Dual Language Programs
In dual language programs, students are taught literacy and academic content in both English and a partner language. Currently, BSD has Spanish-English dual language programs at five elementary schools, one K-8 school, two middle schools and three high schools in addition to a Mandarin Chinese-English dual language program at one elementary school.
The mission of dual language education is to honor and develop multilingual, multiliterate and multicultural students through a rigorous, culturally inclusive education while empowering them to become agents of change in a global community. The vision of the BSD dual language program is that:
- All students attain a high level of bilingualism and biliteracy in two or more languages.
- All students value their bilingualism and biliteracy as positive assets.
- All students meet or exceed grade-level learning targets in all subject areas.
- All students learn to value the diversity of our community’s cultures and gain sociocultural competence.
- All students graduate with the Oregon Seal of Biliteracy and are well prepared to thrive as global citizens.
Dual language classes are not the same as World Language classes. While dual language encompasses both language and subject content acquisition, World Language is focused on language acquisition at the middle and high school level. Some BSD high schools require at least two credits of a World Language toward a student's graduation requirement.
Program Updates for 2025-2026
We are excited to inform you of our Phase 3 Dual Language Expansion plans that will begin in the 2025-2026 school year.
The Beaverton School District has been working on a plan to continue expansion of dual language programs throughout the district, so that all students if they choose the option, may attend a dual language school - in elementary through high school with the goal of acquiring biliteracy/multiliteracy skills. The decision to expand dual language programs is based upon a number of factors:
Research indicates that students in dual language programs have a higher on-track graduation rate and are more likely to attend college after high school.
Research also suggests that students who participate in dual language programs experience greater confidence, self-esteem and a sense of belonging in their school communities.
Research provides strong evidence for the implementation of bilingual education as the standard service - rather than exception - for English-Learner-classified students.
Dual language programming aligns to the mission, vision, strategies and outcomes of the district’s new strategic plan.
Results from a survey of BSD families during the 22-23 school year indicated that there was profound interest in the community for students to have access to these programs.
Phase 3 of our expansion efforts which will begin in the 2025-2026 school year. This phase does not add a new dual language school or a new language. Rather, it expands access within existing dual language programs so more students are able to participate in these programs if they choose to.
Aloha-Huber Park will expand dual language access at Grade 3 from two out of five classes offering dual language to three out of five. Aloha Huber will be a hub school and will receive interested K-3 students from Erroll Hassel and Chehalem Elementary. Students from Erroll Hassell and Chehalem will receive transportation.
Hazeldale will continue to expand its Spanish dual language program by adding two classrooms at Grade 1. Hazeldale will be a hub school and will receive interested K-1 students from Kinnaman. Students from Kinnaman will receive transportation.
Jacob Wismer will continue to expand its Mandarin dual language program by adding two classrooms at Grade 1. In addition, transportation will be provided for families interested in attending Jacob Wismer dual language program from Sato and Springville.
McKinley will add a kindergarten cohort with two Spanish classrooms and three English classrooms.
William Walker will continue to expand its Spanish dual language program by adding two classrooms at Grade 2.