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Beaverton School District
Beaverton School District

Beaverton Schools

5th Grade Social Studies Learning Targets

Social Studies, 5

ALT 1 - Sim-Diff Two Accounts

I can describe similarities and differences in two or more points of view of an event, issue, or problem.

AST 1.1 - Reading Two Accounts  :  I can read and understand two accounts of the same event.

AST 1.2 - Listing Sim-Diff of Accounts  :  I can list the similarities and differences between two accounts of the same event or topic.

AST 1.3 - Eval Multiple Perspectives  :  I can describe important similarities and differences between two accounts of the same event to evaluate multiple perspectives.

AST 1.4 - Interpret Multiple Accounts  :  I can interpret multiple accounts of various events or topics to create an evidence-based conclusion.

5-United States  :  Identify the roles and responsibilities of the three branches of government.

6-United States  :  Know how a bill becomes a law.

7-United States  :  Compare the primary functions of federal, state and local governments.

8-United States  :  Identify basic rights given to citizens of the United States.

9-United States  :  Identify and give examples of actions citizens can take to influence government policy and decision-making.

10-United States  :  Explain how different ways of governments are organized.

11-United States  :  Explain how nations interact with one another.

12-United States  :  Identify the benefits of diversity.

13-United States  :  Explain how conflicts should be prevented and managed.

ALT 2- Multiple Sources

I can gather, use, and document information from multiple sources to support a solution.

AST 2.1 - Locate Mult Sources  :  I can locate multiple sources about an event, issue or problem.

AST 2.2 - Primary - Secondary Resources  :  I can identify the differences between primary and secondary sources.

AST 2.3 - Relevant Info from Sources  :  I can determine and document relevant information from primary and secondary sources about an event, issue or problem.

AST 2.4 - Examine Relevant Information  :  I can examine and interpret the relevant information gathered to analyze an event, issue or problem.

ALT 3 - Infer Causes and Results

I can infer causes and results of an event, issue, or problem.

AST 4.1 - ID Characteristics of Events  :  I can identify characteristics of an event, issue or problem.

AST 4.2 - ID 1 Possible Cause and Effect  :  I can identify one possible cause and effect of an event, issue or problem.

AST 4.3 - Infer Effects and Causes  :  I can infer the effects (how) and causes (why) of an event, issue or problem.

AST 4.4 - Eval Causes-Effects for Diff Outcomes  :  I can evaluate the causes and effects of an event, topic or problem, to infer how changing a cause would yield different outcomes.