Physical Education (PE): Elementary
"Physical literacy is the motivation, confidence, physical competence, knowledge, and understanding to value and take responsibility for engagement in physical activities for life." The International Physical Literacy Association, 2017
Healthy habits are a component of Physical Literacy
Being physically literate is a fundamental and valuable means to maximizing a person’s potential to succeed in all aspects of life. Physical literacy is one of the most controllable factors of a person’s overall well-being. It is a critical skill that empowers students to become successful and productive members of society. The physically literate student will demonstrate mastery of the following:
● Competence and confidence in motor skill and movement patterns
● Application of health-related fitness concepts, principles, strategies and tactics
● Maintenance of physical fitness or progress towards physical fitness through participation
● Responsible personal and social skills in individual and teamwork tasks
● The value and desire to engage in physical activity as a lifestyle
A physically literate person needs to be healthy in both mind and body. Developing this lifestyle positively contributes to a person’s overall physical, social, and emotional health. Acquiring the skills of a physically literate person is a valuable, lifelong skill that is needed to improve self-esteem and confidence, teamwork skills, and readiness to learn in all content areas.
We must provide all students with multiple opportunities to regularly and consistently access equitable and culturally relevant Physical Education classes. It is imperative that students receive instruction from highly qualified, licensed Physical Education teachers. It takes a combination of methods, materials, and classroom spaces for students to achieve proficiency on learning targets. In order to successfully reach all students, it is crucial for teachers to have access to safe and age appropriate equipment as well as and current and relevant technology. Teachers must have opportunities to access ongoing professional development designed to deepen content knowledge and improve cultural competency. Appropriate accommodations, modifications, adaptations, and support for all learners are also required in order to create a fully inclusive classroom environment. It is vital for facilities to be safe and specifically dedicated and designed for Physical Education classes, to execute the curriculum, meet Learning Targets and move effectively in the space. These courses should be rigorous and required for all students without waivers or exemptions.
To provide an effective physical education program, SHAPE (Society of Health and Physical Educators) America recommends that elementary students should receive a minimum of 150 minutes per week of Physical Education while middle and high school students should receive a minimum of 225 minutes of Physical Education per week. With that time, Physical Educators envision students moving competently and confidently, demonstrating a wide variety of motor and manipulative skills. They will apply knowledge of a physically active lifestyle as well as concepts and strategies related to movement and performance. Students will have multiple opportunities to work collaboratively in activities with others representing diverse backgrounds, experiences, and abilities. They are developing joy for movement while experiencing the feelings associated with overcoming challenges to achieve individual, team and group success.
To achieve this vision and best support physical education teachers, structures within all schools, kindergarten through 12th grade, will be inclusive to support adequate physical education and skill development for all students in accordance with state law. Appropriate accommodations, modifications, adaptations, and support for all learners are also required in order to create a fully inclusive classroom environment.
Ultimately, physical literacy is achieved through an evolving partnership of all stakeholders: students, families, teachers, administrators, schools, and communities. The task of the Beaverton School District is to create an equitable Physical Education environment in which all students are valued for their diversity, fostered in their wellness development, challenged, and motivated to continue learning and leading a physically healthy lifestyle through their lifetime.
Learning Targets and Rubrics
ALT: Academic Learning Target
AST: Academic Supporting Target
AST: Academic Supporting Target
ALT 1: Physical Skills (Psychomotor): The physically literate individual demonstrates motor skill competency in a variety of physical activities.
- Locomotor - Hopping, galloping, running, sliding, skipping, leaping
- AST 1.K.1 Performs locomotor skills (hopping, galloping, sliding, skipping) while maintaining balance.
- Locomotor - Jumping & landing, horizontal plane
- AST 1.K.2 Performs jumping & landing actions with balance. (Note: This outcome applies to both horizontal and vertical jumping & landing.)
- Locomotor - Dance
- AST 1.K.3 Performs locomotor skills in response to teacher-led creative rhythmic activities.
- Non-Locomotor (Stability)- Balance
- AST 1.K.4 Maintains momentary stillness on different bases of support.
- AST 1.K.5 Forms wide, narrow, curled & twisted body shapes.
- Non-Locomotor (Stability)- Weight transfer, rolling
- AST 1.K.6 Rolls sideways in a narrow body shape.
- Non-Locomotor (Stability)- Curling & stretching; twisting & bending
- AST 1.K.7 Contrasts the actions of curling & stretching.
- Manipulative - Underhand throw
- AST 1.K.8 Throws underhand with opposite foot forward.
- Manipulative - Catching
- AST 1.K.9 Drops a ball and catches it before it bounces twice.
- AST 1.K.10 Catches a large ball tossed by a skilled thrower.
- Manipulative - Dribbling/ball control with hands
- AST 1.K.11 Dribbles a ball with one hand, attempting the second contact.
- Manipulative- Dribbling/ball control with feet
- AST 1.K.12 Taps a ball using the inside of the foot, sending it forward.
- Manipulative- Kicking
- AST 1.K.13 Kicks a stationary ball from a stationary position, demonstrating 2 of the 5 elements of a mature kicking pattern.
