cases to the building principal or counselor who may involve the school nurse in documenting and making the report. The law applies to all persons who are aware of the suspected abuse. You must also report the abuse to Washington County Department of Human Services or local law enforcement yourself.
- The report is to be made immediately to the State Office for Services to Children and Families. This agency will conduct the investigation and determine whether any school personnel are to be present during the interview.
- For the child’s safety, school employees are not to contact family members regarding the report.
XVI. Child Abuse Prevention Training
XVI. Child Abuse Prevention Training – *See Board Policy JHFE
District staff are required to undertake training each year in the prevention and identification of child abuse and the obligations of school employees under ORS 419B.005. The annual training requirement may be fulfilled by viewing the Vector Training Formerly SafeSchools Training Video ‘Child Abuse: Mandatory Reporting’ available by clicking on the Vector Training Formerly SafeSchools resource icon on the home page of the District intranet.
XVII. Smoking on School Premises
XVI. Smoking on School Premises – *See Board Policy GBK
Possession, use, distribution or sale of tobacco products or inhalant delivery systems in any form on District premises and at school-sponsored activities, on or off district premises, including parking lots, and in district vehicles is expressly prohibited. Tobacco is defined to include any lighted or unlighted cigarette, cigar, pipe, bidi, clove cigarette, chewing tobacco, and any other smoking product. Also included is spit or smokeless tobacco, dip, chew, or snuff in any form. This does not include FDA-approved tobacco products or other therapy products used for the purpose of cessation.
Violation of this policy will lead to appropriate disciplinary action.
XVIII. Equal Employment Opportunity
XVIII. Equal Employment Opportunity – *See Board Policy GBA
Equal employment opportunity and treatment shall be provided in hiring, retention, transfer, promotion and training of all employees regardless of actual or perceived race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, national origin, marital status, pregnancy, childbirth or a related medical condition, age, veterans’ status, service in uniformed service, familial status, genetic information, an individual’s juvenile record that has been expunged, and disability if the employee, with or without accommodations, is able to perform essential functions of the position and disability, or other categories protected by law.
Positive action will be taken to ensure equal employment opportunities based on an individual’s qualifications for and/or performance of specific duties in relation to organizational needs.
Continuous effort will be devoted to the improvement of human relationships to prevent discriminatory practices in the District.
The District will make special efforts to inform all staff members of available training opportunities and assist them in securing advanced training.
This policy is an integral part of the human relations effort for the Beaverton schools.
The Superintendent or designee will appoint an employee to serve as the officer in charge of compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, the Americans with Disabilities Act Amendments Act (ADA), Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act. The superintendent will also designate a Title IX Coordinator to comply with the requirements of Title IX of the Education Amendments. The Title IX coordinator will investigate complaints communicated to the District
alleging noncompliance with Title IX.
XIX. Spills of Blood and Body Fluids (Mandatory Notice)
XIX. Spills of Blood and Body Fluids (Mandatory Notice):
Any contact with body fluids from another person presents the risk of infection. Some examples of body fluids include drainage from cuts and scrapes, vomit, urine, saliva, and blood. This risk, while very small, is increased if the fluid comes into contact with a break in the skin. In all cases, consistent cleanliness reduces communicability.
The procedures described in the District’s Bloodborne Pathogen Exposure Control Plan (BBPECP), consistently applied, will protect all children and adults in the school by ensuring a clean environment. Please refer to the BBPECP for a complete list of body fluids and directions on what to do in the event of a possible exposure. Remember to report any exposure to your supervisor and risk management immediately.
XX. Workers’ Compensation
XX. Workers’ Compensation
In the event that an employee incurs a work-related injury or illness, the affected employee must notify their supervisor immediately following the incident and complete an online injury report. If medical treatment other than first aid is needed, as determined by the injured employee, the supervisor, in consultation with the employee (if able) and medical professionals, will determine the mode to be used to transport the employee to a medical facility. In the case of an EMERGENCY, do not hesitate to contact an emergency service unit by dialing 911. As soon as practicable, but no later than 24 hours after seeking medical treatment, the employee must call Risk Management at 503-356-4560 to report the claim.
XXI. Studying Controversial Issues
XX. Studying Controversial Issues – *See Board Policy INB and INB-AR
Since our society is based on the free exchange of ideas and diversity of political and social thought, it shall be the policy of this District to encourage unbiased, unprejudiced and scientific study of controversial issues as they arise as part of the school curriculum. A controversial issue may be defined as any topic or problem which society is in the process of debating on which there is honest disagreement. Such issues arise when different interpretations are given to a
particular set of circumstances.
