Healthy and Safe Schools Plan
The Beaverton School District is committed to environmental health and safety. OAR 581-022-2223 requires school districts in Oregon to develop a Healthy and Safe Schools Plan. The plan includes information on how the District manages lead in drinking water, lead based paint, asbestos, radon, integrated pest management, and carbon monoxide.
Person Responsible
All facilities owned and leased by Beaverton School District where students or staff are present on a regular basis are covered by this HASS Plan.
Other Facilities
Elementary Schools
Aloha Huber K-8
Beaver Acres
Bonny Slope
Cedar Mill
Cooper Mountain
Errol Hassell
Fir Grove
Jacob Wismer
Nancy Ryles
Oak Hills
Raleigh Hills K-8
Raleigh Park
Rock Creek
Scholls Heights
Sexton Mountain
Springville K-8
Terra Linda
West T.V.
William Walker
Middle Schools
High Schools
Option Schools
Testing Results
Beaverton School District is complying with the requirement to provide access to test results, as defined by OAR 581-022-2223 within 10 business days as defined by ORS 332-334. Test results can be found on the Distrct website. Additionally, copies of all test results can be available at Beaverton School District’s administration office. Beaverton School District will also alert members of its communities as to where they can access test results using current district email lists and programs. Please contact appropriate district personnel to be added to current district email lists and programs.
Questions or Data Request
Lead in Drinking Water
All school districts, education service districts, and public charter schools are required to test for and eliminate exposure to elevated levels of lead in water used for Drinking and Food Preparation through either remediation or eliminating access, according to OAR 333-061-0400 and OAR 581-022-2223. In conformance with those administrative rules, Beaverton School District certifies the following:
- Testing will be done according to the testing requirements in OAR 333-061-0400;
- Samples will be analyzed by a lab accredited by Oregon Health Authority to test for those materials;
- Water fixtures required to be tested under OAR 333-061-0400 will be tested for elevated levels of lead in accordance with the testing schedule developed by the Oregon Health Authority;
- The testing schedule for each building covered by this plan is provided below:
Six Year Sampling Schedule
Elmonica Elementary School
Errol Hassell Elementary School
Findley Elementary School
Fir Grove Elementary School
Greenway Elementary School
Cooper Mountain Elementary School
Merlo Campus
Cedar Park Middle School
Conestoga Middle School
Aloha High School
2020-2021 Data
Water sampling was conducted at the below school locations in June 2021 by an independent consultant. Lead in water testing is required per Oregon Department of Education (ODE) and Oregon Health Authority (OHA). This was planned follow-up testing to a district-wide program which was initiated in 2016. For sample locations that had a concentration above the action level (15 parts per billion), we are currently taking actions to reduce the concentration of lead in these locations. Access will be restricted to these individual sampling locations until mitigation and follow-up testing can take place to verify concentrations are below the criteria set by OHA.
A sample location may test above the action level for a number of reasons to include, debris being caught in the water aerators or hydrant testing performed in the community. Another contributing factor may be the lack of usage of the fixtures during the pandemic. As for mitigation, Maintenance plumbers will inspect all locations that tested above the action level and use corrective measures such as additional cleaning, maintenance, and flushing and then schedule a retest of that location. If necessary, the plumbers may also need to replace a fixture.
According to OHA, when considering your child’s exposure to lead, it is most valuable to review potential sources of lead in your home. The OHA’s lead resources website has more information on this topic.
Hiteon Elementary School
Raleigh Hills K-8
McKinley Elementary School
Montclair Elementary School
McKay Elementary School
Barnes Elementary School
Stoller Middle School
Beaverton High School
Transportation Allen Center
2021-2022 Data
Water sampling was conducted at the below school locations in June 2022 by an independent consultant. Lead in water testing is required per Oregon Department of Education (ODE) and Oregon Health Authority (OHA). This was planned follow-up testing to a district-wide program which was initiated in 2016.
For sample locations that had a concentration above the action level (15 parts per billion), we are currently taking actions to reduce the concentration of lead in these locations. Access will be restricted to these individual sampling locations until mitigation and follow-up testing can take place to verify concentrations are below the criteria set by OHA.
A sample location may test above the action level for a number of reasons to include, debris being caught in the water aerators or hydrant testing performed in the community. Another contributing factor may be changed and reduced usage during the pandemic. As for mitigation, Maintenance plumbers will inspect locations that tested above the action level and use corrective measures such as additional cleaning, maintenance, and flushing and then schedule a retest of that location. If necessary, the plumbers may also need to replace a fixture.
According to OHA, when considering your child’s exposure to lead, it is most valuable to review potential sources of lead in your home. The OHA’s lead resources website has more information on this topic.
Limited Daycare Lead in Water Testing Data
Additional Data
District Administration Office(DAO)
Rock Creek Elementary School
Raleigh Park Elementary School
Kinnaman Elementary School
Bethany Elementary School
Vose Elementary School
Terra Linda Elementary School
Beaver Acres Elementary School
Mountain View Middle School
Five Oaks Middle School
Westview High School
Transportation Support Center
Lead Paint
In order to comply with the United States Environmental Protection Agency’s Renovation, Repair and Painting Program Rule, District staff are certified by the Oregon Health Authority to perform the work and the District will contract with certified lead-based paint renovation contractors licensed by the Oregon Construction Contractors Board as needed.
The Beaverton School District's Radon Program was originally submitted to the Oregon Health Authority (OHA) in August 2016, and conforms to the requirements of ORS 332.166-167 to conduct radon sampling in all schools and support facilities in all frequently occupied spaces in contact with the soil or located above a basement or a crawlspace. Data is presented below, broken up by task as outlined in the updated 2022 Radon Program document.
2016-2023 Data
Other Facilities
Task 1
Findley Elementary School
Jacob Wismer Elementary School
Stoller Middle School
Bonny Slope Elementary School
Ridgewood Elementary School
Transportation 5th Street South
Transportation 5th Street North
Transportation Allen
Admin Aloha
Sexton Mountain Elementary School
Nancy Ryles Elementary School
Westview High School
Conestoga Middle School
Aloha Huber Park
Capital Center
Merle Davies Annex
Merlo Community School
Schools Heights Elementary
Southridge High School
Task 2
Greenway Elementary School
Hiteon Elementary School
McKay Elementary School
Montclair Elementary School
Raleigh Hills Elementary School
Raleigh Park Elementary School (2 & 2.5)
Whitford Middle School
Bethany Elementary School
Sato Elementary School
West TV Elementary School
Sunset High School
Terra Linda Elementary School
Chehalem Elementary School
Errol Hassell Elementary School (2 & 2.5)
Fir Grove Elementary School
Highland Park Middle School
Vose Elementary School
Aloha High School
Beaver Acres Elementary School
Kinnaman Elementary School
McKinley Elementary School
Mountainside High School
Cedar Park Middle School (2 & 2.5)
Meadow Park Middle School
Mountain View Middle School
Montclair Elementary School (2 & 2.5)
Task 3
Task 4
Task 5
Task 6
2023-2024 School Year Data
Beaverton School District complies with the federal Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA). All required asbestos management plans are available for viewing by submitting a request to the Local Education Agency (LEA) Designated Person:
Sandy Galati
Asbestos Webpage
Integrated Pest Management
Carbon Monoxide
Beaverton School District certifies that all buildings subject to the Healthy and Safe Schools Plan comply with the carbon monoxide detection standards in the state building code that was in effect when the building was originally constructed or as required by building code due to addition, upgrade, or remodel.