- Manipulative- Volley, underhand
- AST 1.K.14 Volleys a light-weight object (balloon), sending it upward.
- Manipulative- Striking, short implement
- AST 1.K.15 Strikes a lightweight object with a paddle or short-handled racket.
- Manipulative- Jumping rope
- AST 1.K.16 Executes a single jump with self-turned rope.
- AST 1.K.17 Jumps a long rope with teacher-assisted turning.
ALT 2: Fitness & Movement Concepts (Cognitive): The physically literate individual demonstrates and applies knowledge of a physically active lifestyle and concepts/strategies related to movement and performance.
- Movement Concepts- Space
- AST 2.K.1 Differentiates between movement in personal (self-space) & general space.
- AST 2.K.2 Moves in personal space to a rhythm.
- Movement Concepts- Shapes, pathways, levels
- AST 2.K.3 Travels in 3 different pathways.
- Movement Concepts- Speed, direction, force
- AST 2.K.4 Travels in general space with different speeds.
- Physical Activity Knowledge
- AST 2.K.5 Identifies active-play opportunities outside physical education class.
- Engages in Physical Activity
- AST 2.K.6 Actively participates in physical education class.
- Fitness Knowledge
- AST 2.K.7 Recognizes that when you move fast, your heart beats faster and you breathe faster.
- Nutrition
- AST 2.K.8 Recognizes that food provides energy for physical activity.
- Health
- AST 2.K.9 Recognizes that physical activity is important for good health.
- Challenge
- AST 2.K.10 Acknowledges that some physical activities are challenging/difficult.
ALT 3: Personal & Social Skills (Affective): The physically literate individual demonstrates responsible, safe, and respectful social skills for self, equipment and others.
- Personal Responsibility
- AST 3.K.1 Follows directions in group settings (e.g., safe behaviors, following rules, taking turns).
- AST 3.K.2 Acknowledges responsibility for behavior when prompted.
- Accepting Feedback
- AST 3.K.3 Follows instruction/ directions when prompted.
- Working With Others
- AST 3.K.4 Shares equipment and space with others.
- Rules & Etiquette
- AST 3.K.5 Recognizes the established protocol for class activities.
- Safety
- AST 3.K.6 Follows teacher directions for safe participation and proper use of equipment with minimal reminders.
- Self-Expression & Enjoyment
- AST 3.K.7 Identifies physical activities that are enjoyable.
First Grade
ALT: Academic Learning Target
AST: Academic Supporting Target
AST: Academic Supporting Target
ALT 1: Physical Skills (Psychomotor): The physically literate individual demonstrates motor skill competency in a variety of physical activities.
- Locomotor - Hopping, galloping, running, sliding, skipping, leaping
- AST 1.1.1 Hops and gallops using a mature pattern.
- Locomotor - Jumping & landing, horizontal plane
- AST 1.1.2 Demonstrates critical elements for jumping & landing in a horizontal plane using 2-foot takeoffs & landings.
- Locomotor - Jumping & landing, vertical plane
- AST 1.1.3 Demonstrates critical elements for jumping & landing in a vertical plane using 2-foot takeoffs & landings.
- Locomotor Dance
- AST 1.1.4 Combines locomotor and non-locomotor skills in a teacher- designed rhythmic activity.
- Non-Locomotor (Stability) - Balance
- AST 1.1.5 Maintains stillness on different bases of support with different body shapes.
- Non-Locomotor (Stability) - Weight transfers
- AST 1.1.6 Transfers weight from one body part to another in self-space in rhythmic activities and gymnastics environments.
- Non-Locomotor (Stability) - Weight transfer, rolling
- AST 1.1.7 Rolls with either a narrow or curled body shape.
- Non-Locomotor (Stability) - Curling & stretching; twisting & bending
- AST 1.1.8 Demonstrates twisting, curling, bending & stretching actions
- Manipulative - Underhand throw
- AST 1.1.9 Throws underhand, demonstrating 2 of the 5 critical elements of a mature pattern.
- Manipulative - Catching
- AST 1.1.10 Catches a soft object from a self-toss before it bounces.
- AST 1.1.11 Catches various sizes of balls self-tossed or tossed by a skilled thrower.
- Manipulative - Dribbling/ball control with hands
- AST 1.1.12 Dribbles continuously in self-space using the preferred hand.
- Manipulative - Dribbling/ball control with feet
- AST 1.1.13 Taps or dribbles a ball using the inside of the foot while walking in general space.
- Manipulative - Kicking
- AST 1.1.14 Approaches a stationary ball and kicks it forward, demonstrating 2 of the 5 critical elements of a mature pattern.
- Manipulative - Volley, underhand
- AST 1.1.15 Volleys an object with an open palm, sending it upward.
- Manipulative - Striking, short implement
- AST 1.1.16 Strikes a ball with a short-handled implement, sending it upward
- Manipulative - Jumping rope
- AST 1.1.17 Jumps forward or backward consecutively using a self-turned rope.
- AST 1.1.18 Jumps a long rope up to 5 times consecutively with teacher-assisted turning.
ALT 2: Fitness & Movement Concepts (Cognitive): The physically literate individual demonstrates and applies knowledge of a physically active lifestyle and concepts/strategies related to movement and performance.
