Elementary School Maps
Use the link below to view Elementary Schools' preferred walk/bike routes. This interactive map shows all Elementary walk zones in the District. Zoom in on your school and plan your route today! (Looking for Middle or High School maps? Use the tabs above to find the maps for these schools.)
Elementary School Arrival/Departure Maps
Use the menu below to choose your school and view the procedures for all modes of travel during arrival and departure. Each map outlines routes for travel by foot/bike, car and bus and includes school specific rules, hazards to look for and any crossing guards present.
- Aloha Huber Park K-8
- Barnes
- Beaver Acres
- Bethany
- Bonny Slope
- Cedar Mill
- Chehalem
- Cooper Mountain
- Elmonica
- Errol Hassell
- Findley
- Fir Grove
- Greenway
- Hazeldale
- Hiteon
- Jacob Wismer
- Kinnaman
- McKay
- McKinley
- Montclair
- Nancy Ryles
- Oak Hills
- Raleigh Hills
- Raleigh Park
- Ridgewood
- Rock Creek
- Sato
- Scholls Heights
- Sexton Mountain
- Springville
- Terra Linda
- Vose
- West Tualatin View
- William Walker
Aloha Huber Park K-8
Aloha-Huber K-8 School's attendance area is between two highways with a major arterial running down the middle. The neighborhood immediately around the school is walkable. The county has identified several projects that could increase walking and biking to the school.
In order to improve safety at dismissal, the team has decided to separate the bus departure time and the family vehicle pick up time, and use the same space, which is twice as long as the original pick up area in the parking lot. Parents who wish to pick up students valet style, must wait until 2:35 pm, when all buses have departed, to enter the bus loop. If parents wish to pick up students at 2:20 pm, they must enter the parking lot before 2 pm, park and walk to the main entrance to meet students. Please do not park along SW 173rd Ave. We encourage you to have your child(ren) ride the bus. This is the fastest way to get home.
Arrival Procedure
Departure Procedure
In the 2019/2020 School Year Aloha Huber Park completed an action plan, working with Washington County and Safe Routes to School.
Barnes Elementary School is in Washington County, and is sandwiched between three major arterials. The majority of students are bused. The school encourages families to use the busing offered to improve conditions in the clogged parking lot and increase safety for all road users. In the 2019-2020 school year SRTS gave Pedestrian Safety Classes to the entire school. They also created their first Action Plan with SRTS in 2019-2020.
La escuela primaria de Barnes se encuentra en el condado de Washington y se encuentra entre tres arterias principales. La mayoría de los estudiantes viajan en autobús. La escuela alienta a las familias a usar el servicio de autobús que se ofrece para mejorar las condiciones en el estacionamiento obstruido y aumentar la seguridad de todos los usuarios de la vía. En el año escolar 2019-2020, SRTS brindó clases de seguridad para peatones a toda la escuela. También crearon su primer Plan de Acción con SRTS en 2019-2020.
Arrival/Departure Procedure
Procedimiento deLllegada/Salida
Beaver Acres
At Beaver Acres Elementary the majority of students are bused. The school encourages families to use the busing service offered to improve conditions in the clogged parking lot and increase safety for all road users.
Washington County, Tualatin Hills Parks and Recreation Department and neighbors have prioritized the connection of Augusta Lane. This project was completed in 2021 and includes the newly built Augusta Lane pedestrian bridge which allows more students and families to walk and bike to school.
Arrival/Departure Procedure
Suggested Car Routes
Bethany Elementary School's parents and Green Team is committed to having more families walk or bike to school to improve conditions in the clogged parking lot and driveway which often spills out onto NW 174th Ave.
The school team worked hard through 2017 to research, apply for and fund raise for a Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacon (RRFB). This project was part of their action plan. Included in their action plan is pedestrian and bike safety lessons in PE classes, monthly walk and bike to school days and additional bike racks.
Arrival/Departure Procedure
Bonny Slope
Bonny Slope was first opened in 2008. The school is located on NW McDaniel, a busy, narrow, no shoulder road with few paths or sidewalks. The area has a mix of new & old developments with many still being built. Most have fenced type communities opening to McDaniel and only one has a connecting path that currently can lead to school property.
