NAPAC Bylaws and Meeting Minutes
Native American Parent Committee (NAPAC) By-Laws
Table of Contents
The name of the committee shall be the Beaverton School District (BSD) Title VII Native American Parent Committee (NAPAC).
The NAPAC has been established to insure that planning, development, implementation, and evaluation of the operational and supplemental programs for Beaverton School District Native American students occur in a consistent and sustained manner.
The establishment and the work of NAPAC is to comply with the rules and regulations governing Title VII federal regulations. In conjunction with home, community and school support, the NAPAC will strive to develop and implement programs and activities to assist each and every Native American student in reaching his/her highest level of academic achievement.
NAPAC and the BSD recognize that a positive working partnership must exist in order for students to be successful. The powers and duties of NAPAC shall be:
1. Provide advice and recommendations to BSD to assist the district staff in understanding and meeting the needs of Indian Students.
2. Provide BSD with information concerning the views of Indian parents and students
about unmet educational needs.
3. Review the results of the parent/community needs assessment and subsequently
provide recommendations to improve academic, behavioral health and cultural services to Indian students.
4. Review the annual student surveys and assessment results (specifically, hard data
concerning student performance in the academic and behavioral areas) and provide BSD with recommendations for program improvement.
5. Formulate goals and objectives in consultation with BSD; review and make suggestions as deemed necessary for programmatic changes.
6. Recommend to BSD a general plan for the allocation of Title Vil Indian student
generated funding.
7. Recommend Title VII programs and budgets; acknowledge receipt of approved Title VII budgets.
8. Participate in at least one annual public hearing organized and hosted by BSD.
9. Recommend to BSD, curricula, texts, materials, and teaching methods to be used to
better serve the educational needs of Indian students.
10. Evaluate program results and recommend appropriate corrective action to better serve and educate Native American students.
11. Receive copies of the approved Title VII for each academic year.
12. Have access - in accordance to BSD confidentiality policies to reports, surveys, and other program and budget - related documents necessary for review in order to carry out NAPAC responsibilities.
13. Request periodic reports and evaluations from the Indian Education Department
14. Carry out the powers and duties described above by meeting on a monthly basis-if not more to ensure that the needs of Native American students are being met.
NAPAC shall have no powers beyond those expressly set forth herein. NAPAC shall have no power to bind any member of the BSD to any debt, liability, or obligation in the absence of an express written authorization from BSD. In addition, NAPAC shall abide by all BSD Board Policies and BSD Procedural Directives.
Membership of NAPAC shall consist of:
Five (5) parent/student representatives, one for each of the following:
1. Chair
2. Vice-Chair
3. Treasurer
4. One member at large parent representative
5. One BSD High School or Middle School member who has a 506 form on file with BSD
Other non-voting members of NAPAC shall consist of:
1. Secretary (provided by BSD)
2. One Counselor
3. One Teacher
Meetings are open to all Native American parents or interested parents.
To the extent possible and to avoid a conflict of interest in NAPAC matters, if blood related to each other only one shall have voting rights.
A parent is defined as any person who is the parent or legal guardian of a Native American student who has a 506 Form and is enrolled in BSD or a charter school within BSD. The teacher or counselor is a person who is employed by BSD in either a teacher or counselor position. Any Indian Education Department staff member is disqualified from serving in this position.
A student member who has a 506 Form and is a BSD identified Native American person actively enrolled and attending classes at a BSD high school or middle school served by Title VII.
The election of NAPAC members shall be held during an open public meeting announced to the public via newspaper, radio, newsletter, or letter.
NAPAC members shall be nominated and elected at this open meeting by parents and/or legal guardians of Native American students attending BSD. Eligible members shall include:
(1) Parents of Native American children attending BSD;
(2) Teachers and counselors employed by BSD;
(3) Native American students attending high school or middle school in the district.
Parent members will serve multi-year terms. All parent members will serve two year terms so long as their student is enrolled in BSD. All parent members can serve two consecutive terms in the same position.
