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Beaverton School District
Beaverton School District

Beaverton Schools

2nd Grade Math Learning Targets

Math, 2

(OAT) ALT 1 - Add - Sub Using Place Value

I can add and subtract using place value strategies.

AST 1.1 - Solve Word Problems with Unknowns  :  I can solve word problems with unknowns in all positions (5+7=?, 5+?=12, ?+7=12) using strategies like: adding to (5+2=? count 5, 6, 7) taking from (16-7=?) OA.1 putting together (5+2=?) taking apart (16+7=? 10+6 +7) comparing (she has 7, I have 3, I have 4 less than she does)

AST 1.2 - Fluently Add Within 100  :  I can fluently add with 100 using strategies based on place value, properties of operations and/or the relationship between addition and subtraction. NBT.5

AST 1.3 - Add Four 2-Digit Numbers  :  I can add up to four 2-digit numbers using strategies based on place value and properties of operations. NBT.6

AST 1.4 - Use Models to Add and Sub Within 1000  :  I can use models or drawings to add and subtract within 1,000 based on place value, properties of operations and the relationship between addition and subtraction. NBT.7

AST 1.5 - Mentally Add and Subtract 10s and 100s  :  I can mentally add 10 or 100 to a given number (100-900) and mentally subtract 10 or 100 from a given number (100-900). NBT.8

AST 1.6 - Explain Add - Sub Strategies  :  I can explain why addition and subtraction strategies work using models and drawings. NBT.9

(OAT) ALT 2 - Mental Math Strategies to 20

I can use mental math strategies to fluently add and subtract within 20.

AST 2.1 - Mental Math to Add-Sub to 20  :  I can use mental strategies to add and subtract within 20 with fluency. OA.2

AST 2.2 - Add 1-digit Numbers from Memory  :  I can add all one-digit numbers from memory. OA.2

(OAT) ALT 3 - Equal Groups - Repeated Addition

I can work with equal groups of objects to gain foundations for multiplication. (Not on report card)

AST 3.1 - Count by 2s for Even or Odd  :  I can pair objects (up to 20) or count them by 2s to see if a group is even or odd. OA.3

AST 3.2 - Even Numbers are Sum of Same Addends  :  I can show that an even number is a sum of 2 equal addends (5+5). OA.3

AST 3.3 - Addition in Rect. Arrays  :  I can use addition to find the total numbers of objects arranged in rectangular arrays up to 5 by 5. OA.4

(NOBT) ALT 4 - Place Value to 1,000

I understand place value and can compare two three-digit numbers.

AST 4.1 - ID Place Value of 3-digit Number  :  I can identify the place values of a 3-digit number (452 = 4 hundreds, 5 tens, 2 ones). NBT.1

AST 4.2 - Skip Count by 5, 10, 100  :  I can skip count by 5s, 10s and 100s. NBT.2

AST 4.3 - Read and Write Numbers  :  I can read and write a number using: base-ten numerals (46) number names (forty six) expanded form (40+6) NBT.3

AST 4.4 - Greater, Less, Equal - 3-digit Numbers  :  I can use <, > or = to compare two 3-digit numbers (562 > 412). NBT.4

(MD) ALT 5 - Measure and Compare Length

I can measure and estimate lengths using standard and metric systems.

AST 5.1 - Selecting and Using Tools  :  I can measure length by selecting and using appropriate tools. MD.1

AST 5.2 - Using 2 Different Units of Measurement  :  I can measure the length of an object using two different units of measurement. (18in, 1.5 feet) MD.2

AST 5.3 - Differences in Units of Measure  :  I can describe how different units of measurements compare. (6 inches=1/2 foot) MD.2

AST 5.4 - Estimating Length  :  I can estimate the length of an object using inches, feet, centimeters, and meters. MD.3

AST 5.5 - Using Standard Unit of Length  :  I can measure how much longer one object is than another using a standard unit of length. MD.4

AST 5.6 - Story Problems Involving Length  :  I can use drawings and equations to solve addition and subtraction story problems involving length. MD.5

AST 5.7 - Creating a Number Line  :  I can create a number line. MD.6

AST 5.8 - Number Lines for Sums-Differences to 100  :  I can use a number line to show sums and differences within 100. MD.6

(MD) ALT 6 - Telling Time Within 5 Minutes

I can tell and write time to the nearest 5 minutes.

AST 6.1 - Telling Time-Analog Clock  :  I can tell and write time using an analog clock to the nearest 5 minutes. MD.7

AST 6.2 - Telling Time-Digital Clock  :  I can tell and write time using a digital clock. MD.7

AST 6.3 - Using AM and PM  :  I can tell time using a.m. and p.m. MD.7

(MD) ALT 7 - Word Problems Using $ and ¢

I can solve word problems involving dollars and cents.

AST 7.1 - Problems Using dollars ($) and cents (¢)  :  I can solve word problems involving dollar bills ($) and cents (¢). MD.8

(MD) ALT 8 - Represent and Interpret Data

I can represent and interpret data. (Not on report card)

AST 8.1 - Data and Line Plot Measurement  :  I can use measurements to create data for a line plot. MD.9

AST 8.2 - Create a Picture and Bar Graph  :  I can create a picture graph and bar graph with up to four categories. MD.10

AST 8.3 - Using Info from Graphs  :  I can use information from a picture graph, bar graph or line plot to solve simple addition, subtraction and comparing problems. MD.10

(GEO) ALT 9 - Shapes and Attributes

I can reason with shapes and their attributes.

AST 9.1 - Drawing Based on Attributes  :  I can identify and draw a shape based on given attributes (faces, angles, etc.). G.1

AST 9.2 - Draw Various Geometrical Shapes  :  I can identify and draw triangles, quadrilaterals, pentagons, hexagons and cubes. G.1

AST 9.3 - Break Apart a Rectangle  :  I can break apart a rectangle into square units and count the total. G.2

AST 9.4 - Circles-Rect in 2, 3, 4 Equal Parts  :  I can break circles and rectangles in to 2, 3 and 4 equal parts and name them using fraction language. G.3

AST 9.5 - Describing Fractions  :  I can describe fractions for their parts (halves, thirds, fourths) and wholes (two halves, three thirds, four fourths). G.3

AST 9.6 - Equal Shares of 2 Polygons  :  I can show that equal shares of two identical polygons do not have to be the same shape. (A square can be divided into fourths by 4 squares or 4 rectangles.) G.3

MP 1 - Making Sense

Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.

MP 2 - Reason Abstractly

Reason abstractly and quantitatively.

MP 3 - Construct Arguments

Construct viable arguments & critique the reasoning of others.

MP 4 - Model with Math

Model with mathematics.

MP 5 - Use Tools

Use appropriate tools strategically.

MP 6 - Precision

Attend to precision.

MP 7- Structure

Look for and make use of structure.

MP 8 - Repeated Reasoning

Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.