Bonny Slope Elementary completed their first Action Plan in 2010. A Preferred Travel Route Map was developed in 2012, and in 2015, a team representing the school, school district, Washington County Sheriff and Transportation Departments proposed Staggered Release as an solution to the increasing problem caused by too many vehicles dropping off and picking up students.
The Bonny Slope Team decided to separate the bus departure time and the family vehicle pick up time, and use the same space, which is twice as long as the original pick up area in the parking lot. Parents who wish to pick up students valet style, must wait until 3:05, when all buses have departed, to enter bus loop. If parents wish to pick up students at dismissal time, they must park and meet students grades 1-5 at the front of school, and Kindergarten students on the southwest side of the school.
Arrival Procedure
Departure Procedure
Cedar Mill
Cedar Mill Elementary School is in Washington County, and several students are bused to school because of the fast speeds and limited safe connections along Cornell Rd. to the safer walkable area around the school. However, 2023 saw new sidewalks installed along Cornell which was the first needed improvement to increase the walkability for the school community. The school encourages families to walk, bike or bus to improve conditions in the clogged parking lot, often spilling out onto Cornell Road, and increase safety for all road users.
Cedar Mill has two Walking School Bus Routes that meet monthly to encourage more students and families to try walking to school.
Arrival Procedure
Departure Procedure
Chehalem Elementary School draws students from the surrounding school neighborhood and has had a history of Walking School Bus Days throughout the year.
The PTO promotes monthly Walk+ Roll Days. For the 2019-2020 school year they also participated in WashCO Adopt-A-Bike program in the winter, with 10 students receiving bikes, locks, helmets and lights. The program also fitted the helmets and bikes to the students, and provided safety training.
The school does have a significant number of potential walkers and bikers and is working to increase these numbers to improve conditions in the clogged parking lot, often spilling out on to Davis, and increase safety for all road users.
Arrival/Departure Procedure
Cooper Mountain
Cooper Mountain Elementary School draws students from walkable areas north and south of the school. Students to the north must cross Bany and 170th, and with trained crossing guards and frequent enforcement the users of this intersection are getting better at treating all road users with respect.
The student Green Team hosts a Walking School Bus at least once a month that departs from the Hart Rd shopping area.
Arrival/Departure Procedure
Elmonica Elementary School is committed to the safety of all students and wants to improve conditions in the clogged parking lot to increase safety for all. Staff at the school and district successfully started doing a staggered release in 2017 and continues to promote and encourage walking and biking as a good solution. For the 2019 Walk and Roll to school day they held a large event and raffle for all students walking and biking to school that day.
Arrival/Departure Procedure
Errol Hassell
Errol Hassell Elementary School is in Washington County's CPO 6 and in a predominantly low-volume and speed walkable neighborhood. The school is committed to the safety of all students and wants to improve conditions in the clogged parking lot to increase safety for all They encourage those who can walk and bike to do so, and take the bus if it's offered. The PTO has been hosting their Walk+Bike to School Day since 2016. In the 2019-2020 school year SRTS gave Pedestrian Safety Classes to the entire school.
Arrival/Departure Procedure
Findley Elementary School is at the intersection of Saltzman and Thompson. The guards help students cross in all directions. Findley has been participating in Walk+Bike to School Day since 2009. The school is looking to promote safe walking and biking to improve conditions and to increase safety for all road users.
Arrival/Departure Procedure
Fir Grove
Fir Grove Elementary School has a large walkable and bikeable area in the Highland Neighborhood of Beaverton. The school hosts community walk and bike rides and promotes safety through PE classes.
Fir Grove has been participating in Walk+Bike to School Day since 2012. Fir Grove also hosts an annual bike rodeo and community ride in the spring to prepare for May's bike to school day. This fun event teaches children to practice safe riding skills, provides bicycle/helmet fit checks, as well as free helmets for students that need them. In the 2019-2020 school year SRTS gave Pedestrian Safety Classes to the entire school. They also participated in WashCO Adopt-A-Bike program in the winter, with 10 students receiving bikes, locks, helmets and lights. The program also fitted the helmets and bikes to the students, and provided safety training.
Arrival/Departure Procedure
Greenway Elementary School has a large walkable and bikeable area in the Greenway Neighborhood of Beaverton. The crossing guards help students cross Greenway and 125th on routes to school and Downing in front of the school. The school continues to promote safe walking and biking to improve conditions in the clogged parking lot and to increase safety for all road users. Greenway’s first Walk + Roll to School Day was 2015.
