11th Grade ELA Learning Targets
English Lang Arts, 11
(Language) ALT 1 - Words and Syntax
I can select and apply effective words and syntax.
AST 1.1 - Word Choice : I can choose words that are thoughtful and precise to establish an appropriate and/or engaging voice.
AST 1.2 - Fluid Writing : I can vary sentence structure for effect to enhance my writing. My writing is fluid, not mechanical.
(Language) ALT 2 - Conventions
I can use correct conventions (spelling, punctuation, and grammar) in my writing.
AST 2.1 - Spelling : I can correctly use spelling conventions/rules correctly in my writing. Errors do not impede readability.
AST 2.2 - Punctuation : In addition to 9th and 10th grade punctuation conventions (end punctuation, commas, apostrophes, quotation marks, dialogue, colons, and semi-colons), I have consistent control over: dashes and hyphen, parentheses, and ellipses. Errors do not impede readability.
AST 2.3 - Grammar Conventions : In addition to 9th and 10th grade grammar conventions (subject-verb agreement, independent and dependent clauses, complete sentences - avoiding run-ons and fragments, basic phrases, pronoun antecedent agreement, and verb tenses), I have consistent control over: parallel structure, complex phrases, and active versus passive voice. Errors do not impede readability.
(Reading) ALT 1 - Comprehension
I can demonstrate comprehension of key ideas and details of grade-level literary and informational texts.
AST 1.1 - Inferences : I can make inferences using relevant textual evidence (details, examples, information).
AST 1.2 - ID Central Ideas : I can summarize the key details and identify the central idea or theme.
(Reading) ALT 2 - Craft and Structure
I can analyze and evaluate an author’s craft and structure.
AST 2.1 - Author's Words and Phrases : I can identify and interpret the author’s word choice and literary devices and analyze how they shape the meaning of a text
AST 2.2 - Structure and Meaning : I can analyze how the structure of a text influences its meaning.
AST 2.3 - Narrator's POV : I can determine how a narrator’s point of view is influenced by culture and time period (literary).
AST 2.4 - Author's POV : I can determine the author’s point of view or purpose and identify the argumentative strategies used (informational).
(Reading) ALT 3 - Evaluating Works
I can evaluate how two or more works address similar themes or topics.
AST 3.1 - Analyze Theme : I can analyze the theme in two or more diverse forms, media, or genres and determine which details are emphasized in each account.
AST 3.2 - Validity of Reasoning : I can analyze the validity of reasoning and sufficiency of evidence and identify faulty reasoning (informational).
(Speaking-Listening) ALT 1 - Collaborative Discussions
I can initiate and participate effectively in a range of collaborative discussions.
AST 1.1 - Preparation : I can come prepared in order to participate effectively.
AST 1.2 - Working with Peers : I can work with peers to set clear goals and guidelines, establishing individual roles as needed.
AST 1.3 - Promote Discussion : I can promote discussion by posing and responding to questions that verify or challenge ideas and conclusions.
AST 1.4 - Responding Thoughtfully : I can respond thoughtfully to diverse perspectives.
(Speaking-Listening) ALT 2 - Presenting Orally
I can present information effectively, using natural and appropriate body language, eye contact, volume, rate of speech, and inflection.
AST 2.1 - Presenting Content Clearly : I can present meaningful and appropriate content clearly, concisely, and logically.
AST 2.2 - Body Language-Eye Contact : I can use natural, effective body language and appropriate eye contact.
AST 2.3 - Presenting Info Diverse Formats : I can present information using diverse formats, including digital media.
AST 2.4 - Command of Formal English : I can demonstrate my command of formal English and adapt my speech to a variety of contexts.
11 Lang Arts Speak Listen AST.2.5 : I can present information using diverse formats.
(Writing) ALT 1 - Argumentative Writing
I can write an argumentative piece using evidence.
AST 1.1 - Introduction : I can independently formulate, support, and communicate a clear statement/claim in my introduction.
AST 1.2 - Claims and Arguments : I can organize reasons and apply evidence in support of my claim and develop thorough arguments that run counter to my own, attempting to acknowledge strengths and limitations.
AST 1.3 - Transitions : I can consistently use appropriate transitions that connect ideas and evidence.
AST 1.4 - Conclusion : I can develop a conclusion that connects back to the claim and attempts to offer thought-provoking insight.
(Writing) ALT 2 - Informative - Explanatory Writing
I can write an informative/explanatory piece using evidence.
AST 2.1 - Thesis Statement : I can independently present a clear thesis statement in my introduction.
AST 2.2 - Organization and Topic Development : I can organize my ideas and develop the topic thoroughly with relevant, purposeful, and sufficient concrete details.
AST 2.3 - Transitions : I can consistently use appropriate transitions that connect ideas and evidence.
AST 2.4 - Conclusion : I can develop a conclusion that connects back to the topic and attempts to offer thought-provoking insight.
(Writing) ALT 3 - Narrative Writing
I can write narrative pieces.
AST 3.1 - Engagement : I can creatively engage my audience with my beginning.
AST 3.2 - Narrative Techniques : I can use a variety of narrative techniques to develop the plot and/or characters.
AST 3.3 - Sequencing Techniques : I can use a variety of effective sequencing techniques to develop plot.
AST 3.4 - Conclusion : I can develop a relevant and insightful conclusion/resolution.
(Writing) ALT 4 - Writing Process
I can use the writing process to improve my writing.
AST 4.1 - Pre-Writing Strategies : I can consistently use prewriting strategies to plan my writing according to audience and purpose.
AST 4.2 - Revisions and Feedback : I can consistently and purposefully make revisions for changes to content independently and in response to feedback.
AST 4.3 - Proofreading : I can consistently and purposefully proofread and edit for spelling, punctuation, and grammar independently and in response to feedback.
AST 4.4 - Polished Piece of Writing : I can consistently produce a polished piece of writing that is properly formatted.