The student member can serve a two year term or two consecutive terms in the same position.
The teacher or counselor member will serve a two year term or two consecutive terms as long as she/he is employed as a teacher or counselor in BSD.
A term is defined as two calendar years from the first NAPAC meeting of the school year to the last NAPAC meeting of the second school year. All members will serve two-year terms except if elected for another two-year term.
NAPAC will elect three officers. The officers will be chairperson, vice chairperson and treasurer. The officers will be elected on a bi-annual basis and serve a two year term. The election will take place at the first meeting of the school year. Officers may serve more than two years.
Parents may serve only as long as their children are actively enrolled in BSD. The teacher or counselor may serve only as long as he/she is actively employed by BSD. The students may serve only as long as he/she is actively enrolled in BSD. The student must maintain a GPA of 2.0, as determined by semester grades.
Vacancies due to a member leaving the position shall be filled within the vacancy guidelines, Section 7.
NAPAC members (except the non-voting members) are entitled to one vote on NAPAC matters. Each eligible voting member shall be entitled to one vote and may cast the vote on each matter submitted to a vote of the committee.
All members are expected to attend each meeting. An absence will be excused if member contacts the Indian Education Department, 24 hours prior to the meeting or in case of immediate emergency informs the Indian Education Department, she/he will not be attending.
Any member may be terminated from membership on the Committee for the following reasons:
The member who does not attend regular or special meetings of the Committee for
three consecutive meetings, and termination is approved by a majority vote of NAPAC.
The member no longer wishes to serve on the Committee and so indicates by submitting a letter of resignation to the Chairperson.
If a member does not fulfill his/her roles and responsibilities in a professional manner
consistent with cultural values, the member may be asked to resign from NAPAC. . If a parent member's child is no longer enrolled in BSD.
If the position of Chairperson should become vacant, the Vice Chairperson will assume the role of the Chairperson. NAPAC shall elect a new Vice Chairperson from the members of the NAPAC.
Any vacancy which occurs on NAPAC for any reason shall be filled by an election as provided in Section 2 above for the remainder of the unexpired term of the member being replaced. The election shall be held as soon as is reasonably practical.
The officers of NAPAC will be the Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, and Treasurer.
The officers of NAPAC shall be elected by a majority vote of NAPAC at the last regular meeting of the school year in the month of June. The officer shall serve a two year term.
Officers shall assume their duties after a transition time upon election. The transition time will be during the summer months and duties will begin at the beginning of the school year in September.
The primary responsibilities' of the Chairperson is to conduct all meetings of NAPAC, including planning meeting agendas with input from NAPAC members and the Indian Education Department. Upon approval of NAPAC, the Chairperson will sign letters, documents, reports, and grant applications. The Chairperson will be the NAPAC representative at district and non district functions. The Chairperson will not have the authority to commit NAPAC to any function without the express approval of NAPAC.
In the absence of the Chairperson at a NAPAC meeting, the Vice Chairperson will assume the role of the Chairperson. The Vice Chairperson will carry out various duties as assigned by the Chairperson.
Participate in the review of grant writing, audit and review of Title VII funds, budget and expenses.
The Secretary, in collaboration with the Indian Education Department, shall maintain the official minutes of NAPAC meetings. The Secretary shall not serve as an officer. He/she will also maintain documents of meeting dates, agenda, attendance, and news-release bulletins to parents, the district, newspapers and radio stations. Copies of all documents and minutes are to be provided to NAPAC members. The NAPAC secretary, along with the Indian Education Department, shall have the full responsibility to provide copies of the minutes to the Director of the Indian Education Department.
The representatives shall provide input and advice concerning programs and curriculum as they relate to schools, parents and students.
The Teacher or Counselor representative shall not serve as an officer. The Teacher or Counselor representative shall provide input and advice concerning NAPAC programs and curriculum as they relate to schools, parents, and students.