Arrival Procedure
Departure Procedure
Hazeldale Elementary School is in CPO 6 and the walkable and bikeable areas are immediately around the school on both sides of Farmington Road.
Arrival/Departure Procedure
La escuela primaria Hazeldale está en CPO 6 y las áreas transitables a pie o en bicicleta están inmediatamente alrededor de la escuela en ambos lados de Farmington Road.
Procedimiento de llegada y salida
Hiteon Elementary School has a large walkable and bikeable area in the South Beaverton Neighborhood. The crossing guards help student cross Brockman in front of the school and cross Davis to the west. The school works with the city to encourage and enforce safe and responsible arrival and departure procedures to help increase safety for all road users going to the school and traveling through the community.
Arrival/Departure Procedure
Jacob Wismer
Jacob Wismer Elementary School has a large walkable and bikeable area in CPO 7 of Washington County. The crossing guards help student cross Skycrest at Crady and Wendy Lane at Crady. The school continues to promote safe walking and biking to improve conditions in the clogged parking lot and to increase safety for all road users. In the 2019-2020 school year SRTS gave Pedestrian Safety Classes to the entire school.
Arrival/Departure Procedure
Kinnaman Elementary School is located in CPO 6 of Washington County and has a challenging walkable and bikeable area. The crossing guards help student cross Kinnaman and cross the parking lot in front of the school. The school agrees that increased walking and biking where it’s safe would improve conditions in the clogged parking lot, as would increased traffic and speed enforcement along Kinnaman.
Arrival/Departure Procedure
McKay Elementary School is located in the Denny, Whitford, Raleigh West Neighborhood of Beaverton and has a challenging walkable and bikeable area because it fronts on Scholls Ferry Road. The school agrees that increased walking and biking where it’s safe would improve conditions in the clogged parking lot, as would increased speed enforcement along Scholls Ferry. McKay completed an Action Plan with Safe Routes to School in 2022 which prioritized needed improvements to increase safe pedestrian access to campus.
Arrival/Departure Procedure
Montclair Elementary is in the City of Beaverton while all roads surrounding the school are controlled by Washington County. The school attendance boundary includes the Denny- Whitford Neighborhoods and the Vermont/ Oleson intersection is the primary concern. The school has a small parking lot, a long entrance road with narrow access turns. The school is looking to prioritize walking/ biking and busing and hoping to decrease single passenger trips to school to alleviate the clogged parking lot.
Arrival/Departure Procedure
Nancy Ryles
Nancy Ryles Elementary School is in Neighbors Southwest of Beaverton and its large walkable area is mainly to the south and east of the school. The school agrees that increased walking and biking where it’s safe and taking the bus when it’s available would improve conditions in the clogged parking lot and increase safety for all travel modes.
The school closes the parking lot to cars for arrival and departure times so bus, bikes and walkers can travel safely.
Arrival/Departure Procedure
Oak Hills
Oak Hills Elementary is in Washington County in CPO 7. They developed preferred walking and biking maps in 2012, including arrival/ departure maps and updated those in 2015 to reflect elimination of the buses and to help the families now walking or biking. The school is looking to prioritize walking/ biking and busing and hoping to decrease single passenger trips to school to alleviate the clogged parking lot.
Oak Hills added a Park + Walk location at the Oak Hills Church in 2022 to decrease congestion in the crowded parking lot and nearby streets.
Arrival/Departure Procedure
Raleigh Hills
The Raleigh Hills School building is currently under construction. In the interim, Raleigh Hills students will attend the Greenway Elementary School Campus. While the infrastructure surrounding the Greenway School is very walkable, all Raleigh Hills students and families are encouraged to utilize the bus service provided. Busing to school helps eliminate congestion and pollution around the school building making arrival and departure safer for everyone.
Arrival Procedure
Departure Procedure
Raleigh Park
Raleigh Park Elementary School is in CPO 3 and draws students from the neighborhood south of the school. The school encourages students to use buses when available and walk or bike when able to do so safely to improve conditions in the clogged parking lot and increase safety for all travel modes.
Arrival/Departure Procedure
Ridgewood Elementary is in CPO 1 in Washington County and is in a neighborhood with low traffic and many neighborhood streets without sidewalks but with low traffic. The school attendance boundary includes neighborhoods across Hwy 217 and Hwy 26 and has several buses.
