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Beaverton School District
Beaverton School District

Beaverton Schools

BDD - Board Meeting Procedures

Code: BDD
Readopted:  4/24/17
Adopted: 1/30/07
Orig. Code(s): BDD

1.       Quorum

·    A majority of the members of the Board must be present at a meeting in order to conduct business.
·    Four members of a seven-member board is a quorum.

2.       Vote Needed for Exercise of Powers

·    The affirmative vote of a majority of Board members will be necessary for exercising any of the Board’s powers.  For a seven-member board, four affirmative votes are required.

3.       Board Member Voting

·   Each member’s vote on all motions will be recorded in the minutes.

4.       Abstaining From Vote

·   If a Board member chooses to abstain from voting, such abstention will be recorded.
·    Board members abstaining due to an actual or potential conflict of interest must publicly state the conflict. Board members having a potential conflict may vote.

5.       Parliamentary Procedure

·    Official Board business will be transacted by motion or resolution at duly called regular or special meetings.

The Board chair will decide all questions relative to points of order, subject to an appeal to the entire Board.


Legal Reference(s):
ORS 192.650
ORS 244.120(2)
ORS 332.045
ORS 332.055
ORS 332.057
ORS 332.107

38 Or. Atty. Gen. Op. 1995 (1978)
41 Or. Atty. Gen. Op. 28 (1980)