Micro-Grant Guide
What Is The Safe Routes To School Micro-Grant?
Metro's SRTS Micro-Grants are available for schools and PTO's to apply for. The grants fund materials and services that are used for transportation-focused events, education, & outreach activities. Metro prioritizes events that are local, community-based, and culturally specific. See the Project Suggestions section for examples of projects.
There are 25 SRTS Micro-Grants available each fiscal year and they fund up to $500 per request. Schools may only receive one micro-grant per school year. Applications for SRTS Micro-Grants will close for the fiscal year when all 25 have been requested.
There is no match of funding required and funds are provided on a reimbursement basis following the submission of a final report and documentation of expenses in the spring. Applications for can be submitted anytime.
4 Easy Steps To Get Funded
Project Suggestions
Safe Routes To School Micro-Grants are commonly used to fund materials for Walking School Buses, Bike Buses, Bike Swaps, Bike Rodeos, special Walk and Roll events, and more. The money can be used to pay for any materials or services connected to the project.
Fund A Walking School Bus. Use the grant money to buy prizes, reflective rain gear for students who use a Walking School Bus (a group of supervised students who walk to school from a meeting point) or use it as a stipend to entice volunteers. Scroll down for more Walking School Bus suggestions!
Host a bike swap or a bike rodeo event. Use the funds to pay a mobile bike mechanic to visit your school during a Bike Swap or Bike Rodeo event. Families get their bikes repaired, kids enjoy riding bikes together, and Safe Routes to School will hand out free helmets.
Start a Bike Bus. Use the funds to organize a Bike Bus for your school. Students gather at a meeting point and enjoy a supervised (and fun!) ride to school. Use the grant funds to pay for prizes, reflective vests, or a volunteer stipend.
Spending Suggestions For Walking School Buses
Sometimes the hardest part of getting funding is trying to decide how you would spend it. Here are three popular ways of using extra funds to build sustainable Walking School Bus routes.
Purchase collectible prizes that are gifted to Walking School Bus participants each time they walk. Students can feel proud of their accomplishments as they collect more prizes.
Ask a group of 5th grade volunteers or a student Green Team to lead a regular Walking School Bus with an adult chaperone. Use the $500 to pay for part of their end-of-year celebration.
Provide a regular Walking School Bus leader with an incentive such as a gift card to a grocery store.
If you need support with applying for your grant, please reach out to Beaverton School District's Safe Routes to School team. If you provide the non-profit tax ID of either your school or PTO, we can help with the rest!