Parent Group Activities at District Facilities
In order for a Parent Group to be eligible for coverage under the Beaverton School District's ("District") self-insurance program, the Parent Group must comply with the following guidelines.
- The District will make a reasonable attempt to accommodate requests by Parent Groups to use District facilities for Parent Group activities. Parent Groups are defined as those with charters and by-laws, and are commonly referred to as PTO's, PTC's, and Booster Clubs.
- The use of District facilities by Parent Groups must be scheduled through the normal building use procedures in place at all District facilities. This will include the completion of a Facility Use request in SchoolDude.
- Each Parent Group using District facilities should designate a Safety Adviser. The Safety Adviser of the Parent Group or his or her designee should report all incidents involving injuries or damage to property occurring during Parent Group activities conducted at District facilities. All such reports should be made immediately to the Supervising Staff Member at the event. The principal of the school where an injury or property damage occurs shall report the incident to the Risk Management Office within 24 hours.
- In conducting activities at District facilities, the Parent Group shall ensure that all participants comply, with all policies of the District including those prohibiting the use of alcohol, tobacco, and drugs.
- If a Parent Group uses an outside vendor for any services performed at District facilities, the Parent Group must obtain from the vendor, a certificate of insurance naming the Beaverton School District as Additional Insured. This certificate from the vendor shall be provided to the Risk Management Office at least 30 days prior to the event. The Risk Management Office will review the certificate of insurance and may contact the Parent Group should any additional information be necessary.
- The District assumes no responsibility for or over:
(a) any Parent Group activities occurring at locations other than District facilities,
(b) events not actively supervised by District staff,
(c) any intentional torts of Parent Group representatives or members,
(d) any malfeasance or willful or wanton neglect of duty (within the meaning of ORS 30.285(2) by a Parent Group representative or member,
(e) the use of motor vehicles by Parent Group representatives and members,
(f) any property owned by the Parent Group,
(g) any Workers’ Compensation,
(h) any monies or property belonging to the Parent Group and,
(i) any event where the following are present; drugs, tobacco, alcohol, weapons or anything banned by District policy.If a Parent Group intends to pursue any activities occurring at locations other than at District facilities or outside of these guidelines, the Parent Group is encouraged to obtain their own insurance for those activities.