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Beaverton School District
Beaverton School District

Beaverton Schools

7th Grade ELA Learning Targets

English Lang Arts, 7

Language ALT 1

I can use conventions and language correctly.

AST 1.1 - Conventions  :  I can use conventions and language to enhance my writing.

AST 1.2 - Pronouns  :  I can use pronouns correctly.

AST 1.3 - Spelling and Punctuation  :  I can spell correctly and use punctuation to set off details related to the subject.

AST 1.4 - Sentence Patterns  :  I can vary sentence patterns and maintain style and tone.

Reading ALT 1

I can demonstrate comprehension of key ideas and details of grade-level literary and informational texts.

AST.1.1 - Inferences and Analysis  :  I can find multiple pieces of evidence to support inferences and analysis of a text.

AST.1.2 - Main Idea  :  I can provide the main idea or theme of a text and can explain how key details connect to the main idea or theme.

AST.1.3 - Unknown Vocabulary  :  I can determine or clarify the meaning of unknown vocabulary using a range of strategies (context clues, word stems, reference materials).

AST.1.4 - Elements of Plot  :  I can analyze how the elements of plot interact.

AST 1.5 - Interaction in Text  :  I can draw relevant connections between a series of ideas or events and explain how individuals, events, and ideas interact over the course of a text.

Reading ALT 2

I can analyze and evaluate an author’s craft and structure.

AST.2.1 - Word Meaning Impact  :  I can determine the meaning of words and phrases and analyze how specific words impact meaning and tone.

AST 2.2 - Form and Meaning  :  I can analyze how the form or structure of a piece of literature contributes to its meaning.

AST 2.3 - Points of View of Characters  :  I can analyze how an author develops and contrasts the points of view of different characters or narrators in a text (literary).

AST.2.4 - Author's Point of View   :  I can determine an author’s point of view or purpose and analyze how the author’s position is different from that of others (informational).

Reading ALT 3

I can analyze knowledge and ideas from multiple sources.

AST 3.1 - Compare-Contrast Diff Forms  :  I can compare and contrast reading, listening to, or viewing a story, drama, or poem and analyze the unique techniques of each.

AST 3.2 - Compare-Contrast Similar Themes  :  I can compare, contrast, and accurately analyze how two or more works address similar themes or topics.

AST 3.3 - Compare-Contrast Diff Media  :  I can compare and contrast information from different media or formats to develop a coherent understanding of a topic or issue.

AST 3.4 - Evaluate Claims  :  I can accurately evaluate if specific claims in a text have reasoning that is relevant and sufficient.

Research ALT 1

I can conduct effective research.

AST 1.1 - Thesis for Research  :  I can use a given question or thesis to guide my research.

AST.1.2 - Info from Multiple Sources  :  I can gather and organize information from multiple sources.

AST 1.3 - Citations  :  I can report basic citation information.

Social Studies ALT 1

I can identify and describe significant events, developments, and cultures within a civilization.

AST 1.1 - Historical Events  :  I can demonstrate an understanding of historical events, people, religions, and cultures.

AST 1.2 - Government  :  I can describe different forms of government.

AST 1.3 - Economics  :  I can explain basic economic concepts.

Social Studies ALT 2

I can apply my knowledge to analyze information (historical documents, data, maps, graphs, charts, models) and develop a relevant conclusions with appropriate evidence.

AST 2.1 - Analyze for Conclusion  :  I can accurately analyze information to reach a relevant conclusion.

AST 2.2 - Relevant Evidence  :  I can support my thinking with sufficient, relevant evidence.

AST 2.3 - Basic Arguments  :  I can give basic arguments for and against an issue.

AST 2.4 - Analyze Relationships  :  I can analyze relationships.

Speaking-Listening ALT 1

I can engage effectively in collaborative discussions on a variety of topics and issues.

AST 1.1 - Discussion Prep  :  I can come to discussions prepared.

AST 1.2 - Role in Discussions  :  I can understand my role in classroom discussions.

AST 1.3 - Engagement  :  I can question and respond in ways that show I am engaged.

AST 1.4 - Reflection and Paraphrasing  :  I can demonstrate understanding of multiple perspectives through reflection and paraphrasing.

Speaking-Listening ALT 2

I can effectively present information.

AST 2.1 - Organized and Clear  :  I can present information that is organized and clear.

AST 2.2 - Oral Presentation Elements  :  I can use appropriate body language, eye contact, volume, and speed.

AST 2.3 - Digital Media and Visuals  :  I can use digital media and/or visuals to display information.

AST 2.4 - Presenting Information  :  I can present information in my own words to demonstrate understanding of my topic.

Writing ALT 1 - Argument

Writes argument texts.

AST.1.1 - Lead  :  The writer interested readers in the argument and helped them understand the backstory.

AST 1.2 - Transitions  :  The writer used transitions to link parts of the argument.

AST 1.3 - Ending  :  The writer reinforced and built on the main points in a way that made the entire text a cohesive whole.

AST 1.4 - Organization  :  The writer arranged the piece to suit the purpose to lead readers from one part to another.

AST 1.5- Elaboration  :  The writer included varied kinds of evidence, consistently incorporated and cited trustworthy sources, and wrote about another possible position.

AST 1.6 - Craft  :  The writer used words purposefully to affect meaning and tone, and used a formal but varied tone to engage the reader.

AST 1.7 - Spelling  :  The writer matched the spelling of technical vocabulary to that found in resources and text evidence.

AST 1.8 - Punctuation and Sentence Structure  :  The writer varied sentence structure using simple and complex sentences.

Writing ALT 2 - Information

Writes information texts.

AST 2.1 - Lead  :  The writer interested the reader in the topic by explaining its significance or providing an compelling fact, statistic or anecdote.

AST 2.2 - Transitions  :  The writer used transitions to link concepts with related information.

AST 2.3 - Ending  :  The writer reinforced and built on the main point in a way that made the entire piece a cohesive whole.

AST 2.4 - Organization  :  The writer focused on a subtopic, organized the piece into parts, and used structures to clarify and highlight the main point.

AST 2.5 - Elaboration  :  The writer included varied kinds of information, analyzed or explained how the information fits with the key points, including graphics where appropriate and showed why it matters.

AST 2.6 - Craft  :  The writer used words purposefully to affect meaning and tone, chose precise words, included domain specific vocabulary, and used a formal but varied tone to engage the reader.

AST 2.7 - Spelling  :  The writer checked spelling of technical, domain specific words and was careful with the spelling of citations.

AST 2.8 - Punctuation and Sentence Structure  :  The writer varied sentence structure using simple and complex sentences.

Writing ALT 3 - Narrative

Writes narrative texts.

AST 3.1 - Lead  :  The writer wrote a beginning that set the story in motion and grounds it in a place or situation.

AST 3.2 - Transitions  :  The writer used transitional phrases and clauses to connect what happened to why it happened.

AST 3.3 - Ending  :  The writer gave a sense of closure by showing clearly how a character or place changed (problem was resolved).

AST 3.4 - Organization  :  The writer used a traditional story structure to best bring out the meaning of the story to reach the audience.

AST 3.5 - Elaboration  :  The writer developed action, dialogue, details and inner thinking to convey an issue, idea or lesson.

AST 3.6 - Craft  :  The writer developed change in characters and situations, used specific details and figurative language, and varied tone to match the variety of emotions experienced by the characters across the story.

AST 3.7 - Spelling  :  The writer used the internet and other sources to check spelling of literary and high-frequency words.

AST 3.8 - Punctuation and Sentence Structure  :  The writer varied sentence structure using simple and complex sentences.