- Movement Concepts - Space
- AST 2.1.1 Moves in self-space and general space in response to designated beats/ rhythms.
- Movement Concepts - Shapes, pathways, levels
- AST 2.1.2 Travels demonstrating low, middle and high levels.
- AST 2.1.3 Travels demonstrating a variety of relationships with objects (e.g., over, under, around, through).
- Movement Concepts - Speed, direction, force
- AST 2.1.4 Differentiates between fast and slow speeds.
- AST 2.1.5 Differentiates between strong and light force.
- Physical Activity Knowledge
- AST 2.1.6 Discusses the benefits of being active and exercising and/or playing.
- Engages in Physical Activity
- AST 2.1.7 Actively engages in physical education class.
- Fitness Knowledge
- AST 2.1.8 Identifies the heart as a muscle that grows stronger with exercise, play and physical activity.
- Nutrition
- AST 2.1.9 Differentiates between healthy and unhealthy foods.
- Health
- AST 2.1.10 Identifies physical activity as a component of good health.
- Challenge
- AST 2.1.11 Recognizes that challenge in physical activities can lead to success.
ALT 3: Personal & Social Skills (Affective): The physically literate individual demonstrates responsible, safe, and respectful social skills for self, equipment and others.
- Personal Responsibility
- AST 3.1.1 Accepts personal responsibility by using equipment and space appropriately.
- AST 3.1.2 Follows the rules & parameters of the learning environment.
- Accepting Feedback
- AST 3.1.3 Responds appropriately to general feedback from the teacher.
- Working With Others
- AST 3.1.4 Works independently with others in a variety of class environments (e.g., small and large groups).
- Rules & Etiquette
- AST 3.1.5 Exhibits the established protocols for class activities.
- Safety
- AST 3.1.6 Follows teacher directions for safe participation and proper use of equipment without teacher reminders.
- Self-Expression & Enjoyment
- AST 3.1.7 Describes positive feelings that result from participating in physical activities.
- AST 3.1.8 Discusses personal reasons (i.e., the “why”) for enjoying physical activities.
Second Grade
ALT: Academic Learning Target
AST: Academic Supporting Target
AST: Academic Supporting Target
ALT 1: Physical Skills (Psychomotor): The physically literate individual demonstrates motor skill competency in a variety of physical activities.
- Locomotor - Hopping, galloping, running, sliding, skipping, leaping
- AST 1.2.1 Skips using a mature pattern.
- Locomotor - Jogging, running
- AST 1.2.2 Runs with a mature pattern.
- AST 1.2.3 Travels showing differentiation between jogging and sprinting.
- Locomotor - Jumping & landing, horizontal plane
- AST 1.2.4 Demonstrates critical elements for jumping & landing in a horizontal plane using a variety of 1- and 2- foot takeoffs & landings.
- Locomotor - Jumping & landing, vertical plane
- AST 1.2.5 Demonstrates critical elements for jumping & landing in a vertical plane using a variety of 1- and 2-foot takeoffs & landings.
- Locomotor - Dance
- AST 1.2.6 Performs a teacher- and/or student- designed rhythmic activity with correct response to simple rhythms.
- Non-Locomotor (Stability) - Balance
- AST 1.2.7 Balances on different bases of support, combining levels and shapes.
- AST 1.2.8 Balances in an inverted position with stillness and supportive base.
- Non-Locomotor (Stability) - Weight transfers
- AST 1.2.9 Transfers weight from feet to different body parts/bases of support for balance and/or travel.
- Non-Locomotor (Stability) - Weight transfer, rolling
- AST 1.2.10 Rolls in different directions with either a narrow or curled body shape.
- Non-Locomotor (Stability) - Curling & stretching; twisting & bending
- AST 1.2.11 Differentiates among twisting, curling, bending & stretching actions.
- Non-Locomotor (Stability) - Combinations
- AST 1.2.12 Combines balances and transfers into a 3 part movement sequence (i.e. dance, gymnastics, rhythmic sequence).
- Manipulative - Underhand throw
- AST 1.2.13 Throws underhand using a mature pattern.
- Manipulative - Overhand throw
- AST 1.2.14 Throws overhand, demonstrating 2 of the 5 critical elements of a mature pattern.
- Manipulative - Catching
- AST 1.2.15 Catches a self-tossed or well-thrown large ball with hands, not trapping or cradling against the body.
- Manipulative - Dribbling/ball control with hands
- AST 1.2.16 Dribbles in self-space with preferred hand demonstrating a mature pattern.
- AST 1.2.17 Dribbles using the preferred hand while walking in general space..
- Manipulative - Dribbling/ball control with feet
- AST 1.2.18 Dribbles with the feet in general space with control of ball and body.
- Manipulative - Kicking
- AST 1.2.19 Uses a continuous running approach and kicks a moving ball, demonstrating 3 of the 5 critical elements of a mature pattern.
- Manipulative - Volley, underhand
- AST 1.2.20 Volleys an object upward with consecutive hits
- Manipulative - Striking, short implement
- AST 1.2.21 Strikes an object upward with a short- handled implement, using consecutive hits.
