AP Computer Science Application
Students focus on learning Java, one of the most ubiquitous object-oriented programming languages. This course will prepare students for the AP CS A exam. Students learn how to make and use strings, lists, arrays, 2d arrays, and hash maps. They write recursive methods and write and perform run-time analysis on five or six common sorting and searching algorithms. Students will learn to make web-based, desktop or Android applications by learning to apply Java in Android Studio or Net Beans development environments. Students use the Agile Design model of product development in designing an application for an authentic client in the larger community. The project, including the portfolio and presentation that goes with it, will act as the Computer Programming and Software Development (CPSD) pathway TSA (Technical Skills Assessment). Students who pass the TSA, including the security portion to the project, and who have passed Cybersecurity are eligible for recognition as completing the CPSD pathway of study. AP CS Principles is a prerequisite for this course.
- 1.0 Credit (2 semesters)
- 10-12 grade
Cyber Security
Students identify cybersecurity threats and protect against them, detect intrusions and respond to attacks, examine their digital footprint and learn to defend their personal data. The course is designed to expose high school students to the ever-growing and far-reaching field of cybersecurity. This will be accomplished through problem-based learning, where students role play as cybersecurity experts. The course encourages socially responsible choices and ethical behavior, and utilizes algorithmic and computational thinking, especially “outside-the-box” thinking. Students explore the many educational and career paths available to cybersecurity experts, as well as other careers that comprise the field of information security. AP CS Principles is a prerequisite for this course.
- 1.0 Credit (2 semesters)
- 10-12 grade