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Beaverton School District
Beaverton School District

Beaverton Schools

Interpretation & Translation Services

Interpretation Services Poster

The Multilingual Department provides qualified language assistance services to parents and ensures they have adequate notice of and meaningful access to information about all BSD programs, services and activities. A wide range of parent outreach and communication strategies are implemented including experienced and highly qualified bilingual facilitators, multilingual posters clearly posted in BSD buildings, multilingual ParentSquare communications, Spanish-English bilingual BSD Briefs, and comprehensive translation and interpretation services. Translation and Interpretation services are provided for parent-teacher conferences, special education meetings, discipline meetings, counseling appointments, home visits, and phone calls.  

There are 13 bilingual facilitators in the Multilingual Department who are responsible for providing district-wide translation and interpretation services in:

  • Arabic
  • Chinese
  • Dari/Farsi
  • Japanese
  • Korean
  • Pashto
  • Russian
  • Somali/Maay Maay
  • Spanish
  • Vietnamese

There are 17 Spanish-speaking bilingual facilitators responsible for strengthening home-school connection at the middle and high school levels in addition to providing school-specific translation and interpretation services.

If you need help in a language not listed above, use this form and a representative from the Multilingual Department will contact you. 

This form may also be used for general questions regarding interpretation and translation services.

For urgent matters, please call the Multilingual Department at 503.356.3755.


​Beaverton Schools offers, at no cost, equipment for language interpretation at BSD events. This equipment is requested by schools and consists of transmitters and headsets. One transmitter is needed for each language group, and one headset for each person requiring interpretation services. Each transmitter includes a headset for the interpreter. Language interpretation equipment is located at the Multilingual Department at 1260 NW Waterhouse Ave., Beaverton, OR 97006.