- Manipulative - Striking, long implement
- AST 1.2.22 Strikes a ball off a tee or cone with a bat, using correct grip and side orientation/proper body orientation.
- Manipulative - Jumping rope
- AST 1.2.23 Jumps a self-turned rope consecutively forward and backward with a mature pattern.
- AST 1.2.24 Jumps a long rope 5 times consecutively with student turners.
ALT 2: Fitness & Movement Concepts (Cognitive): The physically literate individual demonstrates and applies knowledge of a physically active lifestyle and concepts/strategies related to movement and performance.
- Movement Concepts - Space
- AST 2.2.1 Combines locomotor skills in general space to a rhythm.
- Movement Concepts - Shapes, pathways, levels
- AST 2.2.2 Combines shapes, levels and pathways into simple travel, dance and gymnastics sequences.
- Movement Concepts - Speed, direction, force
- AST 2.2.3 Varies time and force with gradual increases and decreases.
- Physical Activity Knowledge
- AST 2.2.4 Describes large- motor and/or manipulative physical activities for participation outside physical education class (e.g., before and after school, at home, at the park, with friends, with the family).
- Engages in Physical Activity
- AST 2.2.5 Actively engages in physical education class in response to instruction and practice.
- Fitness Knowledge
- AST 2.2.6 Uses own body as resistance (e.g., holds body in plank position, animal walks) for developing strength.
- Nutrition
- AST 2.2.7 Recognizes “the good health balance” of nutrition and physical activity.
- Health
- AST 2.2.7 Recognizes “the good health balance” of nutrition and physical activity. (Refer to nutrition)
- Challenge
- AST 2.2.8 Identify physical activities that bring confidence and challenge.
ALT 3: Personal & Social Skills (Affective): The physically literate individual demonstrates responsible, safe, and respectful social skills for self, equipment and others.
- Personal Responsibility
- AST 3.2.1 Practices skills with minimal teacher prompting.
- AST 3.2.2 Accepts responsibility for class protocols with behavior and performance actions.
- Accepting Feedback
- AST 3.2.3 Accepts positive specific corrective feedback from the teacher.
- Working With Others
- AST 3.2.4 Works cooperatively with others in a variety of class environments (e.g., small and large groups).
- Rules & Etiquette
- AST 3.2.5 Exhibits the use of rules and etiquette in teacher-designed physical activities.
- Safety
- AST 3.2.6 Works independently and safely in physical education.
- Self-Expression & Enjoyment
- AST 3.2.7 Identifies physical activities that provide self-expression (e.g. dance, gymnastics, practice tasks/game environment.)
Third Grade
ALT: Academic Learning Target
AST: Academic Supporting Target
AST: Academic Supporting Target
ALT 1: Physical Skills (Psychomotor): The physically literate individual demonstrates motor skill competency in a variety of physical activities.
- Locomotor - Hopping, galloping, running, sliding, skipping, leaping
- AST 1.3.1 Leaps and slides using a mature pattern..
- Locomotor - Jogging, running
- AST 1.3.2 Runs with a mature pattern.
- AST 1.3.3 Varies time and force with gradual increases and decreases.
Locomotor - Jumping & landing, horizontal plane
- AST 1.3.4 Jumps & lands in the horizontal planes using a mature pattern.
- Locomotor - Jumping & landing, vertical plane
- AST 1.3.5 Jumps & lands in the vertical planes using a mature pattern.
- Locomotor - Dance
- AST 1.3.6 Performs teacher- selected and developmentally appropriate rhythmic activity steps and movement patterns.
- Locomotor - Combinations
- AST 1.3.7 Performs a sequence of locomotor skills, transitioning from one skill to another smoothly and without hesitation.
- Non-Locomotor (Stability) - Balance
- AST 1.3.8 Balances on different bases of support, demonstrating muscular tension and extensions of free body parts.
- Non-Locomotor (Stability) - Weight transfers
- AST 1.3.9 Transfers weight from feet to hands for momentary weight support.
- Non-Locomotor (Stability) - Weight transfer, rolling
- AST 1.3.10 Applies skill in general activity.
- Non-Locomotor (Stability) - Curling & stretching; twisting & bending
- AST 1.3.11 Moves into and out of a variety of balances with curling, twisting & stretching actions.
- Non-Locomotor (Stability) - Combinations
- AST 1.3.12 Combines locomotor skills and movement concepts (levels, shapes, extensions, pathways, force, time, flow) to create and perform a dance.
- Non-Locomotor (Stability) - Balance & weight transfers
- AST 1.3.13 Combines balance and weight transfers with movement concepts to create and perform a dance or gymnastic and rhythmic sequence.
- Manipulative - Underhand throw
- AST 1.3.14 Throws underhand to a partner or target with reasonable accuracy.
- Manipulative - Overhand throw
- AST 1.3.15 Throws overhand, demonstrating 3 of the 5 critical elements of a mature pattern, in non-dynamic environments (closed skills), for distance and/or force.
- Manipulative - Catching
- AST 1.3.16 Catches a gently tossed hand-size ball from a partner, demonstrating 4 of the 5 critical elements of a mature pattern
- Manipulative - Dribbling/ball control with hands
- AST 1.3.17 Dribbles and travels in general space at slow to moderate jogging speed, with control of ball and body
- Manipulative - Dribbling/ball control with feet
- AST 1.3.18 Dribbles with the feet in general space at slow to moderate jogging speed with control of ball and body.
