Migrant Education Services
This chart contains information about the services provided to eligible students and families in Beaverton's Migrant Education Program (MEP)
All Grade Levels
- Free SAT and AP tests
- César Chávez Leadership Conference
- Oregon Migrant Leadership Institute
- Mente Summit
- HEP program
- CAMP program
- Homework Help
Free SAT and AP tests
César Chávez Leadership Conference
One-day leadership conference in the spring. Mission: “To instill in Latino(a) and migrant youth the value of education, which nurtures mind, body and spirit in order to develop a social consciousness that empowers them as leaders for social justice and civic responsibility in the greater community.”
BSD Contact:
Ana Estrada, Migrant Graduation Specialist
Oregon Migrant Leadership Institute
Develops leadership skills in Oregon's high school migrant students as well as to expose and familiarize them with the college environment to strengthen the belief that college is a reality for them.
BSD Contact:
Ana Estrada, Migrant Graduation Specialist
Mente Summit
A day-long gathering that brings together professionals, college, and high school students (boys) to address many of the inequities and barriers facing Latino males. Participants will connect with community leaders to reflect and build momentum to encourage more Latinos to complete a Higher Education.
BSD Contact:
Ana Estrada, Migrant Graduation Specialist
HEP program
The High School Equivalency Program (HEP) helps students or parents get their GED. This program helps migrant students their first year of college to give support and help to make it during their first year. Chemeketa CC (Salem), Rock Creek CC (NW Portland), OSU (Corvallis), and Treasure Valley CC (Ontario) all have HEP and CAMP programs. OSU has a room and board for HEP.
BSD Contact:
Ana Estrada, Migrant Graduation Specialist
CAMP program
There are four College Assistance for Migrant Students Program (CAMP) in Oregon. This program helps migrant students their first year of college to give support and help to make it during their first year. Chemeketa CC (Salem), Rock Creek CC (NW Portland), OSU (Corvallis), and Treasure Valley CC (Ontario) all have HEP and CAMP programs.
BSD Contact:
Ana Estrada, Migrant Graduation Specialist