Improvement Planning
District and School Plans
- Strategic Plan
- School Learning Plans
- Aligning for Student Success Plan
- Continuous Improvement Plan
- Student Success Act: SIA Plan
- American Recovery Plan: ESSER III Plan
Strategic Plan
The District's Strategic Plan is the foundation of the District's Continuous Improvement Process. The District's Strategic Plan is currently under development. When completed, the District will have a five-year roadmap, driven by student-centered needs, with goals for improvement and equity-informed, evidence-based strategies to achieve those goals.
School Learning Plans
Aligning for Student Success Plan
In 2022, the Oregon Department of Education (ODE) implemented a new improvement planning effort Aligning for Student Success: Integrated Guidance for Six ODE Initiatives. Aligning for Student Success requires school districts and charter schools to undergo a comprehensive needs assessment and application process every four years to continue receiving grant funds and meet requirements for the following six initiatives:
High School Success (HSS) is focused on improvement of graduation rates as well as career and college readiness.
Student Investment Account (SIA) is focused on reducing academic disparities while increasing academic achievement and meeting the mental and behavioral health needs of students.
Continuous Improvement Planning (CIP) is focused on continuous improvement of educational opportunities.
Career and Technical Education (CTE/Perkins) is focused on development of academic knowledge in addition to technical and employability skills for secondary students.
Every Day Matters (EDM) is focused on addressing chronic absenteeism through increased attention on student engagement, school culture, climate and safety, culturally sustaining pedagogy, and family and community involvement.
Early Indicator and Intervention Systems (EIIS) is focused on creating and supporting cohesive systems of data collection and analysis, interventions, and supports.
The district's plan and budget for 2023-27 are posted on the Aligning for Student Success webpage
Continuous Improvement Plan
The District's Continuous Improvement Plan was completed in November 2019 and is reviewed annually. Beginning July 1, 2023, the Continuous Improvement Plan requirements have been incorporated into the Aligning for Student Success Plan.
The Continuous Improvement Plan is comprised of:
1. A comprehensive needs assessment process which includes system health, stakeholder perception data, and student outcomes.
2. A plan that includes the following:
- District vision and mission
- Strategic goals and priorities
- District implementation plan
- Systems for reviewing and monitoring implementation and progress in achieving the stated goals of the plan
3. Supplemental questions to address state laws and rules.
Districts are required to update and submit their Continuous Improvement Plan to the Oregon Department of Education on a three year cycle.
Student Success Act: SIA Plan
The District's SIA plan was adopted by the Board in March 2020 and renewed in June 2021. The plan is for three years. Beginning July 1, 2023, SIA Plan requirements have been incorporated into the Aligning for Student Success Plan.
The purpose of the Student Investment Account is to: 1. Meet students’ mental or behavioral health needs, and 2. Increase academic achievement for students, including reducing academic disparities for historically underserved groups of students.
Allowable Uses of Student Investment Account funds include: 1. Expanding Instructional Time, 2. Addressing Student Health and Safety, 3. Reducing Class Size and Caseloads, and 4. Providing a Well-Rounded Education.
American Recovery Plan: ESSER III Plan
ESSER III funds allow district to address the most important educational needs as a result of COVID-19. At least 20% of funds must be used for identification of evidence-based interventions to address the academic impact of lost instructional time. Districts have until September 30, 2024 to spend ESSER funds.
The ARP Act requires each district to submit two supplemental plans as part of their ESSER III grant: a District Plan and a Safe Return to In-Person Instruction and Continuity of Services Plan.
The ESSER III District Plan: (submitted October 20, 2021)
- Builds on learning from our Student Investment Account (SIA) Plan;
- Provides essential information required by ESSER III. It acts as a structure for collecting and aligning the ESSER III-specific information to support planning and sharing key information with our community and staff.
The Safe Return to In-Person Instruction & Continuity of Services Plan (Updated May 2022)
- Replaces the Ready Schools, Safe Learners Operational Blueprint under Executive Order 21-06;
- Fulfills the requirements of American Rescue Plan Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER III) State Plan; and
- Fulfills the requirements of the Oregon State Board of Education
As indicated by the III in the title, ESSER III funds are the third round of federal coronavirus funding districts have received. Here are presentations to the School Board on the plans for and spending of the three rounds of ESSER funds: