Are you considering attending college after high school and would like to learn more about what colleges are seeking in an applicant? Concerned about how to pay for college? Unsure of how to start the planning process?
Beaverton School District invites you to attend our upcoming College and Career Readiness virtual events. You'll hear from presenters about tips for setting a senior year timeline, how to write a compelling college essay and the basics of financial aid. The recordings for these events will be posted on this webpage shortly after the event for viewing, in case you're unable to attend.
These sessions are recommended for students in grades 10-12 and their families. Join us on Zoom. We look forward to seeing you!
Rising Senior Year Timeline & Tips: When to do what for post-high school planning
Selecting the right educational fit
Month-to-month plan of what to be working on
Topics include: testing, essays, applications, financial aid and scholarships
How to Write a College Essay
What is a college essay
What makes a compelling essay
What to write about
Writing tips
Financial Aid Basics
What is financial aid
Understanding your financial awards
Comparing the costs of schools
The Virtual College Information Session was recorded. Each of the three sessions were 30 minutes in length and were in the following order:
00:00:00 The Year Ahead- Senior Year Timeline
00:28:05 Wring the College Essay Writing
01:01:44 Financial Aid Basics