The school completed an Action Plan in 2010 and developed preferred walking and biking maps in 2012, including arrival/ departure maps, and updated it in 2016. The school has a small parking lot with challenging access turns. The school is looking to prioritize walking/ biking and busing and hoping to decrease single passenger trips to school to alleviate the clogged parking lot.
Arrival/Departure Procedure
Rock Creek
Rock Creek Elementary is in CPO 7 in Washington County and is in a neighborhood with low traffic and many neighborhood streets without sidewalks but with low traffic. The school attendance boundary includes neighborhoods across east of 185th that requires busing.
The school is looking to prioritize walking/ biking and busing and hoping to decrease single passenger trips to school to alleviate the clogged parking lot and streets during arrival and departure times.
Arrival/Departure Procedure
Sato Elementary School opened in the fall of 2017 as the Beaverton School District's 34th elementary school. It is in the rapidly growing North Bethany area CPO7. As infrastructure and neighborhoods begins to build up around the school, they began their first walk route February of 2020. They will increase walking opportunities as development and infrastructure catches up. The arrival departure map below does not capture the latest walk zone due to no updated aerial pictures from google earth. The neighborhood on the east side of Kaiser is now developed with sidewalks, a 4 way stop, crosswalk, and crossing guard.
Arrival/Departure Procedure
Scholls Heights
Scholls Heights Elementary is in Neighbors Southwest in the newly annexed area of Beaverton. Presently, the walkable area is in the immediate vicinity of the school and the majority of the busing serves the neighborhoods south of Scholls Ferry Road.
With new developments in the South Cooper Mountain area, school is looking to prioritize walking/ biking and busing and hoping to decrease single passenger trips to school to alleviate the clogged parking lot and streets especially during arrival and departure times.
Arrival/Departure Procedure
Sexton Mountain
Sexton Mountain updated their Action Plan in 2020 to prioritize projects and activities that will increase safety for all travel modes and increase the number of students and families who choose to walk or roll to school.
Sexton Mountain 2020 Action Plan
Sexton Mountain started a weekly Walking School bus program in 2011 and a weekly Bike Bus in the spring of 2024. The Sexton Mountain Walking School Bus departs from the local Walmart Grocery parking lot at 7:30 am every Thursday and Sparky's Bike Bus departs from Carolwood Park at 7:30 am every Wednesday - rain or shine! On some days there can be over 100 walkers on “The Bus” and and 50 riders biking together, up to 70% of the students participating on event days.
Arrival/Departure Procedure
Springville School is in CPO 7 in Washington County with good walking and biking routes surrounding the school. The school is looking to prioritize walking/ biking and busing and hoping to decrease vehicle trips to school to alleviate the clogged parking lot and streets during arrival and departure times.
Springville Arrival/Departure Map
Springville Park & Walk
To increase visibility and ensure buses can pass, we ask our families to please avoid parking along NW Joss Street and crossing the street midblock. Instead, consider parking by Arbor Oaks Park, along NW Dingo Drive. By using the route shown below, students can stay safe by using the protected crosswalks!
Terra Linda
Vose Elementary School is the Vose Neighborhood in Beaverton. The school has a large walkable and bikeable area and has crossing guards in front of school to help students cross Denny. The school has prioritized walking, biking and busing to reduce the problems associated with spill out on to Denny Road.
Vose Arrival and Departure Procedure Maps
West Tualatin View
West Tualatin View Elementary School is CPO 1 of Washington County. The school’s walkable and bikeable area is mainly to the north and west of the school. West TV was the first school within Beaverton School District to have a SRTS grant. This allowed the school to host regular Walk to School Days, education activities and published walking/ biking routes to the school.
Washington County took note and has built several of the missing sidewalks and crossings. The school has prioritized walking, biking and busing to increase safety and efficiency of the parking lot and reduce traffic problems along Leahy.
Arrival Procedure
Departure Procedure
William Walker
William Walker is bound on two sides by the high traffic/high speed roadways of SW Cedar Hills Blvd. and SW Walker Rd. Due to these hazards, approximately 100% of students attending William Walker are provided with a bus. Students are encouraged to ride the bus provided to them to increase the safety and health of the school community and decrease the congestion in the school parking lot.