- Manipulative - Passing & receiving with feet
- AST 1.3.19 Passes & receives a ball with the insides of the feet to a stationary partner, “giving” on reception before returning the pass.
- Manipulative - Kicking
- AST 1.3.20 Uses a continuous running approach and intentionally performs a kick along the ground and a kick in the air, demonstrating 4 of the 5 critical elements of a mature pattern for each.
- AST 1.3.21 Uses a continuous running approach and kicks a stationary ball for accuracy.
- Manipulative - Volley, underhand
- AST 1.3.22 Volleys an object with an underhand or sidearm striking pattern, sending it forward over a net, to the wall or over a line to a partner, while demonstrating 4 of the 5 critical elements of a mature pattern.
- Manipulative - Striking, short implement
- AST 1.3.23 Strikes an object with a short-handled implement, sending it forward over a low net or to a wall.
- AST 1.3.24 Strikes an object with a short-handled implement while demonstrating 3 of the 5 critical elements of a mature pattern.
- Manipulative - Striking, long implement
- AST 1.3.25 Strikes a ball with a long-handled implement (e.g., hockey stick, bat, golf club), sending it forward, while using proper grip for the implement. Note: Use a batting tee or ball tossed by teacher for batting
- Manipulative - Jumping rope
- AST 1.3.26 Performs intermediate jump-rope skills (e.g., a variety of tricks, running in and out of long rope) for both long and short ropes.
ALT 2: Fitness & Movement Concepts (Cognitive): The physically literate individual demonstrates and applies knowledge of a physically active lifestyle and concepts/strategies related to movement and performance.
- Movement Concepts - Space
- AST 2.3.1 Recognizes the concept of open spaces in a movement context.
- Movement Concepts - Shapes, pathways, levels
- AST 2.3.2 Recognizes locomotor skills specific to a wide variety of physical activities.
- Movement Concepts - Speed, direction, force
- AST 2.3.3 Combines movement concepts (direction, levels, force, time) with skills as directed by the teacher.
- Movement Concepts - Strategies & tactics
- AST 2.3.4 Applies simple strategies & tactics in chasing activities.
- AST 2.3.5 Applies simple strategies in fleeing activities.
- Physical Activity Knowledge
- AST 2.3.6 Charts participation in physical activities outside physical education class.
- AST 2.3.7 Identifies physical activity benefits as a way to become healthier
- Engages in Physical Activity
- AST 2.3.8 Engages in the activities of physical education class without teacher prompting.
- Fitness Knowledge
- AST 2.3.9 Identifies the components of health-related physical fitness.
- AST 2.3.10 Recognizes the importance of warm- up & cool-down relative to vigorous physical activity.
- Assessment and Program Planning
- AST 2.3.11 Demonstrates, with teacher direction, the health-related fitness components.
- AST 2.3.12 Completes health- related physical fitness assessments (pre and post) with teacher direction.
- Nutrition
- AST 2.3.13 Identifies foods that are beneficial for before and after physical activity.
- Health
- AST 2.3.14 Discusses the relationship between physical activity and good health.
- Challenge
- AST 2.3.15 Discusses the challenge that comes from learning a new physical activity.
ALT 3: Personal & Social Skills (Affective): The physically literate individual demonstrates responsible, safe, and respectful social skills for self, equipment and others.
- Personal Responsibility
- AST 3.3.1 Exhibits personal responsibility in teacher-directed activities.
- AST 3.3.2 Works independently for extended periods of time.
- Accepting Feedback
- AST 3.3.3 Accepts and implements positive specific corrective feedback from the teacher.
- Working With Others
- AST 3.3.4 Works cooperatively with others.
- AST 3.3.5 Praises others for their success in movement performance.
- Rules & Etiquette
- AST 3.3.6 Exhibits the use of rules and etiquette in physical activity with peers.
- Safety
- AST 3.3.7 Works independently and safely in physical activity settings.
- Self-Expression & Enjoyment
- AST 3.3.8 Reflects on the reasons for enjoying selected physical activities.
- Social Interaction
- AST 3.3.9 Describes the positive social interactions that come when engaged with others in physical activity.
Fourth Grade
ALT: Academic Learning Target
AST: Academic Supporting Target
AST: Academic Supporting Target
ALT 1: Physical Skills (Psychomotor): The physically literate individual demonstrates motor skill competency in a variety of physical activities.
- Locomotor - Hopping, galloping, running, sliding, skipping, leaping
- AST 1.4.1 Uses various locomotor skills in a variety of small-sided practice tasks, dance and educational gymnastics experiences.
- Locomotor - Jogging, running
- AST 1.4.2 Runs for distance using a mature pattern.
- Locomotor - Jumping & landing, horizontal & vertical plane
- AST 1.4.3 Uses jumping & landings specific to dance, educational gymnastics and/or small-sided practice tasks or games.
- Locomotor - Dance
- AST 1.4.4 Combines locomotor movement patterns to create and perform a rhythmic activity. Applies skill with cultural diversity in mind.
