3rd Grade Math Learning Targets
Math, 3
(OAT) ALT 1 - Solve Problems-Multiplication
I can represent and solve problems involving multiplication and division.
AST 1.1 - Multiplication as Equal Grouping : I can recognize multiplication as equal grouping. OA.1
AST 1.2 - Interpret Division Problems : can interpret division problems as sharing or grouping. OA.2
AST 1.3 - Use Strategies-Solve Multiplication Division Problems : I can describe and use various strategies to solve multiplication and divisions problems. OA.3
AST 1.4 - Find Unknown Number : I can use my understanding of multiplication and division fact families to find an unknown number. OA.4
AST 1.5 - Solve two-Step Word Problems : I can solve two-step word problems. OA.8
AST 1.6 - Write Equation for Word Problem : I can write an equation for a word problem that represents the unknown quantity with a letter. OA.8
AST 1.7 - Assess Reasonableness of Answers : I can assess the reasonableness of answers using mental math and estimation strategies including rounding. OA.8 and NBT.1
AST 1.8 Use Place Value Strategies : I can use place value strategies to multiply 1-digit numbers by multiples of 10 to 90. NBT.3
(OAT) ALT 2 - Understand Multiplication and Division
I can understand properties of operations and the relationship between multiplication and division.
AST 2.1 - Apply Properties of Operations : I can apply properties of operations as strategies to multiply and divide. OA.5
AST 2.2 - Use Multiplication to Solve Division : I can use multiplication to solve division problems. OA.6
(OAT) ALT 3 - Multiply Divide Within 100
I can fluently multiply and divide within 100. OA.7
(NOBT) ALT 4 - Fluently Add-Sub to 1,000
I can fluently add and subtract within 1,000.
AST 4.1 - Place Value : I can use strategies based on place value, properties of operations, and/or the relationship between addition and subtraction. NBT.2
AST 4.2 - Solve Two-Step Word Problems : I can solve two-step word problems. OA.8
AST 4.3 - Write Equation for Word Problem : I can write an equation for a word problem that represents the unknown quantity with a letter. OA.8
AST 4.4 - Assess Reasonableness : I can assess the reasonableness of answers using mental math and estimation strategies including rounding. OA.8 and NBT.1
(NO-F) ALT 5 - Fractions
I can describe and represent fractions as equal parts of a whole or set, compare fractions, and identify equivalent fractions.
AST 5.1 - Denominator : I can recognize the denominator as the total number of parts of the whole. NF.1
AST 5.2 - Numerator : I can recognize the numerator as a certain number of parts compared to the whole. NF.1
AST 5.3 - Fraction Expressions : I can express fractions as fair sharing, parts of a whole, and parts of a set. NF.1
AST 5.4 - Fractions Using Models : I can represent fractions using a variety of models (circles, rectangles, fraction bars, number lines, or pictures). NF.2 and G.2
AST 5.5 - Create Number Line : I can create a number line with equal intervals. NF.2
AST 5.6 - Partition Shapes : I can partition shapes into equal parts and write each part as a fraction. G.2
AST 5.7 - Equivalent Fractions : i can understand two fractions are equivalent if they are the same size, or the same point on the number line. NF.3a
AST 5.8 - Simple Equivalent Fractions : I can recognize and generate simple equivalent fractions using a visual model. NF.3b
AST 5.9 - Express Whole Numbers as Fractions : I can express whole numbers as fractions, and recognize fractions that are equivalent to whole numbers. NF.3c
AST 5.10 - Compare Fractions : I can compare fractions with the same numerator and same denominator and create a visual model of the comparison. NF.3d
AST 5.11 - Size of Fraction : I know that the size of the fraction is relative to the whole. NF.3d
AST 5.12 - Measure and Record : I can measure and record data by measuring lengths with halves and fourths of an inch; and show measurement data by making line plot graphs. MD.4
(MD) ALT 6 - Solve Problems with Time
I can solve problems involving measurement and estimation of intervals of time.
AST 6.1 - Tell and Write Time : I can tell and write time. MD.1
AST 6.2 - Solve Elapsed Time Problems : I can solve elapsed time problems by adding or subtracting time using a number line. MD.1
(MD) ALT 7 - Liquid, Volume, Masses
I can solve problems involving measurement and estimation of liquid volumes and masses of objects.
AST 7.1 - Estimate Liquid Volume and Mass : I can estimate liquid volume and mass of objects in metric units. MD.2
AST 7.2 - Draw Picture : I can draw a picture to solve one-step problems about mass or volume when they are in the same units. MD.2
(MD) ALT 8 - Interpret Data
I can represent and interpret data. (*Note: Not on report card)
AST 8.1 - Draw Scaled Picture Graph : I can draw a scaled picture graph and a scaled bar graph to show a data set. MD.3
AST 8.2 - Solve How Many More, Less : I can solve “how many more” and “how many less” problems using information shown in scaled graphs. MD.3
(GM) ALT 9 - Area of Rectilinear Shape
I can measure the area of a rectilinear shape.
AST 9.1 - Area of Rectangle : I can find the area of a rectangle by counting in a variety of ways the total number of “square units’ (square cm, square m, square in, square ft.) cover the shape. MD.5 and MD.6
AST 9.2 - Area Two-Dimensional Shape : I can use my understanding of multiplication and addition to find the area of a two-dimensional shape. MD.7
AST 9.3 - Break Rectilinear Shape : I can break a rectilinear shape into rectangles and then add the areas of these rectangles to find the total area. MD.7
(GM) ALT 10 - Perimeter of Polygons
I can find the perimeter of different polygons. (*Note: Not on report card)
AST 10.1 - Perimeter of a Shape : I can find the perimeter of a shape by adding all the sides. MD.8
AST 10.2 - Length of Unknown Side : I can find the length of an unknown side if given the perimeter. MD.8
AST 10.3 - Show Rectangles with Same Perimeter : I can show rectangles with the same perimeter and different areas or with the same area and different perimeters. MD.8
(GEO) ALT 11 - Reason With Shapes
I can reason with shapes and their attributes.
AST 11.1 - Describe Attributes of Shapes : I can describe the attributes of shapes and understand that shared attributes can define a larger category. G.1
AST 11.2 - Draw, Sort Quadrilaterals : I can draw and sort different types of quadrilaterals. G.1
MP 1 - Making Sense
Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.
MP 2 - Reason Abstractly
Reason abstractly and quantitatively.
MP 3 - Construct Arguments
Construct viable arguments & critique the reasoning of others.
MP 4 - Model with Math
Model with mathematics.
MP 5 - Use Tools
Use appropriate tools strategically.
MP 6 - Precision
Attend to precision.
MP 7- Structure
Look for and make use of structure.
MP 8 - Repeated Reasoning
Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.