1st Grade Math Learning Targets
Math, 1
ALT 1 - Solve and Represent Add-Sub
I can learn, represent and solve problems involving addition and subtraction and I understand the relationship between them.
AST 1.1 - Solve Word Problems : I can add and/or subtract to solve word problems using objects, drawings, and equations. OA.1
AST 1.2 - Word Problems to 20 using 3 numbers : I can solve addition word problems with 3 numbers within 20 using objects, drawings, and equations. OA.2
AST 1.3 - Turn-around Facts : I can use turn-around facts as a strategy to solve addition problems. (ex: 8+3=11 and 3+8=11) OA.3
AST 1.4 - Group Numbers : I can group numbers together to make an easy sum. (ex: 2+6+4=2+10=12) OA.3
AST 1.5 - Subtract Numbers : I can subtract numbers like 10-8 by finding what number added to 8 equals 10 (__+8=10) OA.4
AST 1.6 - Counting Up and Down to Solve Problems : I can count up and down to solve addition and subtraction problems. OA.5
AST 1.7 - Add Using Counting On : I can add using the counting on strategy. OA.5
AST 1.8 - Add by Making Tens : I can add by making ten (ex: 8+6=8+2+4=10+4=14). OA.6
AST 1.9 - Subtract by Making Ten : I can subtract by making ten (13-4=13-3-1) OA.6
AST 1.10 - Use Fact Families to Add and Subtract : I can use my knowledge of fact families to add and subtract. OA.6
AST 1.11 - Create Equivalent But Easier Sums : I can create equivalent but easier sums to solve addition problems (ex: 6+7 could be 6+6+1) OA.6
AST 1.12 - Meaning of Equal Sign : I can tell what = (an equal sign) means. OA.7
AST 1.13 - True or False Number Sentences : I can tell if a number sentence is true or false. OA.7
AST 1.14 - Determining the Unknown Number : I can determine the unknown number in a number sentence to make it true (8+ __ = 11). OA.8
ALT 2 - Fluently Add-Sub up to 10
I can add and subtract fluently up to 10. OA.6
ALT 3 - Count, Read, Write to 120
I can count, read, and write to 120 starting at any number less than 120.
AST 3.1 - Counting Starting at Less than 120 : I can count by starting at any number less than 120. NBT.1
AST 3.2 - Read-Write Numbers to 120 : I can read and write numbers to 120. NBT.1
ALT 4 - Place Value to 2 Digits and Compare
I understand place value up to two digit numbers and can compare within 100.
AST 4.1 - 10 is a Group 10 Ones : I know that a “ten” is a group of 10 “ones”. NBT.2
AST 4.2 - Tens and Ones in a 2-digit Number : I can tell which digit represents tens and which digit represents ones in a 2-digit number. NBT.2
AST 4.3 - Value of Tens-Ones in a 2-digit Number : I can tell how many tens and how many ones are in a 2-digit number. NBT.2
AST 4.4 - Compare Greater, Less, Equal - 2 Digits : I can use <,>, and = to compare two 2-digit numbers. NBT.3
ALT 5 - Place Value to Add-Sub within 100
I use place value understanding and properties of operations to add and subtract with 100.
AST 5.1 - Adding 2-Digit and 1-Digit Numbers : I can add a 2-digit number and a 1-digit number using models and drawings. NBT.4
AST 5.2 - Add 2-Digit Numbers and Multiples of Ten : I can add a 2-digit number and a multiple of 10 using models and drawings. NBT.4
AST 5.3 - Adding Tens and Ones and Compose Tens : I understand that I can add tens and tens, and ones and ones, and that it is sometimes necessary to compose a ten. NBT.4
AST 5.4 - 10 More-10 Less : I can find 10 more and 10 less than a number without counting, and tell how it was done. NBT.5
AST 5.5 - Subtract Multiples of 10 : I can subtract multiples of 10 (10-90) from multiples of 10 (10-90) and tell how it was done. (ex: 80-20 is 8 tens -2 tens = 6 tens=60)
ALT 6 - Measuring Lengths
I can measure the lengths of objects and name the length unit.
AST 6.1 - 3 Objects in Order : I can put 3 objects in order by length. MD.1
AST 6.2 - Compare Lengths : I can compare the length of two objects using a third object (ex: the string is longer than the pen, but the ribbon is shorter than the pen). MD.1
AST 6.3 - Measuring Using Another Object : I can tell how long something is by measuring with another object. MD.2
AST 6.4 - Measuring End to End : I can measure end to end with no gaps or overlaps. MD.2
ALT 7 - Tell and Write Time
I can tell and write time.
AST 7.1 - Telling Time in Hours and Half Hours : I can tell and write what time it is in hours and ½ hours using digital and analog clocks. MD.3
ALT 8 - Understanding Data
I can organize, represent, and interpret data. (Not on the report card)
AST 8.1 - Making Graphs with 3 Groups : I can make graphs with three groups. MD.4
AST 8.2 - Data Points : I can tell the total number of data points, how many in each category, and how many more or less in one category than another. MD.4
ALT 9 - Shapes and Equal Parts
I can reason with shapes and their attributes.
AST 9.1 - Desc Shape using Attributes : I can describe a shape using defining attributes (sides, corners) and non-defining attributes (color, size, orientation). G.1
AST 9.2 - Using Defining Traits : I can build and draw shapes using defining traits. G.1
AST 9.3 - Making 2D and 3D into Other Shapes : I can make two- and three-dimensional shapes into other shapes. (ex: use 2 triangles to make a square). G.2
AST 9.4 - Split Circles-Rectangles in 2-4 parts : I can split circles and rectangles into 2 and 4 equal parts. G.3
AST 9.5 - Parts of a Circle or Rectangle : I can describe parts of a circle or rectangle using the words “halves”, “fourths”, and “quarters”. G.3
AST 9.6 - Parts of a Circle or Rectangle-Pt 2 : I can describe parts of a circle or rectangle using the phrases “half of”, “fourth of”, and “quarter of”. G.3s
AST 9.7 - Circle-Rectangle as 2 or 4 Parts : I can describe the whole circle or rectangle as two parts or four parts. G.3
AST 9.8 - Split up Circle-Rectangle : I understand that when we split up a circle or rectangle into the parts, the more parts we make, the smaller the part will be. G.3
MP 1 - Making Sense
Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.
MP 2 - Reason Abstract
Reason abstractly and quantitatively.
MP 3 - Construct Arguments
Construct viable arguments & critique the reasoning of others.
MP 4 - Model with Math
Model with mathematics.
MP 5 - Use Tools
Use appropriate tools strategically.
MP 6 - Precision
Attend to precision.
MP 7- Structures
Look for and make use of structure.
MP 8 - Repeated Reasoning
Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.