- Locomotor - Combinations
- AST 1.4.5 Combines traveling with manipulative skills of dribbling, throwing, catching and striking in small- sided practice tasks and games.
- Non-Locomotor (Stability) - Balance
- AST 1.4.6 Balances on different bases of support on apparatus, demonstrating levels and shapes
- Non-Locomotor (Stability) - Weight transfers
- AST 1.4.7 Transfers weight from feet to hands, varying speed and using large extensions (e.g., kick, handstand, cartwheel).
- Non-Locomotor (Stability) - Weight transfer, rolling
- AST 1.4.8 Applies skill in general activity.
- Non-Locomotor (Stability) - Curling & stretching; twisting & bending
- AST 1.4.9 Moves into and out of balances on apparatus with curling, twisting & stretching actions.
- Non-Locomotor (Stability) - Combinations
- AST 1.4.10 Combines locomotor skills and movement concepts (levels, shapes, extensions, pathways, force, time, flow) to create and perform a dance with a partner.
- Non-Locomotor (Stability) - Balance & weight transfers
- AST 1.4.11 Combines traveling with balance and weight transfers to create a gymnastics sequence with and without equipment or apparatus.
- Manipulative - Underhand throw
- AST 1.4.12 Throws underhand to a large target with accuracy.
- Manipulative - Overhand throw
- AST 1.4.13 Throws overhand using a mature pattern in non- dynamic environments (closed skills).
- AST 1.4.14 Throws overhand to a partner or at a target with accuracy at a reasonable distance.
- Manipulative - Passing with hands
- AST 1.4.15 Throws to a moving partner with reasonable accuracy in a non-dynamic environment (closed skills).
- Manipulative - Catching
- AST 1.4.16 Catches a thrown ball above the head, at chest or waist level, and below the waist using a mature pattern in a non- dynamic environment (closed skills).
- Manipulative - Dribbling/ball control with hands
- AST 1.4.17 Dribbles in self-space with both the preferred and the non-preferred hand using a mature pattern.
- AST 1.4.18 Dribbles with control of ball while moving through space using a mature pattern.
- Manipulative - Dribbling/ball control with feet
- AST 1.4.19 Dribbles with the feet while moving through space with control of ball and body while increasing and decreasing speed.
- Manipulative - Passing & receiving with feet
- AST 1.4.20 Applies skill from third grade outcome in small-sided practice tasks.
- Manipulative - Dribbling in combination
- AST 1.4.21 Dribbles with hands or feet in combination with other skills (e.g., passing, receiving, shooting).
- Manipulative - Kicking
- AST 1.4.22 Kicks along the ground and in the air using mature patterns.
- Manipulative - Volley, underhand
- AST 1.4.23 Volleys underhand using a mature pattern, in a dynamic environment.
- Manipulative - Volley, overhead
- AST 1.4.24 Volleys a ball with a 2-hand overhead pattern, sending it upward, using a mature pattern.
- Manipulative - Striking, short implement
- AST 1.4.25 Strikes an object with a short-handled implement while demonstrating a mature pattern.
- AST 1.4.26 Strikes an object with a short-handed implement, alternating hits with a partner over a low net or against a wall.
- Manipulative - Striking, long implement
- AST 1.4.27 Strikes an object with a long-handled implement (e.g., hockey stick, golf club, bat, tennis racket, badminton racket), while using mature pattern for the implement (grip, stance, body orientation, swing plane and follow- through).
- Manipulative - In combination with locomotor
- AST 1.4.28 Combines traveling with the manipulative skills of dribbling, throwing, catching and striking in teacher- and/or student-designed small-sided practice- task environments.
- Manipulative - Jumping rope
- AST 1.4.29 Performs intermediate and advanced jump- rope skills for both long and short ropes.
- AST 1.4.30 Creates a jump-rope routine with either a short or long rope.
ALT 2: Fitness & Movement Concepts (Cognitive): The physically literate individual demonstrates and applies knowledge of a physically active lifestyle and concepts/strategies related to movement and performance.
- Movement - Concepts Space
- AST 2.4.1 Applies the concept of open spaces to combination skills involving traveling (e.g., dribbling and traveling).
- AST 2.4.2 Applies the concept of closing spaces in small-sided practice tasks.
- AST 2.4.3 Dribbles in general space with changes in direction and speed.
- Movement - Concepts Shapes, pathways, levels
- AST 2.4.4 Combines movement concepts with skills in small-sided practice tasks, gymnastics and/or rhythmic environments
- Movement - Concepts Speed, direction, force
- AST 2.4.5 Applies the movement concepts of speed, endurance and pacing for running.
- AST 2.4.6 Applies the concepts of direction and force when striking an object with a short and/or long-handled implement, sending it toward a designated target.
- Movement - Concepts Strategies & tactics
- AST 2.4.7 Applies simple offensive strategies and tactics in chasing and fleeing activities.
- AST 2.4.8 Applies simple defensive strategies/ tactics in chasing and fleeing activities.
- AST 2.4.9 Recognizes the types of kicks needed for different games and sports situations.
- Physical Activity Knowledge
- AST 2.4.10 Analyzes opportunities for participating in physical activity outside physical education class.
