Ethics FAQ
February 2009
ORS 244.040 prohibits public employees from using their position to obtain financial gain or to avoid financial detriment for themselves or their families. Gifts, food, services, activities or entertainment from any single donor are limited to $50 annually. The following scenarios may assist employees in determining what constitutes ethical behavior as defined by this statute.
- 1. A music teacher wants to charge students $20 for music lessons after school. He intends to run the money through the 231 account and pay himself.
- 2. A BSD substitute wants to offer an after-school tutoring program for children at a particular school. She subs there often and will charge the going rate.
- 3. A school distributes passes to games and school events for employees and their families.
- 4. A coach wants to offer a camp or clinic during the off-season to his team members.
- 5. A parent offers to pay her child’s teacher to tutor her child after school.
- 6. A Spanish teacher wants to take a group of students to Mexico during the summer. The trip is not district-sponsored, but a travel company has offered to pay the teacher’s expenses if he can arrange for at least 15 students to participate.
- 7. A German teacher wants to take a group of students to Germany during the summer as part of a district-sponsored exchange program. The exchange is primarily funded by the Foreign Ministry of Germany.
- 8. A teacher has been asked by a university to supervise an intern. The university plans to pay the teacher $200.
- 9. Powell's Books is offering a 15% discount to K-12 employees.
- 10. An employee attends a conference and wins a raffle drawing. The prize is a laptop computer.
- 11. A teacher receives flowers for her birthday ($30 value) and a $40 restaurant gift for teacher appreciation week from the same family.
- 12. A staff member attends a conference in Texas and decides to extend the trip for an extra week using vacation to visit family that lives in the same town.
- 13. A parent volunteers hours in the classroom, and her employer gives a donation to the school for each hour donated. The parent would like to have the donation credited to his specific student's fundraising account for a school-sponsored trip.
- 14. Athletic family passes are given to coaches and athletic directors from OSAA. The annual pass is valued at $50.
1. A music teacher wants to charge students $20 for music lessons after school. He intends to run the money through the 231 account and pay himself.
2. A BSD substitute wants to offer an after-school tutoring program for children at a particular school. She subs there often and will charge the going rate.
3. A school distributes passes to games and school events for employees and their families.
4. A coach wants to offer a camp or clinic during the off-season to his team members.
5. A parent offers to pay her child’s teacher to tutor her child after school.
6. A Spanish teacher wants to take a group of students to Mexico during the summer. The trip is not district-sponsored, but a travel company has offered to pay the teacher’s expenses if he can arrange for at least 15 students to participate.
7. A German teacher wants to take a group of students to Germany during the summer as part of a district-sponsored exchange program. The exchange is primarily funded by the Foreign Ministry of Germany.
Additional funds are provided by the U.S. Department of German American Partnership Program, Inc., which is a non-profit 501(c) corporation.