4th Grade Math Learning Targets
Math, 4
(OAT) ALT 1 - Multi-Digit Addition, Subtraction
I can use multi-digit addition and subtraction to solve problems.
AST 1.1 - Interpret, Write, Solve Word Problems : I can interpret, write, and solve word problems that involve making comparisons or using a variable. OA.1-3
AST 1.2 - Assess Reasonableness : I can assess the reasonableness of answers using mental math and estimation strategies. OA.3
AST 1.3 - Add, Subtract Using Standard Algorithm : I can fluently add and subtract using the standard algorithm. NBT.4
(OAT) ALT 2 - Use Multi-Digit Multiplication
I can use multi-digit multiplication and division to solve problems.
AST 2.1 - Interpret, Write, Solve Word Problems : I can interpret, write, and solve word problems that involve making comparisons or using a variable. OA.1-3
AST 2.2 - Interpret Remainders : I can interpret remainders based on the context of a problem. OA.3
AST 2.3 - Assess Reasonableness : I can assess the reasonableness of answers using mental math and estimation strategies. OA.3
AST 2.4 - Place Value : I can apply my understanding of place value to solve problems. NBT.5-6
AST 2.5 - Properties of Operations : I can apply the properties of operations (commutative, associative, distributive, etc.) to solve problems. NBT.5-6
AST 2.6 - Solve Multi-Digit Problems : I can solve multi-digit problems using a variety of strategies. NBT.5-6
AST 2.7 - Rectangular Arrays : I can show the relationship between multiplication and division using rectangular arrays or area models. NBT.6
(OAT) ALT 3 - Factors and Multiples
I can apply my understanding of factors and multiples. (*Note: Not on report card)
AST 3.1 - Factor Pairs for Whole Numbers : I can find all of the factor pairs for whole numbers 1-100. OA.4
AST 3.2 - Prime or Composit : I can determine whether a whole number (1-100) is prime or composite. OA.4
AST 3.3 - Multiple of Factors : I can recognize that a whole number is a multiple of each of its factors. OA.4
(OAT) ALT 4 - Patterns with Unknown Rules
I can create and analyze patterns with unknown rules. (*Note: Not on report card)
AST 4.1 - Number or Shape Patterns : I can create and extend number or shape patterns. OA.5
AST 4.2 - Describe Pattern : I can describe a pattern. OA.5
(NOBT) ALT 5 - Place Value to a Million
I can read, write, and compare numbers with place value to a million.
AST 5.1 - Place Value Increases, Decreases : I understand that each place value increases by ten times to the left and decreases by ten times to the right. NBT.1
AST 5.2 - Place of Number up to a Million : I can name each place of a number up to a million, identifying the value of each digit within. NBT.2
AST 5.3 - Read, Write Multi-Digit Numbers : I can read and write multi-digit numbers using standard form, expanded notation and written form. NBT.2
AST 5.4 - Compare Multi-Digit Numbers : I can use the symbols <, =, > to compare multi digit numbers (up to 1,000,000). NBT.2
AST 5.5 - Round a Number : I can round a number to a given place value (up to 1,000,000). NBT.3
(NOF) ALT 6 - Fractions and Decimals
I can add, subtract, order and compare fractions and decimals and multiply fractions by whole numbers.
AST 6.1 - Equivalant Fractions : I can identify and name equivalent fractions using models and multiplication. NF.1
AST 6.2 - Order Fractions : I can order fractions with like and unlike denominators from smallest to largest. NF.2
AST 6.3 - Identify the Whole or One : I can identify the ‘whole’ or ‘one’; comparing fractions that refer to the same whole. NF.2
AST 6.4 - Add, Subtract Fractions : I can add and subtract fractions with like denominators using models and equations. NF.3
AST 6.5 - Add Fraction to Itself : I can repeatedly add a fraction to itself to show the results are the same as multiplying that fraction by the same number. Example: 3/6 = 1/6 + 1/6 + 1/6 or 3/6 = 3 x (1/6) NF.4
AST 6.6 - Rename Fractions with 10 and 100 : I can rename fractions with 10 and 100 in the denominator as decimals. NF.5-6
AST 6.7 - Compare Decimals to the hundredths : I can compare decimals to the hundredths when they refer to the same whole. NF.7
AST 6.8 - Line Plot : I can create and use a line plot to solve addition and subtraction problems with fractions (to the nearest 1/8 of a unit). MD.4
(MD) ALT 7 - Measurement Conversions
I can solve problems involving measurement and measurement conversions, including distance, time, volume, mass and money.
AST 7.1 - Record Measurement Equivalants : I can record measurement equivalents in a two-column table including km, m, cm; kg, g; lb, oz.; l, ml; hr, min, sec. MD.1
AST 7.2 - Solve Measurement Word Problems : I can solve measurement word problems that have simple fractions, decimals and unit conversions. MD.2
AST 7.3 - Use Diagrams to Represent Measurement : I can use diagrams to represent measurement quantities. MD.2
AST 7.4 - Compute Area and Perimeter : I can use formulas to compute area and perimeter. MD.3
AST 7.5 - Line Plot : I can create and use a line plot to solve addition and subtraction problems with fractions (to the nearest 1/8 of a unit). MD.4
(GM) ALT 8 - Understand Concepts of Angles
I can understand concepts of angles, and I can accurately measure angles.
AST 8.1 - Two Rays Share End Point : I can understand that angles are composed of two rays that share an endpoint. MD.5
AST 8.2 - Use a Protractor : I can use a protractor to measure angles. MD.6
AST 8.3 - Sketch an Angle : I can sketch an angle of a specified measure. MD.6
AST 8.4 - Find Unknown Angles : I can use addition and subtraction to find unknown angles in a real-world problem. MD.7
(GEO) ALT 9 - Lines and Angles
I can draw and identify lines and angles, and classify shapes by properties of their lines and angles.
AST 9.1 - Points, Lines, Line Segments, Rays : I can draw and identify points, lines, line segments and rays individually and in 2-D shapes. G.1
AST 9.2 - Perpendicular and Parallel Lines : I can draw and identify perpendicular and parallel lines in 2-D shapes. G.1
AST 9.3 - Right, Acute, Obtuse Angles : I can draw and identify right, acute, and obtuse angles individually and as part of 2-D shapes. G.1
AST 9.4 - Classify 2-D Figures : I can classify 2-D figures using my knowledge of lines and angles. G.2
AST 9.5 - Right Triangles : I can identify right triangles. G.2
AST 9.6 - Line of Symetery: I can identify and draw a line of symmetry and identify figures that have symmetry. G.3
MP 1 - Making Sense
Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.
MP 2 - Reason Abstractly
Reason abstractly and quantitatively.
MP 3 - Construct Arguments
Construct viable arguments & critique the reasoning of others.
MP 4 - Model with Math
Model with mathematics.
MP 5 - Use Tools
Use appropriate tools strategically.
MP 6 - Precision
Attend to precision.
MP 7- Structure
Look for and make use of structure.
MP 8 - Repeated Reasoning
Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.