The teacher has the responsibility of handling controversial issues. The role of the teacher should be such as will reveal to students the processes used by the social scientist with which problems are identified, studied and solved. The teacher shall avoid indoctrination in their own personal viewpoint and shall not attempt to control or limit the judgment of students.
- At the beginning of the school year, teachers, in conjunction with a building administrator, will review the policy and guidelines concerning controversial issues and speakers, and will reevaluate the preceding year’s activities as they pertain to the use of controversial resource persons. Implementation of the policy will be evaluated continuously throughout the year to avoid oversights in procedure.
- The teacher shall notify their immediate supervisor and their principal concerning the controversial topic they plan to introduce and/or the guest speaker they plan to utilize in their program. It shall be the responsibility of the principal, the department and the teacher to ensure impartiality. When opinions differ as to the advisability of addressing a particular topic or using a particular speaker, the principal shall have the final determination.
- As appropriate, the teacher shall discuss with the guest before their appearance in the classroom the fact that they are in a school class and language and behavior should be appropriate for public school students.
- The teacher must remain with the students while the guest speaker is with the class.
XXII. Use of District Technology and Communication Services
XXII. Use of District Technology & Communication Services –*See IIBGA-AR and Appendix 1: Staff/Student Boundaries (revised policy iibga and ar are slated for readoption october 2023)
Beaverton School District electronic communication services must be used in a responsible, efficient, ethical and legal manner to manage the District and to help students master the curriculum. The system’s sole purpose shall be for the advancement and promotion of learning and teaching.
Acceptable Uses:
Acceptable uses include activities that directly support teaching and learning of the District curriculum or that support attainment of the District mission and priorities. Uses may include functions such as electronic or voice mail, real-time electronic conferencing, reading or posting messages on computer bulletin boards, accessing District information databases and other shared resources and accessing external resources through the Internet. Personal use of these
services is permitted if there is no additional direct cost to the District and if personal use does not interfere with student learning, conflict with the work responsibilities of District employees, result in personal financial gain, or violate School Board Policy.
Unacceptable Uses:
A list of unacceptable uses or practices can be found in IIBGA-AR. Unacceptable behavior or uses include, but are not limited to, those that are illegal, have no reasonable basis for improving the teaching or learning of the District curriculum or completion of District business, are offensive, harassing, or potentially harmful to others, are for personal financial gain, or impair the maintenance, use, or availability of equipment or services by others. You are strongly
encouraged to refer to IIBGA-AR for a detailed breakdown of unacceptable uses of District technology and communication services.
All communications and data interchanges are subject to monitoring. The School District does not consider any communication or data interchanges using District materials, equipment, or electronic infrastructure to be private.
Staff Responsibilities for Personal and Student Use:
District administrators and staff are responsible for modeling and teaching students the proper ethics, techniques and standards for the use of electronic communication services and for enforcing compliance. Guidelines for acceptable and unacceptable use should be discussed with students. Staff are responsible for monitoring student use of electronic communication services to assure that Internet use is consistent with grade-level guidelines and for guiding students to educationally appropriate sections of the Internet. Staff must assure that non-E-mail Internet access is limited to those students who have been granted permission by a parent or guardian.
XXIII. Staff Ethics and Employee Conflicts of Interest
XXIII. Staff Ethics and Employee Conflicts of Interest – *See Board Policy GBC
District employees shall strive to act in an ethical manner at all times. Employees shall not engage in, or have a financial interest in, any activity that would raise a reasonable question of conflict of interest with their duties and responsibilities as staff members or compromise their abilities to fulfill their obligations to the District, its students, and its community in any way.
This means that:
- Employees will not solicit for financial remuneration from students, parents or staff;
- Any device, publication or any other item developed during the employee’s paid time shall be District property;
- Employees will not further personal gain through the use of confidential information gained in the course of or by reason of position or activities in any way;
- Employees shall not use or attempt to use their official position or employment at the District to obtain financial gain or the avoidance of financial detriment for the employee, the employee’s relatives, or for any business with which the employee or relative is associated;
- No employee shall solicit or receive, either directly or indirectly, any pledge or promise of future employment or financial gain based on any understanding that the employee’s action or judgment in their capacity as an employee of the District would thereby be influenced;
- No employee may perform any duties related to an outside job during their regular working hours; and
- No employee will use any District facilities, equipment or materials in performing outside work unless such employee has utilized the District process for obtaining public building use.
You are strongly encouraged to read Board Policy GBC and corresponding Administrative Regulations GBC-AR for further definitions and guidance. If a situation ever arises that raises a question for you regarding these policies, you are advised to consult Human Resources immediately.