The student representatives shall not serve as an officer, but shall provide input and advice to NAPAC concerning student and school related issues,
An Ex-officio member is any interested person from the community and can serve on committees assigned by NAPAC. Ex-officio members have no voting rights.
The NAPAC meeting schedules will be developed one school year in advance. The NAPAC secretary, in collaboration with the Indian Education Department, will mail a business agenda indicating the agenda items, the date, hour and location of the meeting to the NAPAC members. They shall receive the notices at least two days before the meeting and a telephone reminder to the NAPAC members prior to the meeting will be done by the NAPAC secretary and Indian Education Department.
Regularly scheduled business meetings will be held once per month in the school calendar year. A pre-determined date, time and place will be established. Any change to meeting date and time NAPAC will be notified in advance. All business meetings of the NAPAC will be open to the public.
The Chairperson or the BSD Director of the Indian Education Department may call special meetings of the NAPAC at any time. Members shall be notified by telephone, email or mail within a reasonable time before the meeting. Special meetings may include conference calls.
The Indian Education Department may establish an ad hoc committee, which shall consist of appointed NAPAC and non-NAPAC members. Ad hoc committees shall be established as needed. All final decisions are reserved for NAPAC. The Ad hoc committees will report to the NAPAC as requested.
Majority of (5) members of NAPAC shall constitute a quorum to conduct business at any duty
called meeting by NAPAC. Decisions made by the members present at any meeting shall be an act of NAPAC.
The student members and member at large will count as part of the NAPAC quorum. Members will wait no more than 30 minutes for a quorum to be present. NAPAC members present will then conduct a work session.
All regular business and special NAPAC meetings shall be open to the general public.
Meetings must be conducted in a respectful and culturally appropriate manner.
An agenda of each meeting of NAPA and minutes of the previous meeting shall accompany the notice of that meeting and shall be sent to all members of the NAPAC. Any information supporting agenda items will also be sent. The Indian Education Department and NAPAC will jointly be responsible for disseminating the agenda and minutes.
NAPAC members must be in attendance for more than 60% of the meeting time to be eligible for mileage to and from the meeting.
NAPAC members who do not attend the meetings will not be compensated. The sign in sheet that indicates the name of NAPAC attendees and their signature will be used as the official record of attendance.
NAPAC members will be reimbursed for travel expenses incurred for in state and out of state approved travel, consistent with the BSD policies regarding per diem when overnight travel is required for NAPAC official business, conferences and training.
SECTION 3 - MILEAGE NAPAC members will be reimbursed for mileage when overnight travel is required for conference and training attendance, consistent with the BSD policies regarding mileage.
The Indian Education Director will allocate its budget, costs for professional development of NAPAC members, including workshops and conferences. If a member attends training they would be expected to submit a written report to the Indian Education Department, and provide an oral report at a regularly scheduled NAPAC meeting.
NAPAC, with the advisement of the Indian Education Department, shall have the power to alter or amend these By-Laws at any time, by two thirds (2/3) affirmative vote of the NAPAC members, provided that the alteration or amendment is to carry out the purpose of NAPAC as herein above expressed. Any alteration or amendment must conform to the Title Vil guidelines. The Title VII NAPAC By-Laws may be modified or amended by mutual consent of the Title VII NAPAC and the BSD Board of Education or designees (Director of Indian Education or Deputy Superintendent of Teaching and Learning).
NAPAC Agendas and Prior Meeting Minutes
Feb 27, 2020
Attendance: Chris Rempel (note taker), Floranda Berglund, Deb Henely, John Mackey, Nancy Pebenito, Toshiko Maurizio, Benita Navarro
Senate Bill 13, Tribal History/Shared History Updates
Chris has been working with subject-area TOSAs to spread awareness about new curriculum, where to find it, and a review of existing Native American curriculum. His focus has been on highlighting current representations of Native Americans as historical cultural objects as opposed to Peoples of nationhood and culture who continue to be active and engaged in society.
