K-5 Music Learning Targets Learning Targets
Fine Arts, Elementary Music
ALT 1: Demonstrates understanding of grade level music concepts and skills through creating, performing, responding, and connecting. (Rubric)
AST 1.1: Create- Conceive and develop new artistic ideas and work.
Composes and arranges music according to the BSD scope and sequence.
Improvises rhythms, melodies, variations, and accompaniments.
AST 1.2: Perform- Realize artistic ideas and work through interpretation and presentation.
Sing alone and with others, a varied repertoire of music representing diverse styles and cultures.
Perform on instruments alone and with others, a varied repertoire of music representing diverse styles and cultures.
Move alone and with others for a variety of purposes: expressive, creative, rhythmic, patterned.
Read music according to the BSD scope and sequence.
Notate music according to the BSD scope and sequence.
Demonstrate an understanding of the musical role individual parts play in the ensemble.
AST 1.3: Respond/Connect- Understand and evaluate how music conveys meaning. Relate artistic ideas and work with personal meaning and external context.
Listen to, decode, analyze, and describe music through multiple modes of learning.
Evaluate music and music performances.
Understand the relationships between music, the other arts, and disciplines outside the arts.
Understand music in relation to history and cultures
Habits and Practices: (PERSONAL AND SOCIAL SKILLS) Actively engages in music class activities while demonstrating responsible, safe, and respectful social skills. (Rubric)
Works collaboratively
Exhibits personal responsibility within an ensemble
Accepts and implements specific feedback
Follows rules and etiquette for music classroom activities
Demonstrates positive social interactions that come when engaged with others in musical activities