- Engages in Physical Activity
- AST 2.4.11 Actively engages in the activities of physical education class, both teacher- directed and independent.
- Fitness Knowledge
- AST 2.4.12 Identifies the health related components of physical fitness and provides examples of physical activities to enhance those components.
- AST 2.4.13 Demonstrates warm- up & cool-down relative to the cardiovascular fitness assessment
- Assessment and Program Planning
- AST 2.4.14 Completes health- related physical fitness assessments (pre- & post-).
- AST 2.4.15 Identifies areas of needed remediation from personal health- related physical fitness test and, with teacher assistance, identifies strategies for progress in those areas.
- Nutrition
- AST 2.4.16 Discusses the importance of hydration and hydration choices relative to physical activities.
- Health
- AST 2.4.17 Examines the health benefits of participating in physical activity.
- Challenge
- AST 2.4.18 Rates the enjoyment of participating in challenging and mastered physical activities.
ALT 3: Personal & Social Skills (Affective): The physically literate individual demonstrates responsible, safe, and respectful social skills for self, equipment and others.
- Personal Responsibility
- AST 3.4.1 Exhibits responsible behavior in independent group situations.
- AST 3.4.2 Reflects on personal social behavior in physical activity.
- Accepting Feedback
- AST 3.4.3 Listens respectfully to corrective feedback from others (e.g., peers, adults).
- Working With Others
- AST 3.4.4 Praises the movement performance of others both more- and less-skilled.
- AST 3.4.5 Accepts players of all skill levels into the physical activity.
- Rules & Etiquette
- AST 3.4.6 Exhibits etiquette and adherence to rules in a variety of physical activities.
- Safety
- AST 3.4.7 Works safely with peers and equipment in physical activity settings.
- Self-Expression & Enjoyment
- AST 3.4.8 Ranks the enjoyment of participating in different physical activities.
- Social Interaction
- AST 3.4.9 Describes and compares the positive social interactions when engaged in partner, small-group, and large group physical activities.
Fifth Grade
ALT: Academic Learning Target
AST: Academic Supporting Target
AST: Academic Supporting Target
ALT 1: Physical Skills (Psychomotor): The physically literate individual demonstrates motor skill competency in a variety of physical activities.
- Locomotor - Hopping, galloping, running, sliding, skipping, leaping
- AST 1.5.1 Demonstrates mature patterns of locomotor and manipulative skills in a variety of dynamic small-sided practice tasks, gymnastics and/or rhythmic activities.
- Locomotor - Jogging, running
- AST 1.5.2 Uses appropriate pacing for a variety of running distances.
- Locomotor - Jumping & landing, horizontal & vertical plane
- AST 1.5.3 Combines jumping & landing patterns with locomotor and manipulative skills in dance, educational gymnastics and/or small-sided practice tasks and games.
- Locomotor - Dance
- AST 1.5.4 Combines locomotor movement patterns to create and perform a rhythmic activity. Applies skill with cultural diversity in mind.
- Locomotor - Combinations
- AST 1.5.5 Applies skills listed in fourth grade outcome in game situations (traveling with manipulative skills of dribbling, throwing, catching and striking in small-sided practice tasks and games).
- Non-Locomotor (Stability) - Balance
- AST 1.5.6 Combines balance and transferring weight in a gymnastics sequence or rhythms with a partner.
- Non-Locomotor (Stability) - Weight transfers
- AST 1.5.7 Transfers weight in gymnastics and/or rhythmic environments.
- Non-Locomotor (Stability) - Weight transfer, rolling
- AST 1.5.8 Applies skill in general activity.
- Non-Locomotor (Stability) - Curling & stretching; twisting & bending
- AST 1.5.9 Performs curling, twisting & stretching actions with correct application in dance, gymnastics, small- sided practice tasks in game environments
- Non-Locomotor (Stability) - Combinations
- AST 1.5.10 Combines locomotor skills and movement concepts (levels, shapes, extensions, pathways, force, time, flow) to create and perform rhythms with a group.
- Non-Locomotor (Stability) - Balance & weight transfers
- AST 1.5.11 Applies skill. Combines traveling with balance and weight transfers to create a gymnastics sequence with and without equipment or apparatus.
- Manipulative - Underhand throw
- AST 1.5.12 Throws underhand using a mature pattern in non- dynamic environments (closed skills), with different sizes and types of objects.
- Manipulative - Overhand throw
- AST 1.5.13 Throws overhand using a mature pattern in non- dynamic environments (closed skills), with different sizes and types of objects.
- AST 1.5.14 Throws overhand to a large target with accuracy.
- Manipulative - Passing with hands
- AST 1.5.15 Throws with accuracy, both partners moving.
- AST 1.5.16 Throws with reasonable accuracy in dynamic, small- sided practice tasks.
- Manipulative - Catching
- AST 1.5.17 Catches with competency, both partners moving.
- AST 1.5.18 Catches with reasonable competency in dynamic, small-sided practice tasks.
- Manipulative - Dribbling/ball control with hands
- AST 1.5.19 Combines hand dribbling with other skills during practice tasks.