Teachers will still need a follow-up Professional Development to enable them to properly implement the lessons. The district needs to develop a plan for how long this PD will be. Other district’s PDs range from a half-day to two full days.
Chris and Nick Hershman, Math TOSA, will be attending the upcoming ODE SB13 training on March 19th and April 29th
Deb brought up that a certified teacher should be developing and delivering this curriculum implementation. She would like to see this teacher be a part of the Student Success Act funds and be housed in the Title VI program
Deb said that any PD around this will need to be intentional and have time built in. Flo said a lot of the background information covers serious and heavy topics such as genocide, termination, and forced assimilation.
Deb suggested that we need to have a day/section of the PD focused on re-teaching adults/teachers about Native Americans before we can even begin supporting them in teaching this curriculum to students.
ODE will likely be enforcing implementation in the 2020-21 school year. We will need PD for 4th, 8th, and 10th grade teachers set up. We will also need to look ahead to all K-12 teachers since curriculum will eventually be required for all grade levels. Toshiko mentioned we would also need to speak with the New Teacher Academy about implementing this into their onboarding training
Chris met with Hillsboro SD Title VI who will be working with non-profit Confluence Project on holding PD for administrators. This will help get the buy-in and understanding needed to implement the curriculum in the district. Deb mentioned Confluence is hosting a free cultural awareness PD in Pendleton on March 13th
Toshiko said she would look into setting up a mini-PD by Confluence for the BSD cabinet and other administrators who would be involved in SB13 implementation to help provide the framework and buy-in needed.
Summer Camp June 22-25. Grant submitted to Siletz Tribe Charitable Contribution Fund since we have less funding this year than last year. If received, we expect to have a similar structure as last year, 2 days at Beaverton High School, 2 field trip days
Spring Culture Night: March 19th 6-8PM. Spring-themed meal by Caddowoman catering. Gabe Sheoships and Gerard Rodriguez leading activities
Open issues
Indigenous Peoples Day in Beaverton School District
The equity team at BSD is on the board work session agenda for April 6th to present a proposal for recognizing Indigenous Peoples Day in BSD.
Chris asked NAPAC whether they would like to draft a letter of support for this proposal. All agreed. John suggested starting a shared Google doc to collaborate on the letter. Deb suggested having it ready by culture night March 19th, where we could have it signed by families and students. All agreed. Chris will create and share this document.
New business
Letter to local Tribes to have representatives on NAPAC
Chris reported that Title VI grant requires us to have representatives of Tribes within 50 miles of our district on NAPAC. John clarified that this applies if we have students of those Tribes in our district, Chris confirmed we do. The Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde and the Cowlitz Indian Tribe meet these criteria.
Chris shared a letter Salem-Keizer SD Title VI sent to the Confederated Tribe of Siletz Indians signed by the Title VI coordinator and NAPAC chair for this same reason. Members agreed to send similar letters to the above Tribes. Chris will draft a letter and send to NAPAC chair.
NAPAC Bylaws
It’s recommended to update bylaws every 2 years. It can be a lengthy process for a meeting. John recommended having a shared Google doc of current bylaws that all can comment on and finalize changes at a future meeting. All agreed
EASIE Part 1 grant process
Chris reported we are in the student count period. He had to remove three students without a complete 506 on file. There are currently 118 Title VI students at BSD. Part 2 of the process begins in April and will be where NAPAC and Chris develop program goals and budget for 20-21.
