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Beaverton School District
Beaverton School District

Beaverton Schools

Transition Services

Transition services are provided to student's age 16 or older who have a current Individualized Education Plan (IEP).  At the student's IEP, a transition plan is developed and updated annually that discusses what transition services a student would benefit from based on their individual needs.  Transition services are a set of coordinated activities to assist students with disabilities and their families in thinking about adulthood, making long-range plans, and providing instruction to assist with post-school goals. 

Transition services promote successful movement from school to post-school activities, including post-secondary education, vocational training, integrated employment (including supported employment), continuing and adult education, adult services, independent living, or community participation.  Examples of transition activities that could be provided when appropriate are:

 • Attending career days
 • Exploration on CIS regarding careers
 • Informational interviews
 • Job shadows
 • Assistance finding volunteer work
 • Resume development
 • Researching post secondary school options
 • Instruction in transportation mobility
 • Practice communication and social skills for a variety of settings (work, leisure etc.) with peers
 • Structured work experiences

The transition plan is an integral part of the IEP and may include supports in the areas of Employment, Post Secondary Education, Independent Living, and Community involvement.  The IEP will include a post-secondary goal for the student, with goals and activities to support progress towards the post-secondary goals.


Please see this document on the Special Education Process for more information: BSD Parents Guide to Special Education