XXIV. Staff Religious Dress
XXIV. Staff Religious Dress - *See Policy GBCA and GBCA - AR
All staff when on duty shall be allowed to wear religious attire, in accordance with the employee’s sincerely-held religious beliefs, while maintaining religious neutrality and refraining from endorsing religion in the educational environment.
The district retains the authority to specify religious dress guidelines for staff that will prevent such matters from having an adverse impact on the educational process.
XXV. Receipt of Gifts, Entertainment, Food, or Honorarium
XXV. Receipt of Gifts, Entertainment, Food, or Honorarium
District employees are subject to Oregon ethics laws which govern the receipt by employees of gifts which may not exceed $50.00 from any individual giver on an annual basis. Oregon law defines gifts to include meals, entertainment, honoraria, and more. District employees must not accept more than $50.00 worth of “gifts” annually from any one giver. This means that if an employee is offered lunch, conference materials, and honoraria from a single source and those items total in value over $50.00, the employee is in violation of ethics laws. Employees should be aware of any gifts they are offered or received from any source and keep a record of those gifts to ensure compliance. If you have any questions regarding the ability to accept a particular gift, meal or honoraria, please contact Human Resources for guidance.
XXVI. Tutoring for Pay and Respite Care
XXVI. Tutoring for Pay and Respite Care – *See Board Policy GCQAB
District employees shall not tutor for remuneration a student assigned to their class. The District is aware that some parents wish to provide additional help beyond that which the District is providing to address the special needs of individual students. To that end, the Human Resource Office maintains a list of tutors who have applied to the District as being in private practice. The District will make available this list by parent request.
District employees shall not provide respite care for Special Education students in their school, whether voluntarily or for pay, including nanny services, First Aid, etc.
XXVII. Criminal History Records Check/Fingerprinting
XXVII. Criminal History Records Check/Fingerprinting – *See GCDA/GDDA and GCDA/GDDA - AR (Revised Policy GCDA/GDDA and GCDA/GDDA- AR are slated for readoption September 2023)
In a continuing effort to further ensure the safety and welfare of students and staff, the district shall require all newly hired full time and part-time employees not requiring licensure under Oregon Revised Statute (ORS) 342.223 to submit to a criminal record check and/or fingerprinting, as required by law.
Other individuals, as determined by the district, that will have direct, unsupervised contact with students shall submit to criminal records checks and/or fingerprinting as established by Board policy and as required by law.
XXVIII. Americans with Disabilities Act
XXVIII. Americans with Disabilities Act
The ADA and Oregon law prohibit discrimination against qualified persons with disabilities. Under both the ADA and state law, a “person with a disability” is an individual who has a physical or mental impairment that substantially affects one or more major life activities. The District will make reasonable accommodations for qualified persons with a disability, if that would allow the individual to perform the essential functions of the job. Employees protected by the ADA, or those that suspect they may be protected, should discuss their needs for possible accommodation with their supervisor, building principal or the Risk Management department.
XXIX. Reasonable Accommodations Related to Pregnancy
XXIX. reasonable accommodations related to pregnancy
Pursuant to ORS 659A.146-659A.148, Beaverton School District may make reasonable accommodations for known physical or mental disabilities of an applicant or employee as well as known limitations related to pregnancy, childbirth or a related medical condition, such as lactation, unless the accommodation would cause an undue hardship. For more information about requesting an accommodation related to pregnancy, employees should discuss their needs for possible accommodation with their supervisor, building principal, or the Risk Management department.
XXX. Expression of Milk in the Workplace
XXX. Expression of Milk in the Workplace- *See Board Policy GBDA
The District recognizes that a normal and important role for employees is to have the option and ability to express milk in the workplace. The location for the expression of milk shall not be a public restroom or toilet stall and shall be in close proximity to the employee’s work area.
The District shall publish a list of designated locations throughout the District for the expression of breast milk on an annual basis. The list can be found online in Policy GBDA.
*This information is a summary of Board Policy/Administration Regulations. For complete information, refer to District website at
Appendix 1: Staff/Student Boundaries
Appendix 1
Beaverton School District employees are expected to use good judgment at all times when interacting with students, avoiding all interactions that could appear inappropriate or make students feel unsafe. This includes both verbal and physical interactions.
APPROPRIATE interactions create a safe environment for all students to learn and grow by maintaining acceptable adult-to-student boundaries.
• Verbal validation of a student’s efforts.
• Exercising good judgment and being sensitive to individual preferences and cultural norms.
