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Beaverton School District
Beaverton School District

Beaverton Schools

Code of Conduct

Disciplinary Interventions & Responses to Student Conduct

The District expects, encourages, and trusts our students to be safe and make healthy decisions regarding their behavior. When students make poor decisions, there may be interventions and responses to those actions that are age appropriate, consider the student’s mental capacity, and to the extent practicable, use approaches that are evident through research to be effective.

The Code of Conduct outlined on pages 31-46 of this handbook applies to students at all times while they are Beaverton School District property, at any school- sponsored activity, including field trips, and while traveling to and from school or any school sponsored event. The District recognizes that some incidents that occur off school ground may seriously affect school safety and school climate. In those cases, the District may implement intervention and disciplinary responses based on their impact on school safety and school climate.

The District shall enforce consistently, fairly, and without bias all student conduct policies, administrative regulations, and school rules.

Mitigating circumstances may include:

  1. age
  2. self-defense
  3. lack of knowledge of rules
  4. provocation
  5. inability to reason
  6. disability

Successful disciplinary practices have the following characteristics:

  1. They are explicit, reasonable, and timely.
  2. They are logical, fair, consistent, and developmentally appropriate.
  3. They include a variety of prevention and intervention measures.
  4. They provide the opportunity for parent/family and student participation.
  5. They respond to individual differences among students with insight and sensitivity.
  6. They ensure the opportunity for students to obtain an education.
  7. They address the needs of the student who engage in the misconduct, the needs of those who were affected by the misconduct, and the needs of the overall school community.

Levels of Intervention and Disciplinary Response

Each level of intervention and discipline in this section may include the strategies described below, but is not in any way limited to those strategies or options that are specifically listed. School personnel have the dis- cretion to use interventions and/or discipline that is deemed appropriate to the conduct.