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Beaverton School District
Beaverton School District

Beaverton Schools

9th-12th Grade PE Learning Targets

Physical Education 1 (HS 1)

ALT: Academic Learning Target
AST:  Academic Supporting Target

BSD 9-12 Physical Education ALT 1: Physical Activity Skills
The physically literate individual demonstrates competency in a variety of motor skills & movement patterns.

Lifetime Activities
AST 1.H1.1 Demonstrates competency in two or more categories for lifetime activities. Categories: (Aerobic/cardiovascular activities, outdoor pursuits, individual-performance activities, team-performance activities, aquatics, net/wall games or target games).
Dance & Rhythms
AST 1.H1.2 Demonstrates competency in rhythmic activities used in cultural and social occasions, or demonstrates competency in one form of rhythmic activities (e.g., ballet, modern, hip hop, tap, tabata, step aerobics, cardio drumming, vinyasa yoga, zumba, etc).
Fitness Activities
AST 1.H1.3 Demonstrates competency of specialized skills in health-related fitness activities (balance, coordination, power, reaction time, agility and speed) through addressing 1 or more components of fitness. Components of fitness include: muscular strength, muscular endurance, cardiovascular-respiratory endurance, body composition, and flexibility.

BSD 9-12 Physical Education ALT 2: Physical Activity Strategies
The physically literate individual demonstrates and applies knowledge of a concepts, principles, strategies and tactics related to movements and performance.

Movement Concepts, Principals & Knowledge
AST 2.H1.1 Identifies and defines the terminology associated with aerobic/cardiorespiratory activities, outdoor pursuits, individual-performance activities, team-performance activities, aquatics, net/wall games or target games.
AST 2.H1.2 Uses movement concepts and principles (e.g., force, motion, rotation) to analyze and improve performance of self and/or others in a self-selected skill.
AST 2.H1.3 Creates a practice plan to improve performance for a self-selected skill.

BSD 9-12 Physical Education ALT 3: Personal & Social Skills
The physically literate individual exhibits responsible self-expression and social skills that respects self and other through various social interactions.

Personal Responsibility
AST 3.H1.1 Understands personal factors and barriers that impact participation.
Rules & Etiquette 
AST 3.H1.2 Understands personal factors and barriers that impact participation.
Working With Others
AST 3.H1.3 Uses communication skills and strategies that promote team/ group dynamics.
AST 3.H1.4 Demonstrate respect for all individual differences, including gender, ethnicity, and physical ability during physical activity.
AST 3.H1.5 Applies best practices for participating safely in physical activity and exercise (e.g., injury prevention, proper alignment, hydration, use of equipment, implementation of rules, sun protection).

BSD 9-12 Physical Education ALT 4: Fitness for Life Concepts
The physically literate individual recognizes and/or demonstrates the knowledge and skills to challenge, achieve, and maintain a health-enhancing level of physical activity and fitness while seeking lifelong enjoyment.

Physical Activity Knowledge
AST 4.H1.1 Discusses the benefits of a physically active lifestyle.
AST 4.H1.2 Evaluates activities that can be pursued in the local environment based on social support network and participation requirements.
AST 4.H1.3 Understand the ways in which personal characteristics, performance styles, and activity preferences will change over the life span as it relates to physical activity.
Engages In Physical Activity
AST 4.H1.4 Participates several times a week in a self-selected lifetime activity, rhythmic activities or fitness activity.
Fitness Knowledge
AST 4.H1.5 Identifies strength and conditioning exercises that develops balance and opposing muscle groups (agonist-antagonist) and supports a healthy, active lifestyle.
AST 4.H1.6 Identifies types of strength exercises (isometric, concentric, eccentric) and stretching exercises (static, proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation (PNF), dynamic) for personal fitness development (e.g., strength, endurance, range of motion).
AST 4.H1.7 Calculates target heart rate and applies that information to personal fitness plan to understand rate of perceived exertion.
Assessment & Program Planning
AST 4.H1.8 Calculates target heart rate and applies that information to personal fitness plan to understand rate of perceived exertion.
AST 4.H1.9 Analyzes the health benefits of a self-selected physical activity.
AST 4.H1.10 Chooses an appropriate level of challenge to experience success and desire to participate in a self-selected physical activity.

