PE Instructional Resources Recommendations Review
In April of 2018, the Beaverton School District Board charged the Superintendent to form a Physical Education Project Team with the task of evaluating and making specific programmatic recommendations for the District.
The School Board approved Phase 1 recommendations from the Project Team at the May 26, 2019 Board meeting that included Learning Targets, Position Paper and Best Practices.
Phase 2 work in 2019-20 included recommendations for Instructional Resources, and Professional Development, Assessment & Implementation plans.
All stakeholders are invited to review the instructional resources recommended by the Project Team for curriculum adoption by the Beaverton School District. Input is welcome via completion of the PE Instructional Resources Input form.
PE Instructional Resources Input Form
The deadline for providing input is May 15, 2020
PE Instructional Resources Recommended for Adoption
BSD Created Resources
Lesson plans and other resources for teachers created by staff. Currently under development and will be ongoing.
Level: K-12
Classroom Resources
Access to brain boosts and physical resources shared by BSD PE and APE teachers to classroom teachers
Level: K-12
Dynamic PE K-5 1
Online Resources and teacher book.
Level: K-5
Password: Beaverton
Five for Life K-12
Online Resources
Level: K-12
Username: demobsd001
Password: demobsd001
Marathon Kids
Fitness Program
Level: K-5
Open K-12
Online Resources
Level: K-12
Username: BSDdemo
Password: Beaverton