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Beaverton School District
Beaverton School District

Beaverton Schools

DBK - Budget Transfer Authority

Code: DBK
Readopted:  5/15/17
Adopted: 1/11/11
Orig. Code(s): DBK

The adopted district budget is a financial plan which may be subject to change as a result of circumstances or events occurring during the ensuing budget period.  All appropriation transfers shall be authorized when completed by official resolution of the Board.  The authorizing resolution must state: the need for the transfer; its purpose; and the amount of the transfer.

Transfers of general operating contingency appropriations which in aggregate during a fiscal year or budget period exceed 15 percent of the total appropriations of the fund may be made only after the adoption of a supplemental budget prepared for that purpose.

The superintendent has the authority to approve transfers between programs and object codes within the same level of appropriation.

Interfund transfers from the general fund to any other fund are authorized when completed by official resolution of the Board stating the need, purpose and the amount.

Appropriation transfers from any special revenue fund will comply with applicable statutes.


Legal Reference(s):

ORS 294.463