Physical Education 2 (HS 2)

ALT: Academic Learning Target
AST:  Academic Supporting Target

BSD 9-12 Physical Education ALT 1: Physical Activity Skills
The physically literate individual demonstrates competency in a variety of motor skills & movement patterns.

Lifetime Activities
AST 1.H2.1 Refines activity-specific movement skills in one or more lifetime activities (Aerobic/cardiovascular activities, outdoor pursuits, individual-performance activities, team performance activities, aquatics, net/wall games or target games).
Dance & Rhythms
AST 1.H2.2 Demonstrates competency is a form of rhythmic activities by choreographing a rhythmic activities or by giving a performance.
Fitness Activities
AST 1.H2.3 Demonstrates competency of specialized skills in health-related fitness activities through addressing 2 or more components of fitness. Components of fitness include: muscular strength, muscular endurance, cardiovascular-respiratory endurance, body composition, and flexibility.

BSD 9-12 Physical Education ALT 2: Physical Activity Strategies
The physically literate individual demonstrates and applies knowledge of a concepts, principles, strategies and tactics related to movements and performance.

Movement Concepts, Principals & Knowledge
AST 2.H2.1 Understands and applies the terminology associated with aerobic/cardiorespiratory activities, outdoor pursuits, individual-performance activities, team-performance activities, aquatics, net/wall games or target games.
AST 2.H2.2 Describes the speed/accuracy trade-off in a self-selected skill.
AST 2.H2.3 Identifies the stages of learning a motor skill (e.g. cognitive (verbal), associative, and autonomous).

BSD 9-12 Physical Education ALT 3: Personal & Social Skills
The physically literate individual exhibits responsible self-expression and social skills that respects self and other through various social interactions.

Personal Responsibility
AST 3.H2.1 Employs effective self-management skills to evaluate personal factors and barriers that impact participation and modifies physical activity patterns, as needed.
Rules & Etiquette 
AST 3.H2.2 Apply conflict resolution strategies in appropriate ways and analyze potential consequences when confronted with unsportsmanlike behavior.
Working With Others
AST 3.H2.3 Assumes a leadership role (e.g., task or group leader, referee, coach) in a physical activity setting.
AST 3.H2.4 Accepts others’ ideas, cultural diversity and body types by engaging in cooperative and collaborative movement projects.
AST 3.H2.5 Applies best practices for participating safely in physical activity and exercise (e.g., injury prevention, proper alignment, hydration, use of equipment, implementation of rules, sun protection).

BSD 9-12 Physical Education ALT 4: Fitness for Life Concepts
The physically literate individual recognizes and/or demonstrates the knowledge and skills to challenge, achieve, and maintain a health-enhancing level of physical activity and fitness while seeking lifelong enjoyment.

Physical Activity Knowledge
AST 4.H2.1 Create and implement a plan to be physically active 60 minutes a day.
AST 4.H2.2 Evaluates activities that can be pursued in the local environment based on social support network and participation requirements.
AST 4.H2.3 Analyzes the impact of life choices, economics, motivation and accessibility on exercise adherence and participation in physical activity in college or career settings.
Engages In Physical Activity
AST 4.H2.4 Creates a plan, trains for and participates in a community event with a focus on physical activity (e.g., 5K, triathlon, tournament, dance performance, cycling event).
Fitness Knowledge
AST 4.H2.5 Designs and implements a strength and conditioning program that develops balance and opposing muscle groups (agonist-antagonist) and supports a healthy, active lifestyle.
AST 4.H2.6 Identifies the structure of skeletal muscle and fiber types as they relate to muscle development.
AST 4.H2.7 Adjusts pacing to keep heart rate in the target zone, using technology (e.g., pedometer, heart rate monitor) if available, to self-monitor aerobic intensity.
Assessment & Program Planning
AST 4.H2.8 Analyzes the components of skill-related fitness in relation to life and career goals, and designs an appropriate fitness program for those goals.
AST 4.H2.9 Analyzes the health benefits of a self-selected physical activity.
AST 4.H2.10 Chooses an appropriate level of challenge to experience success and desire to participate in a self-selected physical activity.