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Beaverton School District
Beaverton School District

Beaverton Schools

Request a New Bus Stop

School bus stops are placed in centralized locations in accordance with the guidelines provided in Beaverton School Board Administrative Regulation EEA-AR. Bus stops will generally not be placed in cul-de-sacs, dead-end streets, or on private roads.

Guidelines for walking distances to stops are:

  • 1584 feet (0.3 miles) for elementary students.
  • 2112 feet (0.4 miles) for middle school students.
  • 2640 (0.5 miles) feet for high school students.

In certain instances, students may be assigned to stops which exceed these distances if local street infrastructure does not support school bus travel. 

New Stop Considerations

Generally, requests to add an additional bus stop will not be granted when a student's assigned stop falls within the walking guidelines listed above. 

Requests to create bus stops inside the Non-Transportation Zone (the area within 1.0 miles of an elementary school, or 1.5 miles of a middle or high school) cannot be granted.

The Transportation department relies on state funding to operate. Regretfully, we are unable to consider personal circumstances in requests to add service inside the Non-Transportation Zones or to move bus stops closer to a residence.