5th Grade Math Learning Targets
Math, 5
(OAT) ALT 1 - Numerical Expressions
I can write and interpret numerical expressions.
AST 1.1 - Use Order of Operations : I can use the order of operations to solve problems. OA.1
AST 1.2 Numeric Expressions : I can write numeric expressions that are described in word problems that may include parentheses, brackets, and/or braces. OA.1 and 2
AST 1.3 - Interpret Meaning of Numeric Expressions : I can interpret the meaning of a numeric expression without solving it. OA.2
(OAT) ALT 2 - Graph Points on Coordinate Plane
I can analyze patterns and relationships and graph points on a coordinate plane to solve problems.
AST 2.1 - 2 Numerical Patterns : I can create two numerical patterns given two rules.
AST 2.2 - Relationship Between Patterns : I can describe the relationships between the two patterns. OA.3
AST 2.3 - Forming Ordered Pairs : I can form ordered pairs from the numerical pattern. OA.3
AST 2.4 - Coordinate Plane : I can place coordinate pairs on a coordinate plane in quadrant one (positive numbers only). G.1-2
AST 2.5 - Graphing Data : I can solve a real world and mathematical problems by graphing data and interpreting values in the context of the situation. G.2
(NOTB) ALT 3 - Place Value System
I can understand the place value system.
AST 3.1 - Digits and 10x the Value : I can recognize that in a multi-digit number, a digit in one place represents 10 times as much as it represents in the place to its right. NBT.1
AST 3.2 - Place Value : I can recognize that in a multi-digit number, a digit in one place represents 1/10 of what it represents in the place to its left. NBT.1
AST 3.3 - Patterns in the Number of 0's : I can describe the patterns in the number of zeros of the product when multiplying a number by powers of 10. NBT.2
AST 3.4 - Describe Pattern : I can describe the pattern between the exponent and the placement of the decimal when multiplying and dividing a number by a power of 10. NBT.2
AST 3.5 - Decimals to Thousandths Place : I can read and write decimals to the thousandths place. NBT.3
AST 3.6 - Expanded Form : I can write and explain what each digit represents in expanded form. NBT.3a
AST 3.7 - Compare decimals to the 1,000 place : I can compare decimals to the thousandths place. NBT.3b
AST 3.8 - Round Decimals to Any Place : I can demonstrate my understanding of place value to round decimals to any place. NBT.4
AST 3.9 - Convert Metric Measurement : I can convert among different-sized metric measurement units using the base-ten system. MD.1
(NOTB) ALT 4 - Perform Operations
I can perform operations to fluently solve problems with multi-digit whole numbers.
AST 4.1 - Multiply-Divide Whole Numbers : I can fluently multiply multi-digit whole numbers using the standard algorithm. NBT.5
AST 4.2 - Whole Number Division Problems : I can solve whole-number division problems (up to four-digit dividends and two-digit divisors) using a variety of strategies, such as: place value, properties of operations, and/or area models. NBT.6
AST 4.3 - Relationship between Multiply-Divide : I can show the relationship between multiplication and division to solve and explain division problems. NBT.6
(NOTB) ALT 5 - Decimals and Hundredths Places
I can perform operations to fluently solve problems involving decimals to the hundredths place.
AST 5.1 - Develop Estimate : I can develop an estimate, when given a problem where I need to add, subtract, multiply, and divide decimals, to help me approximate an answer. NBT.7
AST 5.2 - Visual Models for Add-Sub : I can create a model (examples include: grid paper, base 10 blocks, number line, money, and meter stick) to visually show the addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division of decimals to the hundredths place. NBT.7
AST 5.3 - Explanation of Strategy : I can write an explanation of the strategy I used (for adding, subtracting, multiplying, or dividing decimals) and provide justification of an answer based on the model used. NBT.7
AST 5.4 - Convert Different-Sized Metric Measurement : I can demonstrate how to convert among different–sized metric measurement units using multiplication and division of decimals. MD.1
(NOF) ALT 6 - Add, Subtract Fractions
I can fluently add and subtract fractions.