- Manipulative - Dribbling/ball control with feet
- AST 1.5.20 Combines foot dribbling with other skills in practice tasks.
- Manipulative - Passing & receiving with feet
- AST 1.5.21 Passes with the feet using a mature pattern as both partners travel.
- AST 1.5.22 Receives a pass with the foot using a mature pattern as both partners travel.
- Manipulative - Dribbling in combination
- AST 1.5.23 Dribbles with hands or feet with mature patterns in a variety of small-sided game forms.
- Manipulative - Kicking
- AST 1.5.24 Demonstrates mature patterns in kicking and/or punting in small-sided practice task environments.
- Manipulative - Volley, underhand
- AST 1.5.25 Applies underhand volley skill in small sided practice tasks.
- Manipulative - Volley, overhead
- AST 1.5.26 Volleys a ball using a 2-hand overhead pattern, sending it upward to a target.
- Manipulative - Striking, short implement
- AST 1.5.27 Strikes an object consecutively, with a partner, using a short-handled implement, over a net or against a wall, in either a competitive or cooperative game environment.
- Manipulative - Striking, long implement
- AST 1.5.28 Combines striking with a long implement (e.g., bat, hockey stick) with receiving and traveling skills in a small-sided game.
- Manipulative - In combination with locomotor
- AST 1.5.29 Combines manipulative skills and traveling for execution to a target (e.g., scoring in soccer, hockey and basketball).
- Manipulative - Jumping rope
- AST 1.5.30 Create and perform a jump-rope routine with either a short or long rope.
ALT 2: Fitness & Movement Concepts (Cognitive): The physically literate individual demonstrates and applies knowledge of a physically active lifestyle and concepts/strategies related to movement and performance.
- Movement - Concepts Space
- AST 2.5.1 Combines spatial concepts with locomotor and non- locomotor movements for small groups in gymnastics, dance and/or game environments.
- Movement - Concepts Shapes, pathways, levels
- AST 2.5.2 Combines movement concepts with skills in small-sided practice tasks in game environments, gymnastics and/or dance with self- direction.
- Movement - Concepts Speed, direction, force
- AST 2.5.3 Applies movement concepts of speed, endurance and pacing in general situations.
- AST 2.5.4 Applies concepts of direction and force when striking an object with a short and/or long-handled implement, sending it toward a designated target in general situations.
- AST 2.5.5 Analyzes movement situations and applies movement concepts (e.g., force, direction, speed, pathways, extensions) in small- sided practice tasks in game environments, rhythms and gymnastics.
- Movement - Concepts Strategies & tactics
- AST 2.5.6 Applies basic offensive and defensive strategies/ tactics in invasion small-sided practice tasks.
- AST 2.5.7 Applies basic offensive and defensive strategies & tactics in net/wall small-sided practice tasks.
- AST 2.5.8 Recognizes the type of throw, volley or striking action needed for different games & sports situations.
- Physical Activity Knowledge
- AST 2.5.9 Charts and analyzes physical activity outside physical education class for fitness benefits of activities.
- Engages in Physical Activity
- AST 2.5.10 Actively engages in all the activities of physical education.
- Fitness Knowledge
- AST 2.5.11 Identify and assess the health-related components of fitness.
- AST 2.5.12 Identifies the need for warm-up & cool-down relative to various physical activities.
- Assessment and Program Planning
- AST 2.5.13 Applies the following skills in general situations: Completes health-related physical fitness assessments (pre- & post-) and identifies areas of needed remediation from personal health- related physical fitness test and, with teacher assistance, identifies strategies for progress in those areas..
- Nutrition
- AST 2.5.14 Analyzes the impact of food choices relative to physical activity, youth sports & personal health.
- Health
- AST 2.5.15 Compares the health benefits of participating in selected physical activities.
- Challenge
- AST 2.5.16 Expresses (via written essay, visual art, creative dance) the enjoyment and/or challenge of participating in a favorite physical activity.
ALT 3: Personal & Social Skills (Affective): The physically literate individual demonstrates responsible, safe, and respectful social skills for self, equipment and others.
- Personal Responsibility
- AST 3.5.1 Engages in physical activity with responsible interpersonal behavior (e.g., peer to peer, student to teacher, student to referee).
- AST 3.5.2 Participates with responsible personal behavior in a variety of physical activity contexts, environments and facilities.
- AST 3.5.3 Exhibits respect for self with appropriate behavior while engaging in physical activity.
- Accepting Feedback
- AST 3.5.4 Gives corrective feedback respectfully to peers.
- Working With Others
- AST 3.5.5 Applies skills of accepting and respecting players of all skill levels to general physical activity.
- Rules & Etiquette
- AST 3.5.6 Applies and critiques etiquette and rules in various game activities with peers.
- AST 3.5.7 Applies skills of safety, rules, procedures, and etiquette in general physical activities.
- Safety
- AST 3.5.8 Applies safety principles with age- appropriate physical activities.
- Self-Expression & Enjoyment
- AST 3.5.9 Analyzes different physical activities for enjoyment, challenge, and reasons for a positive or negative response.
- Social Interaction
- AST 3.5.10 Describes the social benefits of participating in physical activity (e.g. recess, youth sports).