Next Meeting: Thursday, March 19th 5:30-6PM at the MLD (Right before culture night)
Jan 23, 2020
Attendance: Chris Rempel (note taker), Deb Henely, John Mackey, Toshiko Maurizio
Senate Bill 13, Tribal History/Shared History Updates
ODE Has delayed the official implementation. Will be a “soft” roll-out
Some lessons are available now on ODE site
Need plan for PD in district. Louise Wilmes is attending ODE training. Confluence Project is a non-profit that also hosts workshops. Deb brought up idea of AI/AN coordinator going to school’s staff meetings to give a background to all teachers since they will all eventually use this curriculum
Need funding to cover substitutes for PD. Deb advised against having it in August PD block, too much going on at that time, teachers can’t focus well
Toshiko mentioned if we develop a long-term PD plan, possibility for district (Title II?) funding for substitutes
Deb said she will share some Native American books that would be a good supplemental resource for these lessons. Possibility for NAPAC to allocate Title VI funds to purchase a set for sharing with teachers as part of Senate Bill 13 support
Student Success Act - Phase 2 Meeting February 10th
This meeting will include parents from all groups served by the MLD. The presentation will include actual dollar amounts that will be proposed for the BSD plan. Deb and John are planning on attending. Deb suggested inviting Nancy Pebenito as well since she has a lot of experience and insight into the needs of the AI/AN community in BSD.
Open issues
NAPAC Committee Vacancies
Deb volunteered to serve on the board in the vacant Treasurer position for this school year
Recommendation made to reach out to student rep, Evelyn, to see if she is still able and interested in continuing
Newsletter feedback
Had over 50 views, positive reception overall. Next newsletter planned for February
AI/AN district demographic data
19% of Title VI students are receiving SPED services. The district average is 12%
9% of Title VI students are in the TAG program. The district average is 14%
Because of federal race/ethnicity classifications, Title VI students are not the same group as AI/AN students. There are 119 Title VI students, there are 155 AI/AN students in the district. Only 40 Title VI students are classified as AI/AN students. This is because if the students have any other race or ethnicity, they are classified as either Hispanic/Latino or Multiracial.
Further, of the 155 AI/AN students the district reports, about 10% of them are likely Indian-American
Enrollment (and descendancy in some cases) in a federally or state recognized Tribe incurs treaty obligations from the federal government, part of these responsibilities include funding the Title VI program. The inability of the current system to identify these students makes it very difficult to provide services for eligible students and track and report whether the government is meeting their obligations
Chris stated that by tracking Tribal Affiliations, the district would be able to gain a more accurate understanding of their AI/AN students. The current system only has about 100 Tribes listed and no fill in the blank or other option
Staff are working with IT and enrollment to address this issue
Deb recommended connecting with school secretaries and registrars since they are the first point of contact for enrollment. She also thought a Synergy flag for Title VI students would be helpful because many teachers don’t even know they have students in the program
New business
Summer Camp 2020 Planning/Grant. Interest in credit-earning program in future?
Chris is planning on having a similar structure to last year’s camp with two days at Beaverton High School and two field trip days
Due to enrollment, the program has about $6000 less funding available for Summer Camp this year. Chris is planning on applying for grants to cover this
Chris will check with high schoolers in the student group for interest in them serving as peer leaders/mentors during Summer Camp. Deb mentioned she would be willing to help with gift card incentives for these students.