AST 6.1 - Add Subtract Fractions : I can find like denominators to add and subtract fractions. NF.1
AST 6.2 - Visual Models : I can create and use visual models to represent fraction addition and subtraction. NF.2
AST 6.3 - Number Sense, Benchmark Fractions : I can use number sense and benchmark fractions to estimate fractions sums and differences. NF.2
AST 6.4 - Use Estimates : I can use my estimates to decide if my answers are reasonable. NF.2
AST 6.5 - Line Plot : I can make a line plot to display a set of data involving fractions of a unit (1/2, ¼, 1/8). MD.2
AST 6.6 - Add Data - Calculate Total : I can add all the data together to calculate the total. MD.2
(NOF) ALT 7 - Multiply, Divide Fractions
I can multiply and divide fractions (unit fraction divided by whole numbers and whole numbers divided by unit fractions).
AST 7.1 - Interpret Fraction : I can interpret a fraction as the result of dividing the numerator by the denominator. NF.3
AST 7.2 - Solve Story Problems : I can solve story problems for division of whole numbers by whole numbers that give fraction and mixed number quotients. NF.3
AST 7.3 - Use Visual Models : I can use visual models to explain multiplying by a fraction as determining a part of another number. NF.4a
AST 7.4 - Justify Area : I can justify that the area of a rectangle with fractional side-lengths can be found by multiplying length by width. NF.4b
AST 7.5 - Mult Fraction Less than ! : I can explain why multiplying by a fraction less than 1 will result in a smaller number. NF.5
AST 7.6. - Creat, Solve Real World Problems : I can create and solve real world problems involving multiplication of fractions, mixed numbers and whole numbers. NF.6
AST 7.7 - Dividing Unit of Fraction : I can solve real world problems for dividing a unit fraction (⅓, ⅕, ⅙, ⅛, etc.) by a whole number and use a visual model to show the quotient. NF.7a and c
AST 7.8 - Dividing Whole Number by Unit Fraction : I can solve real world problems for dividing a whole number by a unit fraction (⅓, ⅕, ⅙, ⅛, etc.) and use a visual model to show the quotient. NF.7b and c
AST 7.9 - Relationship Between Div. and Multip. : I can use the relationship between division and multiplications to justify my answers to division problems involving unit fractions. NF.7a and b
(MD) ALT 8 - Concepts of Volume
I can understand and apply concepts of volume.
AST 8.1 - Unit Cube : I can define a “unit cube” and use it as a tool to measure volume. MD.3a
AST 8.2 -Define Volume : I can define volume as a solid figure packed with no gaps. MD.3b
AST 8.3 - Determine Volume : I can determine the volume of an object using cubic units, cubic inches, cubic centimeters, cubic feet. MD.4
AST 8.4 - Determine Volume of Right Rectangle. Prism : I can determine the volume of a right rectangular prism by packing it with unit cubes. MD.5a
AST 8.5 - Apply Formula V=l x w x h : I can apply the formula V = l x w x h to rectangular prisms to find volume. MD.5b
AST 8.6 - Solve Irregular Three-Dimensional Prism : I can solve irregular three-dimensional objects by separating them into separate parts that are regular rectangular prisms, find each of their volumes and add the results together. MD.5c
(GEO) ALT 9 - Two-Dimensional Figures
I can classify two-dimensional figures into categories based on their properties.
AST 9.1 - List Attributes : I can list attributes (properties) of a given two-dimensional polygon. G.3
AST 9.2 - Categorize Polygons : I can categorize polygons based on their attributes. G.3 and 4
AST 9.3 - Create Hierarchy : I can create a hierarchy based on the property of two-dimensional figures. G.3 and 4
MP 1 - Making Sense
Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.
MP 2 - Reason Abstractly
Reason abstractly and quantitatively.
MP 3 - Construct Arguments
Construct viable arguments & critique the reasoning of others.
MP 4 - Model with Math
Model with mathematics.
MP 5 - Use Tools
Use appropriate tools strategically.
MP 6 - Precision
Attend to precision.
MP 7 - Structure
Look for and make use of structure.
MP 8 - Repeated Reasoning
Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.