Live Public Testimony
The School Board welcomes virtual and in-person public comments during its meetings. It sets aside 20 minutes for public comments. Up to 10 people will be invited to speak for up to two minutes each.
Written Public Testimony
The School Board accepts written comments. The comment window opens on Thursday at noon prior to the board meeting and closes at noon on the day of the board meeting. Comments are collected in an electronic form on the district’s website and made available to the Board prior to the meeting.
Commenters are asked to provide:
Name (first and last name or last name initial)
Affiliation with BSD (student, parent/guardian, staff or other community member)
District residency
Email address and/or phone number (optional) so that staff can follow up, if necessary.
Comment topic
Virtual Public Testimony
The window to sign up to present virtual public comments opens on Thursday at noon prior to the board meeting and closes at noon on the day of the board meeting. Requests are collected in an electronic form on the district’s website.
People requesting to speak are asked to provide:
Name (first and last name or last name initial)
Affiliation with BSD (student, parent/guardian, staff or other community member)
District residency
Email address, so staff can provide Zoom link to meeting
Comment topic
Five spots are reserved for virtual comments. If more than five requests to comment are received, speakers will be selected as described below. Selected virtual commenters are notified by email on the afternoon of the meeting and provided with a Zoom link and instructions. Please see commenting guidelines below.
Any virtual comment spots that are not filled will become available for in-person comments.
In-Person Public Testimony
People requesting to make in-person comments should fill out and turn in a speaker card before the meeting begins. Cards are available in the lobby.
People requesting to speak are asked to provide:
Name (first and last name or last name initial)
Affiliation with BSD (student, parent/guardian, staff or other community member)
District residency
Email address and/or phone number (optional), so that staff can follow up, if necessary
Comment topic
Five slots are reserved for in-person commenters. Any virtual comment spots that are not filled also will be available for in-person comments for a total of up to 10 speakers. If more people submit requests to speak than there are spots available, speakers will be selected as described below.
Please see commenting guidelines below.
Selection of Speakers
If the School Board receives more requests to comment than available spots, requests will be sorted by topic category, and speakers will be selected based on order received and topic variety. No consideration will be given to the commenter’s stance on a particular issue. Priority will be given to students, district residents and speakers who have not already provided public comment during a recent board meeting.
Commenting Guidelines
Only selected commenters are allowed to speak. The time cannot be given or shared with another commenter.
If the commenter attempts to speak for more than two minutes, the Board Chair will issue a single warning. If the commenter continues to speak, the commenter will be muted and/or removed from the meeting.
The Board does not hear charges or complaints against district employees. (Most concerns are best resolved by communication with the individual employee, school or department directly involved in the issue. Concerns also can be shared with the employee’s supervisor or submitted as a complaint in accordance with district complaint procedures via the district website or by contacting the Superintendent’s Office at 503-356-4500.) District employees and board members cannot be named specifically during testimony. If commenters name staff or board members once, they’ll be asked to refrain from doing so again. If they name staff or board members again, their testimony will end.
Board members listen to commenters only. Board members do not respond to comments or ask or answer questions.
People in attendance are asked not to interrupt a commenter’s testimony or the board meeting. If such an interruption occurs, the people interrupting will be given a warning. If it occurs again, they’ll be asked to leave.