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Beaverton School District
Beaverton School District

Beaverton Schools

Parent Information and Exemption from Instruction - Elementary Health Curriculum

According to OAR 581-022-1440(2), each school district shall teach age-appropriate, comprehensive sexuality education, HIV/AIDS and STD prevention in elementary and secondary schools.

Back to School Night Information
Health Educators will be expected to provide a detailed overview to families regarding their Health Curriculum as part of a Back to School Night presentation or a separate Health Night.  In all areas, parents and guardians are a child’s first and most influential teachers.  Parents, guardians and schools share a common goal: we want students of all ages to be healthy in all aspects of their lives.  As Health Educators we want to encourage families to ask their child what they are learning in health education class in all lessons, not only those relating to sexual health.  We also want to provide families with information, strategies, and resources to support their child in leading a healthy lifestyle
Parent/Guardian Notification
A school-wide Parent/Guardian Notification regarding elementary health instruction will be sent out by your school administrator each year in the fall. In addition, teachers will send additional notification to parents prior to instruction in human sexuality and sexual abuse prevention education.
Materials Preview Process
There are two different curricula used to teach Erin's Law and Human Sexuality. The materials’ preview process for both is as follows:
Erin's Law (Sexual Abuse Prevention) Curriculum:
  • Click "Pick Your Age Group"
    • Choose your grade level - this page contains all the videos that accompany the lessons
  • Click "Teachers & Counselors"
    • Choose Teacher Lessons - you can download your grade level's lessons here
Core Health Curriculum Including Human Sexuality: The Great Body Shop
  • Email your child’s teacher requesting to preview The Great Body Shop materials
  • Teacher will share instructions on how to create your own account to access the resources digitally.  In some situations, parents/guardians may need to visit their school site to preview materials.
After previewing materials, if a parent would like to excuse their child from specific lessons, follow the Opt-Out Process below.
Exemption from Instruction (Opting-Out)
After previewing materials, if a parent/guardian would like to excuse their child from instruction, email the student’s teacher and school principal notifying them from which lesson/s you would like your child to be opted out.
Plan for Alternative Instruction:
  • If a student is opted-out of a portion of the instruction, the teacher is responsible for ensuring that appropriate alternative materials are available for the student.
  • If a student is opted out of the entire curriculum, the parent/guardian is responsible for providing alternative instruction that complies with the health education standards (OAR Rule 581-021-0009).
According to Oregon Law (OAR Rule 581-022-1440), parents can opt their children out of any or all sexuality education components. However, parents cannot opt their children out of the entire health curriculum without written documentation of a religious or disability-related reason.