Arrival/Departure Procedure
Middle School
Middle School Maps
Use the link below to view Middle Schools' preferred walk/bike routes. This interactive map shows all Middle School walk zones in the District. Zoom in on your school and plan your route today! (Looking for Elementary or High School maps? Use the tabs above to find the maps for these schools.)
Middle School Arrival/Departure Maps
Use the menu below to choose your school and view the procedures for all modes of travel during arrival and departure. Each map outlines routes for travel by foot/bike, car and bus and includes school specific rules, hazards to look for and any crossing guards present.
Cedar Park
Cedar Park Middle School draws from a large area and has 23 regular buses serving the attendance area situated in a neighborhood just south-west of the Highway 26 and Hwy 217 interchange. The school does have a significant number of potential active commuters and is working to increase these numbers to improve conditions in the clogged roads and parking lot, and increase safety for all road users. Park Way is a major bike route for cyclists traveling between Beaverton and Portland.
Arrival/Departure Procedure
Conestoga Middle School draws students from a large area with a significant number of students coming from the walkable and bikeable neighborhoods to the north of Scholls Ferry. The school promotes safe walking and biking to improve conditions in the clogged parking lot to increase safety for all road users.
Arrival Procedure
Departure Procedure
Five Oaks
Five Oaks Middle School is in CPO 7 and the walkable and bikeable areas are mostly to the west of 173rd and are helped crossing with a full crossing and guard in front of school. The school continues to promote safe walking and biking to improve conditions in the clogged parking lot and to increase safety for all road users.
Arrival/Departure Procedure
Highland Park
Highland Park Middle School has a large walkable and bikeable area in the Highland Neighborhood of Beaverton. There are several trails linking the good routes to the school. The school continues to promote safe walking and biking to improve conditions in the clogged parking lot and to increase safety for all road users.
Arrival/Departure Procedure
Meadow Park
Meadow Park Middle School is in CPO 1 of Washington County and its walkable area is to the north and west of the school. It has a large bus area due to being located between Highway 26, Walker and Murray. The school agrees that increased walking and biking where it’s safe and taking the bus when it’s available would improve conditions in the clogged parking lot and increase safety for all travel modes.
Arrival/Departure Procedure
Mountain View
Mountain View Middle School is in CPO 6 of Washington County and its large walkable area is to the south of Farmington both east and west of the school. The school agrees that increased walking and biking where it’s safe and taking the bus when it’s available would improve conditions in the clogged parking lot and increase safety for all travel modes.
In 2014, a select group of students created videos, with the Oregon Department of Transportation, to promote the dangers of distracted walking.
Arrival/Departure Procedure
Whitford Middle School is located in the Denny, Whitford, Raleigh West Neighborhood of Beaverton and has a challenging walkable and bikeable area because it fronts on Scholls Ferry Road. The school agrees that increased walking and biking where it’s safe would improve conditions in the clogged parking lot, as would increased traffic and speed enforcement along Scholls Ferry.
Arrival/Departure Procedure
High School
High School Maps
Use the link below to view High Schools' preferred walk/bike routes. This interactive map shows all High School walk zones in the District. Zoom in on your school and plan your route today! (Looking for Elementary or Middle School maps? Use the tabs above to find the maps for these schools.)
High School Arrival/Departure Maps
We are working on creating these maps for all High Schools at this time. Thank you for your patience.
Mountainside has a large walkable area South and West of the school. Walking, biking and busing is strongly encouraged to decrease congestion and increase traffic safety during arrival and departure hours. Traffic during the beginning of a school year can be very busy as new parents and new student drivers learn our system. PLEASE BE PATIENT with one another. You can help by leaving the house early and following the directions below:
Student drop-off, pick-up
Adults who wish to drop off students in the morning, or pick students up in the afternoon, are asked to do so using the student parking lot entrance off of 175th Ave. Please stay in the outside lane as your car comes toward the school and continue to pull forward until you reach the drop-off area located by the exit doors of the auditorium. Pulling all the way forward is critical as those who stop and drop off short of the zone end up causing backups behind their car. This creates a safety hazard, as other cars will be coming in from the light and won't have a place to go. Within the first 100 yards of the entrance to the lot, there is a red curb fire lane. There is no stopping or parking in this zone. If cars are backed up to that area, please pull around and circle back through the parking lot. Reminder, this is the STUDENT PARKING lot. PLEASE DRIVE SLOW AND BE CAUTIOUS.
