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Beaverton School District
Beaverton School District

Beaverton Schools

Terra Nova Sustainable Agriculture

"Terra Nova made learning science real. This is not a textbook, it's get your hands dirty and see it in real life science. It's amazing!"

WHS Graduate

group of lots of students working in the garden at Terra Nova

Are you interested in...

  • Discussing global environmental issues
  • Growing your own food
  • Using science and engineering to solve problems
  • Working and learning outdoors
  • Pursuing your own learning
  • Cooking local foods
  • Being part of a community
students showing off corn they grew

In this program, you'll...

  • Apply sustainable farming practices
  • Use power tools, equipment, and machinery to solve problems
  • Learn business skills needed to support small business
  • Use a farm, wood shop, and kitchen to meet BSD biology and chemistry standard
  • Use primary scientific journals as supplemental text
  • Look at issues through environmental, social, and economic lenses


The courses at Terra Nova are open to students from all comprehensive high schools and FLEX On-Line School.  Sign up during forecasting in the Spring.  Make sure the courses are listed as your first choice.  If a course has more interested students than enrollment space, a lottery will be conducted.  District transportation is provided between a student’s home comprehensive high school and the Terra Nova farm.

Click on each tab to see what courses are offered for students at each grade level. 


Interested in what kind of training might come after high school? Want to know specific incomes for the state of Oregon? Click here for the Oregon Career Explorer.

After Graduation Careers and Income