Senior Honoring (June 3rd 2020) Keynote speaker/drum group? Support for stoles
Chris asked whether parents would like a keynote speaker or drum group at the senior honoring. Consensus was that a drum group would be preferred
Chris will be contacting parents and guardians of current seniors to have them save the date and encourage them to be involved in the planning
BSD Indigenous Peoples Day Recognition
The Equity and Inclusion staff will be speaking with the school board at a work session in August about recognizing Indigenous Peoples Day in the district. The state of Oregon has been recognizing this day since 2017
Staff wanted to know if NAPAC would be interested in having a representative speak at any board hearing on this topic or writing a letter supporting it. Deb and Jon said they would be interested and to keep them updated
Next Meeting: Thursday, February 27rd 6-7:30PM at the MLD
August 19, 2019
Brandon, Benita, Toshiko, Floranda, Taylor, Shahndiin Roanhorse, Nancy Pebenito, Debra Henely, Ella Henely, Nora Liberty, William Blakeley, Janice McIntire, Nate Eckardt, Aaron Eckardt, Neyfi Dominguez
Dinner. We will provide dinner for NAPAC our of general fund (15 min. Settle in)
Summer camp review
Monday - Field trip to Tryon Creek
Tuesday - Put up the tipi and paint it
Wednesday - Woodhaven City Park
Thursday - small group activities - oral stories, art, drumming, native wellness
Reviewed 2019-2020 budget
Budget Category |
Status |
Category Subtotal |
% of Overall Allocation |
Supplemental Information |
Finished |
Personnel |
Finished |
$0 |
0.0% |
Travel |
Finished |
$6,750 |
29.4% |
Equipment |
Finished |
$0 |
0.0% |
Supplies |
Finished |
$1,000 |
4.4% |
Contractual |
Finished |
$1,400 |
6.1% |
Other |
Finished |
$13,005 |
56.6% |
Indirect Costs |
Finished |
$830 |
3.61% |
Grand Totals: |
$22,985 |
100% |
National Indian Education Conference
Will take place October 7 - 11, 2019
Voted on last year that funds can be used for conference expenses
BSD Title VI Website
506 form available online
NAPAC bylaws uploaded
Flyer of upcoming event will be posted
New Title VI Coordinator
Interviews took place on Aug. 16th
Will begin on Oct. 14th
Will have time to train with Brandon and transition into new role before Brandon leaves
Campus Tours
University of Portland
When sending information on events, send by:
Text messages
Robo calls
Post on website
Send flyers to secretaries or provide at back-to-school night events
Link website to emails
Voted On Committee Positions
Chair - Flo
Vice Chair - John Matthews (Amanda will not be available during part of the school year)
At Large - Vote at next meeting
Student Rep - Evelyn Boone
Treasurer - Vote at next meeting
Voted on Title VI logo - We Honor The Land of the Kalapuya
Option A Font - 4 votes
Option B Font - 10 votes (brush stroke font)
Camas Flower - 5 votes
Salmon - 8 votes
Translation of words - We honor the land of the Kalapuya
October 23, 2019
NAPAC Meeting AgendaAttendance: Chris Rempel, Debra Henely, Neyfi Dominguez, Evelyn Boone, Benita Navarro, John Mackey Announcements
Open issues
New business
Adjourned at 7:58PM
Next Meeting: Thursday, November 21st 6-7:30PM at the MLD
November 21, 2019
NAPAC Meeting Agenda
Attendance: Chris Rempel (note taker), Floranda Berglund, Deb Henely, John Mackey, Ticey Mason, Benita Navarro, Toshiko Maurizio, Daria Bingham
- Feedback on Winter Culture Night - Lots of families! Glad to have pizza. Parents still want to see more hands-on activities. Lots of good events put on by other groups in the area as well. Daria from HSD Title VI mentioned inviting students from neighboring districts to attend each other’s events. Hillsboro has after school activities in partnership with NARA once every other week. They also have a Pow Wow, with the next one on Apr 3rd 2020
Open issues
- NAPAC Committee Vacancies - Still no secretary/treasurer or volunteers for nomination
- Logo - Logo is finished, will be included on all letterheads and events
New business
- NAPAC Meeting Scheduling for the year - Meetings will be held monthly on the 4th Thursday of each month. No December meeting. March meeting with occur right before culture night at 5:30PM
- High School Graduation Stoles - Toshiko’s mom had donated patches for stoles last year. Can make new ones this year if needed. In the past, NAPAC has helped cut and sew stoles for graduating seniors. May look into having sewing machines available at future culture nights/meetings
- Newsletter - Deb shared Chicago Public School’s Title VI newsletter. Includes community AI/AN events. Published weekly, but they have more staff in their program. Chris said he will look into district’s digital newsletter license.
- Senate Bill 13 - Deb requested an update on how the district is implementing Senate Bill 13 at the next meeting
Adjourned at 7:38PM