PLEASE DO NOT USE THE STAFF LOT for pick-up or drop-off. The Staff Lot is reserved for Staff and for school buses.
All cars parked in the student parking lot off of 175th should have a student parking permit that is clearly displayed. Cars parked without a clearly displayed parking permit will be given citations. We encourage students who do not have parking permits to park off campus or carpool.
There is a separate lot for buses that pick students up from Mountainside.
Southridge High School utilizes the northern most parking lot for student and visitor parking and buses. There are two additional parking lots to the east facing the front entry. The right hand side is for student and visitor parking and the left hand side is reserved for staff only.
Arrival Procedure Map
In the afternoon, buses load students at the front of the building. Motorists are asked not to arrive to pick up students until after 3:40 pm or until all buses have departed.
Westview High School has a large walkable area north of Sunset Highway. Walking, biking and busing is strongly encouraged to decrease congestion and increase traffic safety during arrival and departure hours. Many neighboring streets enforce a "No Parking Except By Permit". There is limited student parking in the South parking lot and students must purchase a school parking pass.
The traffic route in the North parking lot is for dropping off and picking up students. No drop offs should occur in the South parking lot. Additionally, the Rock Creek Elementary School parking lot is closed to Westview traffic at all times. Families may utilize the Yedam Presbytarian Church parking lot if they prefer to drop off students remotely and have them walk a short distance to school. This Park + Walk option increases safety and decreases congestion and wait times in the school parking lot.
Arrival/Departure Procedure
Park + Walk Map
Options Schools
Options School Walk Zone/Routes Maps
Beaverton Option School programs are unique in that they draw attendance from across the district.
Options School Arrival/Departure Maps
We are working on creating these maps for all Options Schools at this time. Thank you for your patience.
Students are encouraged to ride their provided school bus to decrease congestion in the small parking lot. Students who wish to drive their own vehicle to school must register for a parking pass. There are no left turns permitted from both driveway exits during the hours of 7:15-8:45 am and 1:30 -2:30 pm. This will help with traffic flow and smooth arrival and departure process. To ensure the safety of our community, please do not illegally park along 113th Ave or Center St and keep all bike lanes clear. If the parking lot is full in the afternoon consider arriving a few minutes later or designating a neighborhood street nearby to meet your student.
ACMA Arrival and Departure Procedure Map
Beaverton Academy of Science and Engineering is located in the Capitol Building which is a shared space with the Community Transitions Program and the FLEX On-Line Program. Additionally, the parking lot is shared with private businesses. The small walkable area of BASE is confined by the busy arterial streets of NW Walker Rd and SW 185th Ave.
For the safety of students and staff, all student drop off via private vehicle must utilize the back of the school. Please utilize the entire unloading zone to ensure a quick and smooth process. This is also the primary pick up location for students, however, after buses have departed at 2:20 pm, families may also utilize the bus lane adjacent to the school for student pick up.
BASE students with registered vehicles and a paid parking pass may park in the Staff and Student Parking area. Students may not park in the front lot reserved for BASE Staff and Visitors.
BASE Arrival/Departure Procedure
Community School-Merlo Station
Merlo Station High School- Busing is provided for a variety of programs that are offered at the Merlot Station Community Campus. Students and staff have shown an interest in options for active travel to school and many students utilize transit and the nearby Max light rail for their transportation needs.
There are two primary drop off zones for AM arrivals indicated by the blue dots on the map. Once students are dropped off, use a turn signal and pull away from the curb to the outside lane. This allows other drives to pull forward in the drop zone, increasing the number of students being able to arrive simultaneously.
After 8:00 am, if all buses have departed, our near bus lane will be open for arrivals as well.
Please do not drop off students from the furthest lane in the parking lot, as students would have to pass between parked cars, then navigate a lane of traffic with no crosswalks.
If you use Blanton Street pull off, please pull all the way forward to allow multiple simultaneous drop offs.
Reminder - Please model safe and courteous driving for our students by driving slowly through the parking lot - 5 miles per hour at all times.
International School of Beaverton Arrival Procedure
International School of Beaverton Departure Procedure
Please form two pick-up lanes as indicated on the map below. No cars are allowed in the bus only lane.