INAPPROPRIATE interactions cross boundaries, creating unsafe environments that make students feel physically or emotionally unsafe. Staff who have frequent one-to-one contact with students or who work in co-curricular activities can be more at-risk for inappropriate interactions with students or allegations of inappropriate interactions. Offenders may not be aware of the perceptions of students and may be popular or unpopular with students and
parents. Staff should not assume their popularity with students or parents protects them from allegations of impropriety. Even allegations can negatively impact a career.
- Invading personal space or being too close in proximity, as defined by the student. Giving shoulder massage, lingering touches, squeezes.
- Touching students who may misinterpret the touch due to individual circumstances, cultural standards, or developmental stage.
- Using physical contact to connect with, compel or coerce a student.
- Any action that would be construed as child abuse.
Required information for employees (ORS 339.372): Child abuse and/or sexual conduct by District employees (as defined below) will not be tolerated (Policy JHFE).
- Child abuse includes: physical abuse, sexual abuse, emotional abuse, neglect, and threat of harm.
- Sexual conduct includes any verbal or physical conduct by a school district employee that is sexual in nature, is directed toward a student, has the effect of unreasonably interfering with a student’s educational performance, and creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive educational environment. Examples listed under the “inappropriate interaction” sections of this document could constitute sexual conduct.
- If an employee is found to have abused a child or engaged in sexual conduct toward a student, disciplinary records will be released in accordance with ORS 339.388.
All Beaverton School District employees are mandated by law to report suspected child abuse immediately to law enforcement or the Department of Human Services/Child Welfare (DHS) (ORS 419B.010); Policy JHFE. Reporting obligations are in effect at all times, whether on or off duty.
Concerns involving child abuse and/or sexual conduct by District employees must be reported immediately to a supervisor or to Human Resources at 503-356-4344 (ORS 339.372). However, reporting to a supervisor alone does not fulfill an employee's legal obligation; suspected child abuse must also be reported to law enforcement or DHS. After reporting suspected abuse either by phone or in person, employees must complete the Child Abuse Record Form .
You can report directly to your School Resource Officer (SRO) or call one of the following organizations:
DHS/Child Welfare............................................................... 503.681.6917
Beaverton Police Department.......................................... 503.629.0111
Washington County Sheriff.............................................. 503.629.0111
Oregon State Police............................................................ 503.378.3720
If you suspect a child is in imminent danger, call 9-1-1.
- Using the internet appropriately in compliance with Board policies IIBGA and GCAB.
- Limiting electronic social media communication with students to what is necessary for educational and/or school-sponsored extracurricular activities and avoiding communicating with individual students.
- Conversing with students via electronic social media communication beyond what is necessary for educational purposes and/or school-sponsored extracurricular activities.
- Discussing personal issues with students via text messaging, social networking sites, email, etc.
- Adding students on personal social networking sites as “friends” when not related to a legitimate educational purpose.
- Dialoguing about the academic environment and school activities.
- Having a conversation that supports a student’s learning and growth, where the student’s perspective is the focus of conversation.
- Maintaining personal space and reasonable eye contact.
- Making comments that are physical in nature (e.g. “you have great legs,” “you should wear that sweater more often”) or may have sexual overtones.
- Discussing or condoning inappropriate topics and/or making comments with sexual overtones or flirting.
- Communicating to the student with implied, inside messages that are unknown by the general population.
- Sharing personal and confidential information in which the adult becomes the focus of the conversation.
- Having any dialogue that makes the student feel uncomfortable or makes the student a confidant of the adult.
- Maintaining intense eye contact.
- Discussing topics or making comments you would not make if the parent was present.
- Requesting affection, e.g. hugs.
- Conducting student conferences in a manner consistent with educational purpose.
- Having staff/student relationships centered on academics, school events, and activities.
- Notifying administration if a student is suspected of having romantic feelings toward a staff member.
- Maintaining fair and equal treatment of all students.
- Referring serious student problems to the appropriately trained professional.
- Spending time alone with a student in conferences beyond educational expectations.
- Meeting with students off-campus.
- Transporting a child alone and/or in a private vehicle when it is not a regular function of the employee’s assigned job duties.
- Receiving or writing personal communication from/to students and/or giving gifts.
- Covering or providing excuses for particular students, and/or writing passes repeatedly for favored students to cover tardies or absences.
- Giving special privileges or showing favoritism to a particular student.
- Encouraging or condoning an atmosphere of loose and inappropriate boundaries around gender and harassment issues.
- Intervening in serious student problems instead of referring the student to an advisor or counselor.
- Failing to notify administration if a student is suspected of having romantic feelings toward a staff member.