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Beaverton School District
Beaverton School District

Beaverton Schools

Kindergarten Math Learning Targets

Math Kindergarten

ALT 1 - Count to 100 by Ones

I can count to 100 by ones. K.CC.1

AST 1.1 - Count to 100 by Ones  :  I can count forward by ones beginning with a number other than one to 100. K.CC.2

ALT 2 - Count to 100 by 10s

I can count to 100 by tens. K.CC.1

ALT 3 - Write Numbers 0-20

I can write the numbers that represent a given number of objects from zero to twenty.

AST 3.1 - Write Numbers 0-20  :  I can write the numbers 0 to 20. K.CC.3

ALT 4 - Use Counting Strategies

I can use counting strategies to determine the number of objects and I can understand the relationship between numbers and quantities. (*Note: Not on report card)

AST 4.1 - Say Number Names Match Objects  :  I can, when counting objects, say the number names in order while matching each object with a number. K.CC.4a

AST 4.2 - Last Number Said  :  I know that the last number said tells the number of objects counted no matter how the objects are arranged. K.CC.4b

AST 4.3 - Count up to 20 Objects  :  I can count up to twenty objects to answer "how many" with the objects arranged in a line, rectangular array or circle. K.CC.5

AST 4.4 - Count out 20 Objects  :  I can, when given a number within twenty, count out that number of objects. K.CC.5

ALT 5 - Compare Sets of Groups

I can compare sets of groups of objects to tell more, less, or equal to.

AST 5.1 - Determine Greater Than, Less Than  :  I can determine whether a group of ten or fewer objects is greater than, less than, or equal to another group of objects. K.CC.6

AST 5.2 - Determine Greater Than, Less Than - Pt 2  :  I can determine whether a written number, between one and ten, is greater than, less than, or equal to another written number, between one and ten. K.CC.7

ALT 6 -Addition and Subtraction

I can show addition as putting together and adding to -and- subtraction as taking apart and taking from

AST 6.1 - Addition and Subtraction with Objects  :  I can show addition and subtraction with objects, fingers, mental images, drawings, sounds, acting out situations, verbal explanations, expressions, or equations. K.OA.1

AST 6.2 - Addition, Subtraction Word Problems  :  I can solve addition and subtraction word problems within 10, by using objects or drawings. K.OA.2

AST 6.3 - Take Apart Numbers  :  I can take apart numbers, less than or equal to ten, into pairs in more than one way and record by a drawing or equation. K.OA.3

AST 6.4 - Find Missing Number  :  I can find the missing number that makes 10, when added to the other given number and I can record the answer using drawings or equations. K.OA.4

ALT 7 - Mental Strategies

I can use mental strategies to fluently and accurately add and subtract within 5. K.OA.5

ALT 8 - Use Place Value

I can use place value to find the tens and ones of the numbers 11-19.

AST 8.1 - Take Apart Numbers  :  I know that any number between 11 and 19 can be taken apart into 10 ones and one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, or nine ones. K.NBT.1

AST 8.2 - Show with Drawing or Equation  :  I can show with a drawing or equation that any number between 11 and 19 can be taken apart into 10 ones and some more ones (such as 18 = 10 + 8) K.NBT.1

ALT 9 - Measurable Attributes

I can describe measurable attributes of an object and directly compare 2 objects with measurable attributes. (*Note: Not on report card)

AST 9.1 - Objects Have Measurable Attributes  :  I know that objects have measurable attributes and I know what they are called (such as length and weight). K.MD.1

AST 9.2 - Describe Object by Using Attribute  :  I can describe an object by using attributes (such as length, width, height, weight, etc.) K.MD.1

AST 9.3 - More than One Attribute  :  I can describe more than one attribute of a single object. K.MD.1

AST 9.4 - Meaning of Words  :  I know the meaning of words that describe measurable attributes (such as more/less, taller/shorter, etc.)

AST 9.5 - Objects Can Be Compared  :  I know that two objects can be compared using a particular attribute. K.MD.2

AST 9.6 - Which has More, Less of Measurable   :  I can compare two objects and determine which has more and which has less of the measurable attribute and describe the difference. K.MD.2

ALT 10 - Classify Objects into Categories

I can classify objects into categories and sort and count objects into a specified category.

AST 10.1 - Classify into Given Categories  :  I can classify objects or people into given categories. K.MD.3

AST 10.2 - Count Number of Objects in Category  :  I can count the number of objects in a category within 10. K.MD.3

AST 10.3 - Sort Objects into Categories  :  I can sort objects into categories then determine the order of the categories by the number of objects in each category. K.MD.3

ALT 11 - Identify and Describe Shapes

I can identify and describe shapes (two- and three-dimensional.) Shapes include: squares, circles, triangles, rectangles, hexagons, cubes, cones, cylinders, and spheres.

AST 11.1 - Describe Objects Position  :  I can describe an objects position such as above, below, beside, in front of, behind, next to. K.G.1

AST 11.2 - Describe Using Names of Shapes  :  I can describe objects in the environment using names of shapes. K.G.1

AST 11.3 - Name Shapes  :  I can accurately name shapes. K.G.2

AST 11.4 - Size Does Not Affect Name  :  I know that size does not affect the name of a shape. K.G.2

AST 11.5 - Orientation Does Not Affect Name  :  I know that orientation does not affect the name of a shape. K.G.2

AST 11.6 - ID Shapes as 2D or 3D  :  I can identify shapes as two-dimensional or three-dimensional. K.G.3

AST 11.7 - 3D Shape Lying in Plane Flat  :  I know that a two-dimensional shape is lying in a plane or "flat". K.G.3

AST 11.8 - 3D Shape is Solid  :  I know that a three-dimensional shape is "solid". K.G.3

ALT 12 - Analyze, Compare, Compose 2D, 3D

I can analyze, compare, and compose two- and three-dimensional shapes. (*Note: Not on report card)

AST 12.1 - Identify and Count Attributes of Shapes  :  I can identify and count the number of sides, vertices/”corners”, and other attributes of shapes. K.G.4

AST 12.2 - Analyze, Compare 2D and 3D Shapes  :  I can analyze and compare two- and three-dimensional shapes, in different sizes and orientations, using informal language to describe their similarities, differences, parts, and other attributes. K.G.4

AST 12.3 - Model Shapes  :  I can model shapes by building and drawing them. K.G.5

AST 12.4 - Make a New Larger Shape  :  I can make a new larger shape using more than one simple shape. K.G.6

MP 1 - Making Sense

Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.

MP 2 - Reason Abstractly

Reason abstractly and quantitatively.

MP 3 - Construct Arguments

Construct viable arguments & critique the reasoning of others.

MP 4 - Model with Math

Model with mathematics.

MP 5 - Use Tools Use appropriate tools strategically.

MP 6 - Precision

Attend to precision.

MP 7- Structure

Look for and make use of structure.

MP 8 - Repeated Reasoning

Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.