6th Grade PE Learning Targets
Physical Education, 6th
ALT: Academic Learning Target
AST: Academic Supporting Target
BSD 6-8 Physical Education ALT 1: Physical Activity Skills
The physically literate individual demonstrates competency in a variety of motor skills & movement patterns.
Dance & Rhythms
AST 1.6.1 Demonstrates correct rhythm and pattern for one of the following rhythms forms: folk, social, creative, line or world dance.
Games & Sports (Invasion Games) - Passing & Receiving
AST 1.6.2 Passes and receives with hands in combination with locomotor patterns of running and change of direction & speed with competency in invasion games such as basketball, flag football, speedball or team handball.
Games & Sports (Invasion Games) - Dribbling/Ball control
AST 1.6.3 Dribbles with dominant hand or foot using a change of speed and direction in a variety of practice tasks.
Games & Sports (Net/Wall Games) - Serving
AST 1.6.4 Demonstrates the mature form with an underhand serve with control for net games such as badminton, volleyball or pickleball in a practice task.
Games & Sports (Net/Wall Games) - Forehand & Backhand
AST 1.6.5 Demonstrates the mature form of the forehand stroke in net games in a practice task.
Games & Sports (Net/Wall Games) - Volley
AST 1.6.6 Forehand-volleys with a mature form and control using a short-handled implement.
Individual Performance
AST 1.6.7 Demonstrates correct technique for basic skills in one self-selected outdoor activity.
BSD 6-8 Physical Education ALT 2: Physical Activity Strategies
The physically literate individual demonstrates and applies knowledge of a concepts, principles, strategies and tactics related to movements and performance.
Games & Sports (Invasion/Field Games) - Creating Space With Movement
AST 2.6.1 Creates open space by using locomotor movements (e.g., walking, running, jumping & landing) in combination with movement (e.g., varying pathways; change of speed, direction or pace).
Games & Sports (Invasion/Field Games) - Creating Space With Offensive Tactics
AST 2.6.2 Identifies and/or executes at least one of the following offensive tactics to create open space: moves to open space without the ball; uses a variety of passes, pivots and fakes; give & go.
Games & Sports (Invasion/Field Games) - Reducing Space by Changing Size & Shape
AST 2.6.3 Reduces open space on defense by making the body larger and reducing passing angles.
Games & Sports (Invasion/Field Games) - Reducing Space Using Denial
AST 2.6.4 Reduces open space by not allowing the catch (denial) or by allowing the catch but not the return pass in a practice task.
Games & Sports (Invasion/Field Games) - Transitions
AST 2.6.5 Transitions from offense to defense or defense to offense by recovering quickly.
Games & Sports (Net/Wall Games) - Creating Space Through Variations
AST 2.6.6 Creates open space in net/wall games by varying force and direction.
Games & Sports (Net/Wall Games) - Using Tactics & Shots
AST 2.6.7 Reduces offensive options for opponents by returning to mid-court position.
Games & Sports (Target Games) - Shot Selection
AST 2.6.8 Selects appropriate shot and/or equipment based on location of the object in relation to the target.
Games & Sports (Field/Striking Games) - Reducing Space
AST 2.6.9 Identifies the correct defensive play based on the situation (e.g., number of outs).
BSD 6-8 Physical Education ALT 3: Personal & Social Skills
The physically literate individual exhibits responsible self-expression and social skills that respects self and other through various social interactions.
Personal Responsibility
AST 3.6.1 Exhibits personal responsibility by being prepared for physical activity (appropriate clothing and shoes for physical activity that promotes safety of self, others and equipment).
Accepting Feedback
AST 3.6.2 Demonstrates self-responsibility by implementing specific corrective feedback to improve performance.
Working With Others
AST 3.6.3 Accepts differences among classmates in physical development, maturation and varying skill levels by providing encouragement and positive feedback.
AST 3.6.4 Cooperates with a small group of classmates during all class activities under teacher guidance.
Rules & Etiquette
AST 3.6.5 Identifies the rules and etiquette for physical activities/games and dance activities.
AST 3.6.6 Uses all Physical Education equipment and facilities respectfully, appropriately and safely with the teacher’s guidance.
AST 3.6.7 Identifies components of physical activity that provide opportunities for reducing stress and for social interaction.
AST 3.6.8 Recognizes individual challenges and copes in a positive way, such as extending effort, asking for help or feedback and/or modifying the tasks.
Social Interactions
AST 3.6.9 Demonstrates respect for self and others by following the rules, encouraging others and playing in the spirit of the game or activity.
BSD 6-8 Physical Education ALT 4: Fitness for Life Concepts
The physically literate individual recognizes and/or demonstrates the knowledge and skills to challenge, achieve, and maintain a health-enhancing level of physical activity and fitness while seeking lifelong enjoyment.
Physical Activity Knowledge
AST 4.6.1 Is able to identify three influences on physical activity (e.g., school, family & peers; community & built environment; policy).
Engages In Physical Activity
AST 4.6.2 Participates in and reflects on self-selected physical activity outside of physical education class.
AST 4.6.3 Participates in a variety of cardiovascular/aerobic fitness activities.
AST 4.6.4 Participates in a variety of lifetime recreational team sports, outdoor pursuits or dance activities.
Fitness Knowledge
AST 4.6.5 Identifies the components of skill-related fitness.
AST 4.6.6 Employs correct techniques and methods of stretching.
AST 4.6.7 Identifies each of the components of the overload principle (FITT formula: frequency, intensity, time, type) for different types of physical activity (aerobic, muscular fitness and flexibility).
AST 4.6.8 Describes the role of warm-ups and cool-downs before and after physical activity.
AST 4.6.9 Defines resting heart rate and describes its relationship to aerobic fitness and the Borg Rating of Perceived Exertion (RPE) Scale.
AST 4.6.10 Identifies major muscles used in selected physical activities.
Assessment & Program Planning
AST 4.6.11 Identify areas of weakness based on the results of health-related fitness assessment.
AST 4.6.12 Identifies foods within each of the basic food groups and selects appropriate servings and portions for his/her age and physical activity levels.
Stress Management
AST 4.6.13 Identifies positive and negative results of stress and appropriate ways of dealing with each.
Engages in Physical Activity
AST 4.6.14 Participates in moderate to vigorous aerobic physical activity that includes intermittent or continuous aerobic physical activity of both moderate and vigorous intensity.
AST 4.6.15 Describes how being physically active leads to a healthy body.
AST 4.6.16 Identifies components of physical activity that provide opportunities for reducing stress and for social interaction.
Self-Expression & Enjoyment
AST 4.6.17 Describes how moving in a physical activity setting creates enjoyment.